Isekai on the Blue Seas - Chapter 3 - nightmaster000, ZimsMostLoyalServant (2024)

Chapter Text

"Come along slu*t.." Victor ordered to the red head with a smirk before offering his hand to Pacifica, "ready for a further taste of what awaits you on our honey moon my love?" He asked sending her a wink

"Oh, absolutely," Pacifica purred, taking his hand, the two walking off with the slave following behind, head bowed in submission.

And as both isekai souls that found themselves heading to their respective rooms for their first night in this new world both of them found themselves sharing the same thought

I think...i'm really going to enjoy this new life~

(Next Morning)

Amity gave a slight yawn, already properly dressed as she headed to the breakfast table before giving a smile when she saw the figure sitting there already, "Good morning Mikhail," she told her fiancé with a slight grin.

A part of her amazed she could think the word without any feeling of bitterness much less smile at him, but yesterday had certainly showed Mikhail was like nothing she expected in the best way, "Will Victor and Pacifica be joining us soon?"

she asked while reaching out to an already prepared glass of orange juice and taking a drink.

"I'm afraid they've both left already," Mikhail replied as he set aside the newspaper he'd been reading to greet her with a smile.

"Left?" Amity asked, blinking in confusion.

"Yes, Pacifica's so-called parents called her away to join them on some business trip somewhere," Mikhail explained, "And Victor was heading down to Sabaody to buy some new slaves. I would have gone with him, but it felt rude to leave you alone on your first full day here. And I figured you wouldn't want us to go with him."

"Uh, no, not really," Amity admitted with a wince, "I mean, I get that it's simply how things are done, and that you're really just going along with it because you have to, but I'm really not comfortable with the whole idea of buying people like you're going shopping."

"I understand, and that's why we're staying here. I would never knowingly do anything to make you uncomfortable," Mikhail said, reaching across the table to give her hand a comforting squeeze.

"Thank you Mikhail... really," Amity told him with a small smile, feeling her cheeks burn a bit for some reason, "I really appreciate you being so accommodating and thoughtful."

She told him squeezing his hand back, "Any other noble and I'd probably have a collar already and..." she coughed with a flush, "Uh, spent the night in your chambers."

"For someone as wonderful as you, I wouldn't dare be so crass," Mikhail replied, causing her blush to deepen, "You're not some common whor*, but a goddess deserving of being treated with the upmost respect."

Amity at his words felt her heart skip and her body grow warm. Whatever lucky girl ended up as Mikhail's REAL wife after she found a back with Luz would be a lucky one indeed, she couldn't help but think, though found her gut strangely twisting at the thought, but she shook it aside as she smiled at him, "I'm... not that special," she refuted, looking away from him, feeling shy for some reason.

"I disagree, and I hope in time I'll help you see the truth in my words," he said, giving her hand another squeeze before letting go and leaning back, "But in any case, it's just the two of us for today, and I have nothing planned. So, I'm open for anything you want to do."

At that Amity gave a thoughtful hum, rubbing her chin, "You know..." she looked carefully over at Mikhail, "I never did get a chance to purchase the latest Good Pirate Azura book," she spoke carefully, tapping her fingers together, "Maybe we could get a copy and... read it together," she offered tentatively.

"That sounds lovely," Mikhail said with a smile, "I'll be happy to escort you to the nearest bookstore so that we can buy it after breakfast."

"Thank you," Amity said, smiling bashfully. Despite him already admitting to enjoying the series, she was too used to the so-called "friends" her mother made her associate with sneering at her for liking it. So him not even blinking at offering to help her get the next book was a pleasant relief.

After that, breakfast passed with comfortable conversation, and when it eventually ended the two left the estate, accompanied by bodyguards as they made their way outside of the Celestial Dragons' portion of the city.

"So this is Mary Geoise," Amity muttered as she took in the sights of their surroundings, "I've always heard of the World Government capital and the home of the Celestial Dragons, but never had a chance to see it for myself until now."

Amity admitted to Mikhail as she turned to look at him, "It really is quite lovely."

"But of course," Mikhail replied, "Even outside the Domain of the Gods, this is still the city of the Celestial Dragons. We only accept the best for our surroundings. And if that also provides for our servants and other mortals, well, I see that as a positive, while most of the others just don't care."

"Yet another difference between you and other Celestial Dragons," Amity thought silently, her gaze going over to Mikhail before giving a smirk, "You really are a benevolent god, Saint Mikhail," she noted with a undercurrent of amusem*nt

"I do try my best," Mikhail replied with a smirk, "Now then, as I recall, there's a bookstore down this way..."

Arm in arm, the two made their way across the city, soon reaching the store in question. As the door's bell chimed to announce their entrance, the clerk behind the counter looked up, and froze at the sight of them, before dropping to his hands and knees.

"M-my lord, how may I be of service?" he quickly stuttered out.

"You can direct us to where you keep the Good Pirate Azura books," Mikhail said offhandedly.

"The Good Pirate... Azura?" The clerk repeated with a nervous stutter and undertone of slight confusion, wondering why a World Noble would want a book that was a step away from being banned, but at the look in Mikhail eye he quickly sprung up and yelled out in a stutter, "Yes sir, right away sir!"

Before sprinting off to find the book as requested as quickly as possible for the Celestial Dragon, leaving a dust cloud behind and Amity to give a slight blink and despite herself a bit of amused snort at the man's nervous behavior, "Is that how they always act?"

She found herself asking, sending an arched brow to Mikhail, "I mean, I know you're a World Noble and all, but does everyone act like a chicken having a heart attack when they cross your path?" she added on, though considering her past exposure to World Nobles and what she had heard before meeting Mikhail, she supposed it made sense.

"More or less. You get used to it," Mikhail responded with a shrug, "Honestly, while it can be useful or even funny, it can get pretty annoying some times."

"Oh, I'll get used to it, will I?" Amity asked with an arched eyebrow, "I'm not one of you, though. Even if we get married, doesn't that put me below you?"

"Depends on who you ask. There's no official law about it," Mikhail said, frowning as he thought on that. Hmm, that might be something worth looking into.

"Actually..." Amity frowned thoughtfully, while giving a hum, "Where exactly do I stand status wise?" she asked with a frown, looking curiously over at Mikhail, "I mean, from what I know, most World Noble wives are either fellow World Nobles or, well..." here she grimaced uncomfortably, "slaves..." she admitted, internally still grateful she avoided that fate, "I'm not sure how often a case like mine where they're neither has happened," She said, crossing her arms in thought ,"Or what's the standard protocol for it... or if there's even one."

"That is a very good question," Mikhail said, rubbing his chin, "As you said, this is actually quite a rare occasion. I think that it's usually left to the discretion of the spouse who's actually a World Noble... which usually doesn't end well for the one who isn't."

Amity shuddered slightly at that, only for Mikhail to put his arm around her comfortingly.

"But not to worry. I'll see to it that you'll be as close to equal to my status as legally allowed, as you're deserving of," he said, giving her a smile that made her cheeks burn again.

"Well..." She gave a low cough, looking away and feeling touched at him going out if his way like that, "You don't have to go through any extra trouble on my account," She assured him, rubbing at her arm, "I'm honestly just happy to not be a slave."

She told him before giving a blink as a thought hit her, one that caused her to smirk, "Though Odalia's face if she found out I had status and power equal to you would be hilarious ~"

"Oh yes, I can just picture it~" Mikhail laughed, "That look of utter shock and despair as she realizes that you're now the one who has power over her... oh, that reminds me. My offer of making her our jester is still on the table."

Amity burst out giggling at that, composing herself after a few moments, "You were serious about that?"

"Not really, but I'd still do it if you'd want me to," he said.

"Hmm, no," she said after thinking about it, "Believe me, it's tempting. But I'd prefer not to have to see her face every day."

"Fair enough. I'm sure we can find another way to punish her for her treatment of you," he said, as the clerk returned, a book in his hands.

"Ah here we are, Saint Mikhail!" The clerk stuttered out nervously while holding out a copy, "The latest volume of The Good Pirate Azura!" He said with a nervous gulp before Amity took it him from his hands, then looked down only to blink and say aloud with a hint of disbelief as she as she arched a brow, "Azura and The Marriage of Temptation?"

"Wait, really?" Mikhail blinked, looking at the cover of the book and seeing the image of Azura standing in front of Hecate, who was wearing a wedding dress and standing at an altar next to a World Noble, "Huh, what are the odds?"

"Yeah... what are the... odds." Amity repeated in a faint undertone of shock. Seriously, it was like the entire world was trying to mess with her or something!

But then her gaze narrowed thoughtfully, "You don't think Odalia or..." Here she nervously licked her lips, knowing this was likely still a rather sensitive subject, "your parents had anything to do with this... do you?"

She asked as Mikhail gave a blink, "I mean I got the feeling that Odalia had been working on securing this engagement for a while," She said, before adding with a shrug, "Plus our love of the books are hardly a secret in our families."

"That... honestly, that makes a lot of sense," he admitted, "They never explained the details of how they managed to keep the series from getting banned. Getting a book written involving one of the leads ending up married to a World Noble in exchange for letting the series keep going sounds like the type of arrangement that they would have worked out."

Amity hummed in thought, glad that he hadn't taken offense at her question about his parents. That explanation made sense, though now she was worried that her precious book series had been turned into propaganda.

Oh well, only one way to find out.

"Come on," Amity smiled with an undercurrent of excitement to Mikhail, "The sooner we get back home the sooner we can read it," she said, pressing the book up against her chest, not noticing her referring to Auberac Mansion as home, "Plus, can't deny I'm actually quite curious how this will play out," she admitted with a shrug.

"As am I," Mikhail replied with a smile, resisting the urge to smirk at Amity's slip of the tongue. He then turned to the clerk, who tensed in panic as Mikhail reached into a pocket, only to blink in confusion as he pulled out a stack of berry notes and deposited them on the countertop.

"For your quick and efficient service to my will," Mikhail said, "Let it never be said that House Auberac are not generous gods towards those who are faithful."

"T-thank you, master," the clerk said genuinely, bowing his head and not lifting it again until the couple had left the store.

"That was nice of you," Amity said as they started walking down the street again, "Most World Nobles wouldn't have bothered with paying. Hell, most would have shot him just for the fun of it."

"Good thing I'm not most World Nobles," Mikhail replied, "I believe in rewarding those who do good work and only punishing those who fall short, which that little man did not. No reason to go out of my way to be unnecessarily cruel, after all."

Amity again found herself smiling at Mikhail. She'd only known him for a day, but him and from what she saw of his brother Victor last night at dinner... they were certainly a different brand of Celestial Dragon, "You know," She grinned over at Mikhail, "If more World Nobles were like you and your brother, I can't help but think the world would be a better place."

she admitted to the man as she tightened her grip on her book, "And I don't think I've really said this enough but..." she looked over into Mikhail's eyes, "Thank you... for everything."

"It's been my pleasure," Mikhail said with a smile, "Now then, before we head back, is there anything else you'd like to- ah, crap."

Amity blinked at the sudden change in her fiancé's tone, as his eyes suddenly narrowed in annoyance and agitation. Following his gaze, she stiffened as she saw another World Noble walking down the street in their direction. He was a somewhat heavyset man, with a thin mustache and dark hair pulled up in a bulb, making his head look pointed. And despite the dark glasses covering his eyes, it was clear that he had seen them, as he altered his path to intercept them.

Or rather, he altered the path of the slave he was riding on like a horse, while two more slaves in shackles followed behind him. Which told Amity all she needed to know about the man.

"Don't make eye contact, and don't speak unless spoken to. He will take offense otherwise," Mikhail warned, his voice firm and leaving no room for argument. Amity nodded in acknowledgement, and turned her gaze to the ground as the other World Noble reached them.

"Saint Jalmack, wonderful to see you again," Mikhail greeted flatly.

"Ah, Saint Mikhail..." Jalmack greeted with a faint amused smirk, "It is good to finally see you out and about again," The other World Noble said while adding with an arched brow, "I must admit I and many of our fellows were starting to become concerned for you and your brother."

They said flatly staring over into Mikhail's eyes, "Ever since that little... incident," He added, tilting his head a bit, "You two have secluded yourselves in your home for how long now would it be?"

"A month. It's been a month since our parents died in that Grand Line storm," Mikhail replied icily, feeling his isekai body's emotions rise up in response to the subject. They may not have actually been his parents, but much like the standard World Noble personality traits, it seemed the body's memories were influencing him.

"Ah yes, that's right," Jalmack said with a nod, seemingly not caring what effect his words were having on Mikhail, "Well, that certainly seems like more than sufficient time to do the required mourning and move on, so it's good to see you finally getting over it."

"So glad you think so," Mikhail said through grit teeth. Then he tensed up as Jalmack's gaze went to Amity, who despite still looking to the ground shivered as she felt him looking at her.

"Is there a reason your slave isn't properly detained?" Jalmack asked, "I know you Auberacs are disgustingly liberal, but even for you, this seems a bit much."

"She's not a slave. This is my fiancé, Lady Blight Amity," Mikhail said, putting an arm around Amity's shoulders protectively.

With Amity actually finding herself feeling quite warm and comforted by the gesture, because despite doing her best not to look up she could feel the other World Noble's gaze cutting through her, and it left her feeling cold.

"Fiancé?" Jalmack repeated with a blink, eyebrow arching at the girl before giving a snort, sneering, "Really Mikhail, you can do so much better for a first wife than this..." He said, while giving Amity a gesture of disgust as he gave a disappointed shake of his head while Amity did her best to hold her tongue, "And even then, it's not like she's a real wife..."

He added with a slight sneer, "So why not give her a collar befitting her TRUE position~" He added with a cruel smirk.

Amity felt a chill run down her spine at those words, but it was warded off as Mikhail tightened his grip on her.

"Who I bring into my household and how is no one's business but my own," he glowered at the older World Noble, "So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, before I decide to see how far I can push the limits of what we're allowed to do to each other without the God Knights intervening."

Amity smiled at hearing Mikhail speak so protectively of her. Jalmack, meanwhile, scowled at Mikhail.

"You insolent brat. I should-"

"Do what, exactly? Your slaves can't attack me, even on your orders. And as for you, have you ever even thrown a punch?" Mikhail scoffed.

Jalmack glared at him for a moment, then spat and looked away.

"I have more important things to do than waste time debating such foolishness with you. Good day," he said, kicking his slave mount in the side to make him start walking again. Mikhail watched him walk away, trailed by his other slaves, and only relaxed his grip on Amity once they were all out of sight.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that," he said to her.

"It's fine," she said, tone making it clear that it actually wasn't, "I guess I'll just have to get used to that attitude, huh?"

"They'll give you the respect you deserve eventually. I'll make sure of it," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. As she blushed, his mind was already whirling, looking back on their earlier conversation. Yes, he was definitely going to find a way to get her officially declared his equal once they were married. No one would dare look down on a woman he'd claimed for his own.

Amity herself now knew without a doubt that Mikhail truly was different than she expected. Never would the day come would she think that a World Noble would speak up in defense of her, much less to another Celestial Dragon. Honestly, it had only been a day, yet the more time she spent with Mikhail the more she felt safe and cared for, and the more she felt herself caring for him. Really the only person who had ever made her feel this way before was... Luz.

At that realization, Amity's eyes widened as she glowed while feeling a bit of panic strike her, "So uh..." Her voice cracked as Mikhail shot her a strange concerned look, "How about this book, huh!"

she yelped out, holding out the book with a strained grin, "I for one can't wait till we get back to read it!" she said as she started to walk away, "In fact, we should probably hurry back right now so we can get right into it!"

Mikhail arched an eyebrow at that odd outburst, wondering if she was feeling alright... or, a part of him wondered with glee, if this was an "oh wow, sports" situation.

Still, deciding to avoid pressing the issue and possibly embarrassing her, he simply offered her his arm, "Lead on, milady. I, for one, can't wait to see if Hecate chooses her established love or is swept off her feet by the roguish charm of a Celestial Dragon."

Amity grimaced slightly at that, feeling like it hit too hard to her current situation, but she quickly pushed that aside and took Mikhail's arm. Right now, she just wanted to read her book in good company; she could worry about her weird emotions later.

(Sabaody Archipelago)

As Mikhail was enjoying his outing with Amity, his brother Victor was enjoying the sights of Sabaody Archipelago while steadily making his way to the auction house operated by Disco on the behest of "Joker" or rather Doflamingo.

"Hmm, quite a lovely day for shopping, wouldn't you agree Sebas?" Victor asked the loyal butler with an arched brow, internally still curious about Sebas' prowess and loyalties, considering what his canon counterpart was like in the anime Overlord.

"Indeed sir," Sebas answered back with a nod as he followed his young lord down the streets of Sabaody, while some guards stood some feet away, all of them ignoring the people bowing at Victor's approaching figure, "I do hope Disco has something good up for auction," Victor added on with a humming grin, finding himself in quite a good mood this morning after the fun he had last night, "I only wish Pacifica could have accompanied me."

He added with a sighing pout, actually feeling disappointed that she had to leave his side and a bit jealous that Mikhail had access to his own bride to be at any time.

"You and the Saintess will have plenty of time to spend together once you are married and she is no longer under her parents' sway, sir," Sebas said evenly.

"Indeed, something to look forward to then," Victor said with a sigh and slight grin, remembering how despite not deflowering her he still got to taste and touch Pacifica's entire body and the fun they had together breaking that slave slu*t~

It was almost a shame that Pacifica decided to kill her the next morning after they had a last bit of morning fun~, "Though as for her parents..."

Victor let out a scowl at remembering those two, "At the least they seem quite happy that Pacifica has gotten close to me and likely won't do anything to impede our marriage."

He stated before giving a low growl, "Though if they believe me or my wife to be pawns easily used or exploited, they'll have another thing coming." He told Sebas with a snort as the butler nodded dutifully in agreement, "Honestly, if I could I would present their heads to Pacifica as a wedding gift."

He muttered lowly before sighing out, "I guess we'll have to settle for keeping them out of her life." Sebas then hummed, "As you say sir, but at least this arrangement they've made with your parents has lead to you finding a partner you seem most happy with."

Sebas said, giving a soft smile, "I'm sure Saint Jeremiah and Saintess Beatrice would be overjoyed to see their son carrying on and doing well," He told his master warmly, with Victor pausing for a moment before carrying on as memories of this body flashed through, "Yes... I suppose they would."

He said softly before giving a cough, "But enough gushing about my love or dwelling on our losses," He told Sebas, sending a grin over his shoulder, "Today is about having some fun and acquiring some good staff for us~"

Victor stated as they approached the auction house he recognized straight from One Piece, still three years away from suffering a visit from Straw Hat Luffy as well as two other Supernovas. Though before he could enter, an eager female voice called out, "Victor... Cousin Victor, it is you!"

Causing him to pause and blink and turn to the voice, belonging to a young 12 year old World Noble girl just a year younger than Pacifica. Though what really gave him a shock as the girl approached him on the back of a slave was recognizing the girl not only from this life's memories but from the series as the younger form of Saintess Shalria.

"Oh, it is so good to see you again cousin, I've been getting worried!" she said, jumping off the slave and bounding over to give his leg a hug, causing him to blink nonplussed at this, before hearing another voice speak out as more forms began to approach, "Indeed nephew, I was starting to wonder if an intervention might be needed for your brother and you."

Victor looked up to see more slave mounts approaching, carrying the equally younger but still familiar forms of Saint Roswald and Saint Charlos. And jeez, the latter actually seemed even fatter now than he would be at the time of his introduction.

"Guess his father would put him on a diet or something in coming years," Victor thought faintly before shaking it off while displaying his best grin, his mind racing to process the knowledge that he and Mikhail were related to these three through their mother, "Ah, Uncle Roswald, cousins Charlos, and Shalria... it's good to see you."

He said, forcing as much honesty as he could into his voice while giving a strained smile, absentmindedly patting Shalria on the head which she smiled at, his mind recalling that she seemed particularly attached to him, or rather the original Victor.

"The same to you nephew," Roswald said, offering a grin to the boy, "Is your brother here as well?" He added on, looking around only to frown at Victor's next words, "I'm ah, afraid not," Victor said, giving a cough, "I offered, but he preferred to stay at home taking the chance to get to know his new fiancé more."

He explained carefully, "Oh?" Charlos gave a slow blink, tilting his head, "Mikhail got a new slave?" He asked with a jealous pout with Victor frowning before giving a cough, "Wife, actually."

He said gently ,"He's actually become quite fond of her, and while not of World Noble status I must admit Lady Blight Amity did make for enjoyable company at supper last night," He said before adding with a shrug, "She certainly seemed to hit it off with my own fiancé Northwest Pacifica quite well."

he added, causing Shalria's eyes to widen before letting out a jealous shriek, "WHAT?!"

The men all flinched back from the volume, but Shalria didn't care, "You're engaged to that bimbo?!"

"Shalria, I know that you have a rivalry with the Northwest girl, but try to show some decorum," Roswald sighed at his daughter's antics.

"But Victor deserves a thousand times better than that bimbo of a dragon!" Shalria huffed out, stomping her foot with a scowl, "And why is Mikhail lowering himself to marrying a commoner?!" she added with a screech, crossing her arms while Victor gave a slight groan, "For starters, these were arrangement made by our parents..."

He said with a sigh to Shalria as she scowled, "And like I said, Mikhail and Amity are hitting it off quite well," He said with a shrug before giving a snort, "Chances are, they're probably bonding over that book series Mikhail enjoys so much that she's also a fan of."

He said with Roswald giving a exasperated sigh at that, "I will never understand what that boy sees in books that advocates pirates and criminals," He told his nephew, voice filled with exasperation, "Eh, everyone has their quirks."

Victor said back with a shrug smirking slightly in amusem*nt, "Plus, even for gods like us a life of defying authority has a certain... roguish appeal~" He said with a teasing smirk, with Roswald giving a snort; it figures his troublemaker sister's son would say something like that, with a feeling of loss remembering the times she dragged him to sneak off to have fun without their parents' permission.

"And as for my own fiancé..." Victor gave Shalria a firm frown, "I've actually found my time with her yesterday... very, hehe enjoyable~" Here Victor gave a low laugh and secret grin that caused Shalria to just fume, not liking the look on her cousin's face one bit, "And I'm proud to say I will be happy to share my life with Pacifica~"

"Well, I'm just glad that you're both happy, goodness knows you deserve that after what happened," Roswald said, "So, are you here for more slaves as well? That's why we came."

"I'm hoping they finally have a mermaid," Charlos chimed in, drooling slightly in anticipation, causing his family members to all grimace.

"He still has that obsession?" Victor found himself asking as he leaned in to whisper into Roswald's ear after he dismounted from his slave mount, "Yes..." Roswald said with a sigh, "Hmm I'm not one to criticize another's tastes but it does seem like it's getting a bit much, don't you think?"

Victor said in a low tone, casting a glance at Charlos, "Also, is he okay?" He added with a frown as Charlos got off his slave though seemed to be panting a bit as he waddled over, internally thinking that Charlos really needed to take better care of himself.

"He has, admittedly, been letting himself go lately," Roswald grumbled under his breath, unknowingly echoing Victor's thoughts, "I'm thinking I may need to literally force him onto a diet."

"That might be best," Victor agreed to his Uncle, holding back an amused smirk, knowing Charlos wouldn't like this at all, "Even gods need to take of themselves after all~" He added in a low tone, with Roswald giving a nod of agreement, "But yes..."

Victor than gave a cough as he spoke up louder for them all to hear, "I'm here to purchase some slaves, uncle," He informed Roswald with a smirk, "You see, my brother and I had a bit of fun last night to celebrate our engagements, and well..."

He let out a little chortle that the World Nobles found themselves sharing (though Charlos wasn't sure why they were laughing), "We've found ourselves short of staff as a result~" He said with a smirk that Roswald shared, "Plus, after being cooped in the mansion for the past month this seemed like the perfect excuse to stretch my legs and get some fresh air."

Victor nodded, giving a little stretch for emphasis.

"Well, glad to see you out and about in any case," Roswald said, "Come, let's see what Disco has for us today."

"That sounds like a delightful idea, uncle," Victor said, putting on an eager smirk, "Who knows," He let out a low laugh, "Perhaps he'll have something special today~"

He said, not realizing how right he was as he followed the other World Nobles inside, where at this moment a particular family of Minks was lamenting their fates.

(Auction House)

As Victor was chatting with his "newfound" relatives and making his way inside, deeper in the auction house in the slave pens where the merchandise was kept, many slaves either sat with broken looks of despair, struggled in their chains, or cried.

"Mommy... Daddy... I'm scared," Squeaked a young voice from a corner where three figures sat, "Shh shh, don't you fret darling, everything's going to be okay," A male voice with a western accent said as soothingly as possible.

"That's right dear, we're going to be fine," a female voice said, though there was a slight tremor that betrayed how scared she was herself. She knew what happened to people when they ended up in this situation, and how small their chances were of getting out of here intact.

If only she could have gotten word to her family, they'd make these bastards pay...

It was times like this she wished she was as strong as some of her siblings; she could hold her own, but she always specialized in more management or "diplomatic" duties compared to her family, something she vowed to change if she got out of here.

The only silver lining was her captors didn't seem to fully realize who they had captured, and if they became aware of that fact, chances are this situation would become all the more dire, with the best thing she could hope for was her daughter, husband, and herself being used as leverage or bargaining chips of some kind.

Oh how did they end up in this mess in the first place!?

It had been such a simple voyage they'd set out on, her husband's work as a diplomat seeing him being sent to reach out to and reestablish links with their ancestral homeland of Zou. Because of how long the trip was going to be, the decision had been made to take the whole family, which she was now regretting in hindsight.

They'd been intending to use their diplomatic credentials to pass up through Mary Geoise to get over the Red Line and into the New World the relatively safer way, but a storm had driven them too close to Sabaody, and they'd been attacked and captured by slavers. And now here they were, facing being sold off. And worse, probably separated, because what were the odds that they'd all be bought by the same person?

And even then, there was no telling what would befall her husband, herself, and most of all their daughter once they were bought off. The idea of losing her daughter or her being tormented, branded as property, suffering god only knows what horrors was enough to make her eyes water as she pulled and hugged her close while praying for a miracle she knew wouldn't come, "Oh Beauregard..."

The female whispered, her voice cracking, "What are we going to do?" She asked her husband with an undercurrent of despair she was trying to hide from her daughter

"I don't know, Vanilla," Rabbot Beauregard reluctantly admitted, joining the hug, "But I won't let them hurt either of you. I'll do everything I can to stop that."

Despite herself, Vanilla felt a stab of anger at that ludicrous statement. She loved her husband, but what the hell was he going to do? He wasn't a fighter, how was he going to protect them?

Hell, the main reason her mother approved her marriage with him was due to his position and influence that allowed her to forge diplomatic ties to the Acorn Kingdom, not out of the personal strength or notable character of the man that won her heart possessed.

Now here he was talking like HE could protect them, how!? It wasn't like anyone here would give a crap about what position or pull a slave USED to have. If anything, they'd just mock him for it while kicking him down or worse.

Vanilla thought with irritation as a nasty thought whispered in her ear, the fact that her husband is to blame for this situation. He knew that their daughter's birthday would be happening on this diplomatic trip, but rather than put family first and ask for time off or a different task closer to home, he had the brilliant idea to take her and their daughter with him, citing it'd be like a family vacation and a chance to for Cream to see her roots in the ancestral homeland of all Minks.

And now here they were, Vanilla thought poisonously, before quickly shaking that thought off. That was just her fear and anger talking, she knew Beauregard wasn't at fault for this, and her husband was just trying to do what he could for their family.

So she just sighed and gave a nod while holding her daughter close, "We just have to be strong... and brave," She said aloud with watery eyes while kissing her daughter's forehead while Rabbot Beauregard nodded, grimacing and wishing he could figure out a way to get his family out of here, "That's right..."

He added, looking down to his daughter, smiling comfortingly, "We can make it through this... I promise," He told his daughter as she sniffled, giving a nod before freezing as a new voice spoke up, "Hope you're all ready!"

Exclaimed a guard walking into the slave pens with a dark grin toward all the slaves, "Because it's show time ~" He said with a cruel laugh that made the family in the corner huddle and cling to each other more


"And sold to the lucky gentleman for 20,000 thousand berries!" Shouted out the form of the owner of the auction house Disco as a burly collared man was escorted off the stage.

While in the audience four certain World Nobles watched with keen eyes, "An interesting auction so far," Victor said in a low tone before adding with a yawn, "But other than numbers to replace the household staff with, doesn't seem like Disco has anything that really stands out to me," He remarked to his relatives with a frown.

"Hmm, I have to agree, it's all rather bland, all things considered," Roswald agreed, "Decent enough maids and labor, but nothing too impressive beyond that."

"And still no mermaids," Charlos pouted, causing his family to roll their eyes.

"Get a new hobby, brother," Shalria grumbled. He frowned at her, but before he could say anything, Disco spoke up.

"Next up is something special, my friends!" the auctioneer declared, "Quite a rare treat for you all, an entire family of Minks!"

"Did he say Minks?" Victor repeated with a surprised blink to the other World Nobles, because from what he knew of canon One Piece the only place to really find Minks in large quality was Zou, though there was of course some that likely lived off the island that was located on the back of a giant elephant of all things, such as the Big Mom crew member Pekoms.

Though his eyes widened in shock when said Minks were dragged onto the stage, and he certainly recognized all three of them, though not from One Piece.

That was definitely Vanilla the Rabbit and her daughter Cream from Sonic the Hedgehog, though the latter looked a little younger than in canon. The male rabbit hovering over them took a little longer to place, but after a moment he recognized him as Beauregard Rabbot, uncle of Bunnie Rabbot from the Sonic comics published by Archie Comics.

Huh, so Sonic existed in this world in some capacity too. That was quite interesting.

Honestly, it was seeming like at this point he and Mikhail might have to adopt a policy of expecting potentially ANY character from outside One Piece to show up. It was also seeming like that this was an angle that they would have to research upon more; after all with the Northwests as World Nobles, who knew what other positions or roles other for lack of a better term "crossover" characters would fill.

But that could be addressed for later, as he found his eyes homing in on the three rabbit "Minks" on stage. He found himself not giving a care for Beauregard's fate but Cream and Vanilla... despite the horror he committed already last night, he found the idea of quivering child and the mother standing protectively over her child.... very distasteful, to say the least.

After all, Cream was always an adorable thing in the series, whether it be the games, comics, or Sonic X.

While Vanilla... his eyes couldn't stop themselves from roaming over her body, wearing the signature dress he remembered her always wearing, only more torn and dirty, but even then the dress hardly hid her attractive and rather developed at that body.

He actually found himself licking his lips, because there was no denying that Vanilla for all intents and purposes had been one of his favorite fictional waifu, and why wouldn't she be? She was practical the definition of MILF.

And the thought of her suffering the same kinda fate as that piece of trash Pacifica killed this morning after she and him were done using that maid... well it made him sick... sick and furious

"Well, well..." though he was shaken out of his thoughts when his uncle Roswald spoke with a hint of interest in his voice, "Minks, those are almost as rare to get ahold of as mermaids and fishmen."

His uncle said with a low laugh, "And it seems Disco has procured some rather good specimens at that," Roswald noted with a nod and grin, "Ohh, that little one looks like she'd make the perfect toy, daddy~" Shalria said with a greedy smile while Roswald hummed thoughtfully while Charlos gave a huff, "They're no mermaids..."

he said with a pout of disappointment before adding with a sigh, "But could be fun to feed to the dogs, maybe..." he added, all this causing Victor to scowl before firming his expression, "I'm afraid I must apologize in advance, you three."

he told them, causing his relatives to give a confused blink toward him, "Whatever for nephew?" Roswald asked with an arched brow, "I find my own interest perked and I'm feeling a bit greedy."

Victor admitted, his gaze going to the Minks, "And I've decided I'll be leaving with those three Minks, no matter what," He told them before shouting out a bid that caused Disco to freeze mid-presentation, "30,000 berries for all three of them!"

"Uh, um, of course Your Grace," Disco stuttered, while Vanilla and Beauregard both paled at the sight of a World Noble of all people bidding on them, "Well, since I doubt anyone else will be bidding, I'll-"

"40,000!" Roswald called out, interrupting Disco before glancing at Victor, "Sorry nephew, but I find that life is better with a little challenge in it."

"Yeah, don't be greedy, Victor!" Shalria pouted.

"Shalria, I'm a dragon, we're known for our greed~" Victor said back with a teasing smirk as he shouted out, "50, 000!" he shouted out with Disco freezing again, but a slow greedy eager smile started to grow on his face, realizing that he had hit the jackpot indeed with these three, ohh lucky rabbit feet indeed~

"Besides such an adorable rabbit and beautiful bunny are just the thing I need to lift my spirits even more~" Victor said with a low laugh, grinning but fueled by determination to leave here with Vanilla and Cream no matter what. Beauregard, again he hardly cared for, but considering he was here with the other two he could be connected with them, and he had a potential idea as to how as well. He thought, seeing the three stand so close against each other like a family... perhaps he was Cream's father in this reality.

Even if he wasn't, acquiring him might help his goal here and the plans forming inside his head, not to mention there was the fact Beauregard could be a potential source of information on the status of another rabbit girl from Sonic he found himself curious about, that being his niece Bunnie Rabbot.

Though that could come later, right now he needed to focus on the prize he thought, as his eyes honed in on Vanilla.

"Well, while I appreciate that, I have to put my own children's needs first, and they want this lot too," Roswald said before shouting, "60,000!"

"I respect that uncle, but that doesn't mean I'll give up," Victor told him before shouting out, "75,000!" Then added in a mutter to Roswald, "If need be, I can try to make it up to you three later by taking you out to dinner on me, perhaps?"

He offered first thing off the top of his head; truthfully, despite knowing they were horrible people they were well still family, or the family he and Mikhail found themselves stuck with, and he wanted to avoid making too many enemies among fellow World Nobles least he end up on the receiving end of a God Knight's blade.

Roswald frowned in thought as he considered that. Glancing at his children, he saw that Charlos has a bored look that indicated he'd lost interest in the situation, while Shalria was still pouting, but he could tell she wasn't really that invested in this. So, deciding to let it go rather than make an unnecessary fight out of it, he didn't make another bid.

"75 going once, going twice, sold to Saint Auberac Victor!" Disco declared happily, while the Rabbots wilted under Victor's smirking gaze.

"Very well," Roswald said, giving a sigh before offering his nephew a smirk, "Good game nephew, I do hope you enjoy your purchase."

He said before offering an amused wag of his finger, "Though I'll be holding you to that dinner," He said with a slight grin, "I expect your brother to be there as well, we're overdue for a family dinner together I think."

He said with a nod to himself, with Victor holding back a sigh but gave a nod, "That sounds most agreeable uncle," He told Roswald before his eyes went back to the rabbits, "and rest assured..."

His gaze then roamed over Vanilla form and he licked his lips, "I'll enjoy my purchase very much~"

He said with a little laugh, already the makings of a plan coming together in his head, while down on the stage the rabbits were escorted off with Disco practically dancing at the profit he made, Vanilla both relieved her family was together but more terrified than ever at the knowledge they were purchased by the worst possible scenario in a World Noble!

"What's going to happen to us, momma?" Cream whimpered out, clinging to her mother's dress while looking fearfully up with watery eyes.

"We're going to be okay, sweetheart," Vanilla said, even though she didn't really believe that herself. Being a slave at all would have been bad enough, but to a World Noble? Death would probably have been a mercy compared to whatever that monster had in store for them.

"Get them collared and ready for Saint Victor to claim," one of Disco's attendants said to the guards leading the rabbits backstage again.

"Yes sir," the guard replied.

And at those the Rabbot parents found themselves freezing, knowing quite well what collars the attendant was referring to, but before they utter a word all three found themselves restrained, with guards approaching with three collars, "Argh... get away from them you bastards!" Beauregard snapped, attempting to break free only to get punched down for his trouble while his wife struggled fruitlessly in her captor's grip as a collar was snapped onto her husband, "Mommy, Daddy!"

Cream screamed out as she was roughly grabbed by one of the guards, "Cream!" Vanilla shouted, struggling with tears running down her face, feeling so powerless as another guard approached her with a sneer, though her concern was more to her daughter not herself, wishing that she wasn't so weak, that she was as strong as the rest of her family.

However, just as it seemed the collars would be snapped on the remaining two female Rabbot members, a voice spoke out, "That won't be necessary."

And next thing Vanilla knew, "GAH!"! She found the form of the guard approaching her with a collar knocked to the side due to the form of another guard, the same one that was about to put a collar onto her daughter, being thrown straight to him, and standing over her daughter appeared to be a bearded elderly gentleman straightening out his tux, "AH WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?"

Shouted out the attendant as the guards drew their weapons, but the man gave them no heed barely giving them a glance as he bluntly stated, "I am Sebas, personal retainer to the Auberac family."

He said with a tinge of pride in his voice as he clasped his hands together behind his back, "My lord sent me ahead to ensure his property was handled delicately," He explained before gesturing to Cream and Vanilla, "He also wished me to pass on the instructions that these two are to be handled with the utmost care and not to be given a slave collar like the male."

He said, causing everyone gathered to freeze in surprise and exchange confused looks.

"I, uh, what?" one of the guards stammered, "That's not protocol!"

"Are you saying you disagree with an order directly from a Celestial Dragon?" Sebas asked firmly, causing all of the guards to pale.

"Um, er, no, of course not!" the first guard said quickly, "Take them however you want, they're all yours!"

"Thank you for your cooperation," Sebas said flatly, before turning to the rabbits, "Follow me."

Beauregard, pushing himself up, exchanged a glance with Vanilla as Cream ran quickly to her mother's side clinging to her in fear and relief, both parents confused by this wondering warily if not fearfully what the World Noble who bought them was planning, and why he ordered Vanilla and Cream not to be collared.

Whatever relief Beauregard had at his daughter and wife having more freedom than himself and not having a bomb strapped to their necks was tainted by the fear of a potential even worse fate awaiting them... but they had no choice but to comply with Sebas' orders as they slowly moved to follow him, with the guards and attendant exchanging confused looks, Sebas himself wondering what his lord was planning but wouldn't question his orders.

(Outside the auction house)

"I do hope that there are no hard feelings for my purchase," Victor told Roswald and his children, with the man simply waving them off, "Hardly, it's the way of the game, sometimes you're just outbid by a fellow noble," Roswald said with a little chuckle, "Besides, while the Minks were interesting, they are hardly that valuable I suppose."

He said with a shrug, "Hmm yes, I like the offer of dinner more anyway," Charlos added in with a greedy sneer and lick of his lips while Shalria sighed disappointingly, "I still think that little rabbit would have been fun to play with," she said with a pout, before looking pleadingly up at her cousin, "Cousin Victor, I don't suppose I could..."

Only for Victor to shake his head, "Apologies cousin, but I have shall we say unorthodox plans for that girl and her mother~" He said, giving a low laugh while smiling, making his family blink and look curiously toward him, "None the less, it was good seeing you three again."

Victor told them assuredly, while internally noting that Roswald and Shalria at least made somewhat tolerable company by World Noble standards, though Charlos he could do without being around, "And I shall talk to Mikhail about us arranging a family dinner for us all together sometime soon."

He told them with a grin as the other World Nobles got on their slave mounts, "That does sound most pleasant, yes~" Roswald agreed with a grin, before Victor added on, "And I'm sure I can expect you all at Mikhail's wedding a month from now, yes?"

Victor added with an arched brow with Roswald giving off a huff, though he grinned, "Why of course~" He said with a laugh, "Like I would miss my nephew marrying his first wife," He said with a faux look of insult, "and rest assured we'll be attending your wedding as well Victor, once a date is decided on."

Roswald told him with Victor nodding in acceptance, "But until then, it's time we head back," Roswald said, kicking at his slave's side, "Though please don't be a stranger Victor, and remind your brother that while your parents are gone, you still have family!"

He added on, sending his nephew a serious look as the slave mounts started to crawl off, "Bye cousin Victor, please visit me real soon!" Shalria said, giving an eager smile and wave toward her cousin, "Yeah... bye..." Charlos said with a bored yawn, the family soon making their leave with Victor soon standing outside the auction house alone with the exception of his guards, remaining silent for several moments before giving a sigh.

"It seems this new life is intent on throwing me curve balls." He thought warily, while shaking his head, wondering how Mikhail would react to the knowledge of these particular relatives if he hadn't "remembered" yet.

Just another thing they'd have to handle and get used to... of course, that was for later, now was the time to attend to his latest purchase, "Master Victor."

"Speak of the devil..." Victor thought with a smirk as he turned and spotted Sebas leading the Rabbot family and a few chosen guards escorting them straight to him, "Ah Sebas, wonderful timing as always~"

He said with a little laugh and actually meaning the statement, as he knew he'd have to give a explanation to Roswald and the others why Cream and Vanilla were uncollared, but he'd rather put off that discussion as much as possible.

Though speaking of the two, his gaze honed in on them, barely giving Beauregard a second glance, "Well, aren't you the most adorable thing I've ever seen~" He told Cream, who was clinging to her mother's dress while sending him a look of wariness and fear, "And you..."

His gaze went up to Vanilla, finding himself lost in those eyes, sharing the same fear as her daughter but also anger and a glint of determination to protect Cream, and he found everything he saw in her gaze only made her all the more enticing, "You..."

He stepped forward, with Vanilla freezing a bit as she found her hand taken by the Celestial Dragon, "are perhaps one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen~" Victor told her, his tone nothing but honest as he bent and down and kissed the back of her hand, "A true heavenly rabbit that blesses the world with her mere presence~" He added, glancing up and sending her a suave smirk and wink.

"Uh, um, thank you?" Vanilla stammered with a blush, not sure how to respond to that. This... this was not how she expected this to go. Honestly, she'd feared that he'd have had them all flogged by now just for his own amusem*nt.

"I only speak the truth~" Victor said, raising his head to smirk into her eyes, "Why, when I saw you and your daughter up on that stage, I knew you two were special," He said, once again not bothering to mention Beauregard, who stood off to the side with a scowl, barely biting his tongue.

"And I knew I had to make sure you didn't suffer the same fate as common filth~" Victor added, clicking his tongue, "No..." He gently cupped Vanilla's cheek, "A heavenly beauty like you and the adorable daughter you've given birth to deserve nothing but the finest of luxury~"

He told her with a smirk, "So forget whatever troubles and worries your old lives had, because I plan to give you and this-"

Here he smiled down at Cream and gently rubbed her head with his left hand while keeping his right on Vanilla cheek, "-adorable cutie pie true paradise that mortals can only dream of~"

The teenage World Noble told the woman with a smirk before giving a thoughtful hum, "In fact..." he then smiled down to Cream, "Sebas," He addressed the retainer standing off to the side, watching the scene with an arched brow, "Yes Master Victor?" Victor not turning his gaze away from the Minks gave his orders, "Send word ahead to the mansion to have a personal room for the child properly prepared, and have it furnished with some of the finest toys and dolls available on the market."

Despite being confused by such generosity towards a slave, Sebas knew that it wasn't his place to question orders, so he simply bowed his head in acknowledgment.

"Right away, master," he said, before turning aside to privately relay the orders via Den Den Mushi.

"Now then," Victor smiled at the shocked-looking Vanilla and Cream, "I am Saint Auberac Victor," He gently lifted up and kissed Vanilla's hand again, "My I have the name of the heavenly beauty and her adorable daughter that I see before me?"

"Rabbot Vanilla," she replied, absurdly feeling herself blush despite the circ*mstances, "This is my daughter Cream. And my husband Beauregard."

She mentally kicked herself for almost forgetting to include Beauregard in that statement, the way that Saint Victor was seeming to do intentionally.

Case in point, "Vanilla and Cream," Victor repeated, giving her gloved hand another kiss, "Such lovely names," He then started to kiss along her bare furred arms finding, himself savoring the taste, "For even lovelier ladies ~"

He said, shooting the woman a smirking wink, "A pair of lovely flowers I find myself eager to learn everything about."

By now, Vanilla's face was practically burning from the intensity of her blush, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Beauregard's face turning red too, though clearly out of anger instead. Oh, she really hoped that he didn't do anything rash and make their situation worse than it already was.

"Th-thank you, master," she said, quickly tacking on the title before he could notice its absence and get upset.

Victor gave a little laugh, feeling a thrill at Vanilla calling him that, "Hehe, while I admit it's a thrill to hear that word from your lovely lips..."

He said, leaning into the woman's face as he cupped her cheek, "such a heavenly rabbit like you can call me Victor~" He told her before giving her lips a slight peck.

Vanilla's eyes practically popped out of her head at the unexpected action. Which, a part of her noted with an increase to her blush, actually felt very good.

Beauregard's own eyes went wide as he watched this, then narrowed in rage. He stepped forward, mouth opening wide to snarl something, only to be stopped by Sebas grabbing him firmly by the shoulder.

"I'd advise against that," the butler said, his grip like an iron vice.

And it took every bit of Beauregard's self-control not to snap and deck that bastard butler or tackle that f*cking noble touching his wife! But the look in Sebas' eyes and the knowledge that trying anything would just risk not only his own life with the bomb collar but put his wife and daughter in danger made him stop.

So he gritted his teeth while clenching his fists and looked away, while in the meanwhile Victor took the chance to deepen the kiss a bit as he cupped her cheek with one hand while wrapping his other arm around her and moving his free hand down to her butt, giving it a squeeze.

"MMMPH!" Vanilla yelped into Victor's mouth, which she instinctively found herself pressing her own against, returning his deepening of the kiss. This... this shouldn't feel so good, but it did, and she hated that she was enjoying it as much as she was.

Victor himself was savoring every moment of this, something about this situation and kissing Vanilla like this felt so good just as good as the fun he had with Pacifica~ Oh yes, he thought while giving Vanilla's ass a squeeze, loving the sound of her groaning moan, she was worth so much more than a run of the mill filthy slave~

He thought with an internal smirk, this small taste making him all the eager for the plans he's cooked up for this sexy rabbit.

While off to the side, gritting in pain from Sebas' grip on his shoulder, Beauregard swore he'd find a way to save his family and kill this bastard for molesting his wife against her will like this!

And Cream just stared up wide-eyed never having never seen her mom kiss even her dad like this, "Mommy?" she whispered out unsure, tugging against her mother's dress, causing Victor to break the kiss and remember where he was while telling himself to have a bit patience, "Cough... forgive me..."

Victor said with a cough into his fist, "But the mere sight of you has my blood pumping, and heart racing," He told her, sending a flushing Vanilla a smirk while noticing the hazy look in her eyes and breathing slightly heavily, "So much so that I found myself unable to resist having a taste of your angelic lips."

he remarked while shaking his head in mock regret, "Quite ungentlemanly of me~" He added with a low laugh before offering his arm, "But come..." He gave the two rabbits a smile, "Allow me to escort you two to your new home.."

He told them before adding on giving them both a warm grin, "And along the way, you two can tell me everything about yourselves~"

"Oh, yes, of course," Vanilla said, giving Beauregard an apologetic look before hesitantly wrapping her arm around Victor's and taking Cream's hand with her free one.

With a smile, Victor then led them off, Sebas forcing Beauregard to follow behind them.

And all the male rabbit Mink could do was glare at the bastard's back while trying to think of some way to save his family. Not realizing that the World Noble walking ahead of him was already off to a good start in stealing away his family for his own, while looking quite forward to twisting Vanilla and Cream around his fingers~

"Pacifica might be upset at first, but I think she'll come around to the woman I've selected to be my second wife~" Victor thought with a smirk as he listened to Vanilla start to chat about herself with a nervous undertone.

As for Cream, he didn't see any harm in adopting her as his own~ And by the time he was done, they wouldn't give the lowly slave walking behind them a second glance.

Isekai on the Blue Seas - Chapter 3 - nightmaster000, ZimsMostLoyalServant (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.