12 Better Ways To Say "Take Care" (2024)

“Take care” is a common way to say goodbye to someone. It implies you want them to stay safe and healthy. There are dozens of ways to say goodbye in English, so this article is going to take a look at some good alternatives to “take care.”

What Can I Say Instead Of “Take Care”?

There are plenty of different ways to say goodbye and imply you want the person to stay safe and healthy. Here’s what we’ll be looking at in this article;

  • Take it easy
  • Stay out of trouble
  • Don’t work too hard
  • Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
  • Godspeed
  • Farewell
  • Get home safe
  • Peace (out)
  • Deuces
  • Don’t be a stranger
  • Keep in touch
  • See you later
12 Better Ways To Say "Take Care" (1)

The preferred option is “take it easy.” “Take it easy” is just as casual as “take care,” and has similar implications. You can say “take it easy” when you’re saying goodbye to someone in both informal and professional settings. It’s polite but not overly familiar.

Take It Easy

When you say “take it easy” you’re implying that you want someone to be calm and relaxed. You can say “take it easy” in any informal setting where you would normally say “take care” or “goodbye.”

“Take it easy” is particularly useful when the person you’re saying goodbye to is under a lot of stress or otherwise working really hard.

Like “take care” it’s a more caring way of saying “goodbye.”

Here are some examples:

  • I’m heading out. Take it easy, alright? You look exhausted.
  • You’re heading home? Take it easy.

Stay Out of Trouble

“Stay out of trouble” implies that the person you’re talking to is prone to trouble and you’re giving them gentle encouragement to behave. It can be used seriously or jokingly.

“Stay out of trouble” is most often used in contexts where someone is a known troublemaker, but it can be used in neutral contexts as well. It’s often used ironically, to poke fun at people are never get into any trouble at all.

Here are some examples:

  • Stay out of trouble you two. I don’t have time to pick you up from school in the middle of the day.
  • You headed out? Alright, stay out of trouble.

Don’t Work Too Hard

“Don’t work too hard” can be used in place of “take care” when you want to gently remind someone to take breaks.

“Don’t work too hard” is used similarly to “take it easy.” It can replace “goodbye” but has the additional implications that they need rest.

Unlike “take it easy,” “don’t work too hard” is sometimes used ironically towards people you think are lazy or who are already taking a break.

Here are some examples:

  • I’ll leave you to your cocktails, then. Don’t work too hard!
  • I’m headed out. Don’t work too hard, okay? You don’t have to finish everything tonight.

Don’t Do Anything I Wouldn’t Do

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” is a common phrase people use when someone is going to a party or social event.

You would typically only hear this phrase used seriously if your parents or caretaker said it to you. Between friends, this phrase is typically used teasingly or ironically. When friends say this, they don’t usually mean it.

A friend who is notoriously crazy at parties might jokingly say “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” The joke is that there isn’t anything they wouldn’t do.

Additionally, you might say “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” to someone who is extremely responsible and not prone to partying as a way to tease them.

Here are some more examples:

  • Have fun at the dance. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, okay?
  • Your first college party! Exciting! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.


“Godspeed” is both formal and old-fashioned, but is fairly commonly used among people in their 20s and 30s. It’s used similarly to “take care.”

American English has re-adopted some formal, old-fashioned language for use in exclusively casual settings. It’s something of a cultural in-joke.

As a lot of formal language has fallen out of use in American English, many people think it sounds silly and enjoy using it in their day-to-day lives.

“Godspeed” is used to wish someone success and prosperity. In its modern usage, it’s like saying “good luck.” It’s especially favored when someone has to do something they don’t want to do.

Here are some examples:

  • I need to go cook dinner. I’m so tired, but I can’t afford take-out again. Ugh.
  • Godspeed.
  • Thank you.
  • Well, I have to go catch my bus. See you later.
  • Godspeed!


“Farewell” is fairly formal. It’s used to say “goodbye” and has the same basic implications as “take care.”

“Farewell” comes from “fare,” meaning to manage or travel, and “well,” meaning in a good manner. While “farewell” literally means “goodbye,” it implies you want someone to be well, do well, and/or have good travels.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m off! Have a good night.
  • Farewell.
  • He bid his family farewell and headed off into the night.

Get Home Safe

“Get home safe” is a common way to say goodbye to someone who is leaving the current location to go home. It’s a good alternative to “take care” as it also wishes safety for the person it addresses.

You wouldn’t typically say “get home safe” if you were leaving and the people you were addressing were staying. In this situation, you’d only say “get home safe” if you knew they would be headed home soon or if the travel conditions were poor.

Here are some examples:

  • It’s raining pretty hard out there. Get home safe!
  • If your car gets stuck in the snow just give us a call and we’ll come get you. Get home safe.

Peace (out)

“Peace” or “peace out” is a slightly outdated alternative to “take care.” When you say “peace” to someone, you are wishing them harmony, calmness, and a lack of hostility.

“Peace” comes from phrases like “peace and love” that were popular during the anti-war movements in the US during the 1960s and 1970s.

“Peace” and “peace out” haven’t been popular since the early 2000s, but many people still use these phrases.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m headed out. Peace.
  • Peace out. I’ll see you tomorrow.


“Deuces” is the more modern, slangy counterpart to “peace” and “peace out.” It communicates the same idea as saying “peace.”

“Deuces” is a reference to the peace sign. The peace sign is a hand sign that involves holding up your pointer and middle fingers like you’re counting two.

“Deuces” is most common in nonstandard dialects of English like African American English and the local vernacular of large cities.

Here are some examples:

  • Are you heading out? Alright deuces.
  • My ride is here. Deuces.

Don’t Be A Stranger

“Don’t be a stranger” is a way to say goodbye that invites the person being addressed to visit or call the speaker. Like “take care,” this phrase has a level of care and hospitality.

“Don’t be a stranger” is most often used for people you’re newly friends with and with old friends you haven’t seen in a while. It’s both an invitation and a request for the addressee to visit more often.

You typically say “don’t be a stranger” to someone leaving your home or when you part ways with someone in public. You wouldn’t typically say “don’t be a stranger” when you leave someone else’s house.

Here are some examples:

  • I don’t want to go three months without hearing from you again. Don’t be a stranger, okay?
  • You’re welcome to stop by any time. Don’t be a stranger!

Keep In Touch

“Keep in touch” is similar to “don’t be a stranger” in that it is both an invitation and a request for someone to remain in regular contact with the speaker.

“Keep in touch” can be used in any context, regardless of whether you are the person who is leaving or staying.

Additionally, “keep in touch” doesn’t inherently suggest meeting in person. “Keep in touch” usually implies calling on the phone, texting, emailing, or writing letters more than it implies meeting in person. Because of this, it’s a great phrase to say to someone who is moving far away.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m going to miss having you next door. Keep in touch, okay?
  • It was great catching up with you. Let’s keep in touch.

See You Later

“See you later” lacks the well-wishes of “take care,” but it still implies a level of familiarity and hospitality that makes it a suitable alternative to “take care.”

“See you later” is a common replacement for “goodbye.” It’s common for English phrases to be figurative, but you specifically use “see you later” with people you intend to see again soon.

It would be odd to say “see you later” to someone you don’t know. This is because there’s a level of expectation that comes with it.

Here are some examples:

  • I need to go and do some homework. I’ll see you later.
  • You’re leaving already? Will I see you later?

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12 Better Ways To Say "Take Care" (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.