Where the owner is alive, the following are the requirements:
- Completed Original Owner(s) claim (Form 4A) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
- Completed Indemnity Agreement (Form 5) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
- An Original official letter received from the holder confirming remittance of unclaimed financial assets to the Authority.
- Certified copy of the claimant’s National Identity card or Passport (Certified by a lawyer).
- Copy of claimant’s KRA PIN certificate.
- Payment details indicated on the Payment Details form.
- Provide Bank or Mpesa statement of an active account/phone number, current deposit slip, or withdrawal slip – clearly showing account/Mpesa name and number to confirm payment details provided in item 6 above. (If there is more than one claimant, provide a statement of joint payment details or a letter of no objection from one of the joint claimants nominating payment to the other joint claimant).
- Original Affidavit if names differ between National ID, KRA PIN and holders documents or is initialed in any of the documents.
- Original Policy document from the Insurance company or an Affidavit for loss of policy if lost, misplaced or untraceable.
Download Original Owner Claim Forms
Where the claimant is not the owner but has or asserts a Legal Right to an unclaimed asset, the claimant shall submit to the Authority the following:
- Completed Beneficiary claim (Form 4B) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
- Completed Indemnity Agreement (Form 5) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
- An Original official letter received from the holder confirming remittance of unclaimed financial assets to the Authority.
4.Certified copy of the claimant’s National Identity card or Passport.
5.Copy of claimant’s KRA PIN certificate.
6.Copy of certificate of death.
7.Certificate of Confirmation of Grant (Obtained from the High Court of Kenya)/ Certificate of Summary Administration (Issued by the Public Trustee or Deputy County Commissioner).
8.Original Affidavit if names differ between National ID, KRA PIN and holders documents or is initialed in any of the documents.
9.Payment details indicated on the Payment Details form.
10. Provide Bank/Mpesa statement of an active account/phone number, current deposit slip or withdrawal slip-clearly showing account or Mpesa name and number to confirm payment details provided in item 9 (If there is more than one claimant, provide a statement of a joint bank account or a letter of no objection from one of the joint claimants nominating payment to the other joint claimant).
11. Kindly note that if you claim via Public Trustee/Deputy County Commissioner, they will be required to fill and sign on all forms (Form 4B, Form 5 and Payment Details form) and a letter of no objection of funds being paid into their accounts from the beneficiaries, should be attached.
12. Kindly note that if you are claiming with Certificate of confirmation of Grant, all administrators must append signatures on all the forms.
Download Beneficiary Claim Forms
Where the claimant is claiming on behalf of a business entity, the following are the requirements:
- Completed Business Entity claim (Form 4C) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
2. Completed Indemnity Agreement (Form 5) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
3. An Original official letter received from the holder confirming remittance of unclaimed financial assets to the Authority.
4. Copy of CR12 obtained from the Company Registrar indicating current directors of a company or in the case of a Self-Help group, Sacco/Society, Minutes of meeting appointing officials is required.
5. Certified copy of the directors/official’s National Identity cards or Passports (Certified by a lawyer).
6. Copy of Directors’/Official’s KRA PIN certificates.
7. Certificate of Incorporation/Registration.
- Certificate of change of Business name.
9. Business Entity’s payment details indicated on the Payment Details form.
10. One page copy of recent Bank/Mpesa statement, current deposit slip or withdrawal slip, clearly showing account/Mpesa name and number, to confirm payment details provided in item 8 above.
Download Business Entity Claim Form
Where the claimant is not the owner but is claiming as an agent on behalf of a living owner, the following are the requirements:
- Completed Agent for owner claim (Form 4D) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
2. Completed Indemnity Agreement (Form 5) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
3. An Original official letter received from the holder confirming remittance of unclaimed assets to the Authority.
4. Certified copy of the claimant’s National Identity card or Passport.
5. Copy of claimant’s KRA PIN certificate.
6. Registered Power of Attorney. (Registered at the Ministry of Lands).
7. Payment details indicated on the Payment Details form.
8. One page copy of recent Bank/Mpesa statement, current deposit slip or withdrawal slip, clearly showing account/Mpesa name and number, to confirm the payment details provided in item 7 above.
Download Agent for Owner Claim Forms
Where the claimant is claiming on behalf of a minor who is an original owner, the following are the requirements:
1. Completed Agent for Owner claim (Form 4D) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
2. Completed Indemnity agreement (Form 5) duly commissioned by a lawyer.
3. An official letter received from the holder confirming remittance of unclaimed financial assets to the Authority
4. Certified copy of the claimant’s National Identity card or Passport.
5. Copy of claimant’s KRA PIN certificate.
6. Birth Certificate/Guardianship deed.
7. Payment details indicated on the Payment Details form.
8. One page copy of recent bank/mpesa statement, current deposit slip or withdrawal slip, clearly showing account/Mpesa name and number, to confirm payment details provided in item 7 above (If there is more than one claimant, provide a statement of a joint payment details or a letter of no objection from one of the joint claimants nominating payment to the other joint claimant).
Download Agent for Owner (Minor) 4D