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Pesticides and Human HealthA Resource for Health Care Professionals

Principal Author:Gina Solomon, MD, MPHSenior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense CouncilAssistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Co-authors:O.A. Ogunseitan, PhD, MPHAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Environmental Analysis and DesignSchool of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine

Jan Kirsch, MD, MPHAssistant Clinical Professor of MedicineUniversity of California, San Francisco

Dr. Solomon is the principal author of the resource kit. Dr. Ogunseitanprovided the initial research and outline, and Dr. Kirsch wrote much of thesection on cancer and pesticides. The Introduction and Policy sections werewritten and edited by staff of Physicians for Social Responsibility–Los AngelesChapter and California for Pesticide Reform (CPR) in consultation with CPRmembers.

Reviewers:Rupali Das, MDKatherine Forrest, MDHarvey Karp, MDJan Kirsch, MD, MPHMike LimMark Miller, MD, MPHMarion Moses, MDCarol Mullen, PhD

The opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of our reviewers.

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AcknowledgmentsThis medical briefing kit would not have been possible without the thoughtful contributions ofmany physicians and others. In addition to the reviewers on the previous page, Martha DinaArguello, Jonathan Parfrey, Robert Gould, MD and Art Fisher, MD provided guidance for the kit’sorganization and substance. Among those who provided valuable information and participated inhelpful discussions were Diane Estrin, Catherine Porter (Women’s Cancer Resource Center); BarbaraBrenner (Breast Cancer Action); Ellen Hickey, Susan Kegley (Pesticide Action Network); JoanClayburgh, Kelly Campbell (Californians for Pesticide Reform); Alice Fisher and Jonathan Kaplan.

We would like to thank our internal editor, David Chatfield (CPR), our extraordinary proofreader,Michele Wright (CPR), and our careful reviewer, Michael Wright (PSR-LA). The design and layoutare by Jonathan Hofferman (Carissimi Publications) and Brenda J. Willoughby (PAN).

We are grateful to The California Wellness Foundation, Columbia Foundation, Richard & RhodaGoldman Fund, Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, CharlesStewart Mott Foundation and The California Endowment for their generous support, which madethis briefing kit possible.

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)PSR is a national organization of over 18,000 health careprofessionals founded in 1961. PSR works to address thepublic health effects of weapons of mass destruction,environmental degradation, and community violence.With its international affiliate, International Physiciansfor the Prevention of Nuclear War, PSR received the1985 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to eliminate nuclearweapons. The Greater San Francisco Bay Area and LosAngeles Chapters work to educate the medical commu-nity and the public about the linkages between environ-mental toxic exposures and human health. PSR alsoworks to encourage health professionals to participate increating a sustainable and healthy environment. Mem-bers provide technical assistance and information onhuman health and environmental issues to citizensgroups, health care providers, educational institutions,and public policy makers.

PSR-LA1316 Third Street Promenade, #B-1Santa Monica, CA 90401Ph: 310-458-2694Fx: 310-458-7925Email: [emailprotected]

PSR-Greater Bay Area2288 Fulton Street, Suite 307Berkeley, CA 94704-1449Ph: 415-845-8395Fx: 415-845-8476Email: [emailprotected]

Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR)CPR is a coalition of public interest organizationscommitted to protecting public health and the environ-ment from pesticide use in all applications. CPR’smission is to 1) educate Californians about environmen-tal and health risks posed by pesticides; 2) phase out useof pesticides most dangerous to public health in Califor-nia; 3) promote sustainable pest control solutions forfarm communities, public places, homes and gardens,and other areas of pesticide use; and 4) promote protec-tion of public health and Californian’s right to knowabout what, where, and when pesticides are used.

Californians for Pesticide Reform49 Powell Street, Suite 530San Francisco, CA 94102Ph: 415-981-3939Fx: 415-981-2727Email: [emailprotected]: www.igc.org/cpr

© 2000 by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Californians for Pesticide Reform. Permission is granted to reproduce portions of this report, pro-vided the title and publishing organizations, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Californians for Pesticide Reform, are acknowledged.

Printed on recycled paper.

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Table of Contents1. Introduction_______________________________________________________ Page 5

2. Acute Effects of Pesticide Exposure ________________________________ Page 13

3. Dermatologic Effects of Pesticide Exposure ________________________ Page 19

4. Pesticides and Cancer _____________________________________________ Page 21

5. Pesticides and Respiratory Disease ________________________________ Page 31

6. Neurological and Behavioral Effects of Pesticides __________________ Page 35

7. Reproductive and Developmental Effects of Pesticides _____________ Page 39

8. Effects of Pesticides on the Immune System________________________ Page 45

9. Pesticide Laws and Regulations ___________________________________ Page 49

10. Resources _______________________________________________________ Page 53

11. Exposure History ________________________________________________ Page 59

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 5


Preventionand the


No one wants to miss a diagnosis, especially if it might mean significant morbidity or evenmortality for the patient. Similarly, it can be frustrating, even embarrassing, when a patienthas a reasonable health-related question and the clinician does not feel equipped to answer.Due to rapid growth of public awareness about the risks of pesticide exposure, it is increas-ingly common for clinicians to receive questions about these chemicals.

Heightened public awareness of pesticide health effects is certainly merited: nearly one ofevery four pounds of pesticide applied in agriculture in the U.S. is applied here in Califor-nia. Every week, reports in the press and in scientific journals provide new information onpesticide health impacts. Organic food, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly popular asconsumers seek to reduce their exposure to chemicals designed to be toxic to livingorganisms. Pesticide exposure is not confined to agricultural areas. In urban locationspesticides are used in homes, yards, public buildings, stores, schools, parks, and othersettings, resulting in per-acre pesticide intensity in some urban areas that exceeds agricul-tural use.1

Pesticides affect sensitive groups to a disproportionate degree. Children, whose develop-mental patterns, physiology, and behavior make them more susceptible than adults;immune-compromised and chemically sensitive patients; and asthmatics may reportpesticide-related symptoms that are different from or more pronounced than normaladults.

Unfortunately, clinicians on average receive fewer than four hours of training in theimportant field of occupational and environmental health. Although some health workersmay be familiar with the management of acute pesticide poisoning, chronic effects ofpesticide exposure are often overlooked.

With the large number of potential exposure “pathways”—pesticides can move from theirintended target through air, water, food, and surface-contact—the physician’s role iscritical. In some cases, the doctor must become the detective, identifying clues that couldlink symptoms to environmental health hazards.

Pesticides vary in their uptake, mode of action, metabolism, toxicity, and elimination fromthe body. Most pesticides in current use—even those approved by U.S. EPA for consumeruse—are highly toxic to living organisms and have the capacity to affect biological systemsin non-target organisms, including humans.2 This Resource Kit utilizes and references over150 studies that link pesticides with a variety of acute and chronic conditions, includingcancer, neurological damage, reproductive and developmental hazards, and immune-system and endocrine disruption. The format covers pesticide health effects by toxicendpoint symptomatically and is referenced with endnotes.

Key elements of good preventive medicine include education, behavior change, and evensocial change aimed at prevention of future disease. Effective prevention may entail takingprotective action despite scientific uncertainty. We already immunize children to preventtheir serious illness should they by (statistically small) chance be exposed to certain infec-tious diseases; we ban smoking in many public places due to the increased risk of lungcancer and other diseases from environmental tobacco smoke. Similarly, health profession-als dealing with pesticides must consider recommendations to protect public health. Thesemight range from counseling children and pregnant women to avoid pesticide exposure, torecommendations to eliminate use of the most hazardous pesticides.

An important public health policy model is the precautionary principle—an approachbased on the concept of limiting or preventing harm. The precautionary principle putsconcern for public health and preventing further harm to the environment first. Simply


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6 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill a variety of pests, such as weeds, insects, rodents,and fungi. They can be characterized on the basis of function—insecticide, herbicide,rodenticide, fungicide, and others—and on the basis of chemical class—organophosphates,organochlorines, S-triazines, and pyrethroids, for example.

Insecticides accounted for nearly 25% of reported pesticide use in California in 1998.Organochlorines, such as DDT and dieldrin, are largely banned for use in the U.S., al-though some, such as lindane, endosulfan, methoxychlor, and dicofol, are still used.Widely used in the 1960s and 1970s, organochlorines are acutely toxic and very persistentin the environment. Many have been shown to be carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, or both.5

Organophosphates and N-methyl carbamates are often grouped together because they actsimilarly. They interfere with cholinergic transmission in the nervous system of their target,and affect human health because of the similarity between human and insect systems.Introduced to replace organochlorines, they are generally shorter-lived in the environmentbut more acutely toxic. Most are classified as highly or moderately toxic by U.S. EPA.Some commonly used organophosphates include malathion, methyl parathion,chlorpyrifos, azinphos methyl, and diazinon. Common N-methyl carbamates includealdicarb and carbaryl.6

Synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, used primarily in structural pest control and agriculture,function much like organochlorines, acting as contact and stomach poisons to insects.However they are fairly short-lived in the environment and are less acutely toxic to hu-mans. Typical pyrethroids include permethrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, andesfenvalerate.7

Some PesticideDefinitions


put, it suggests that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Moreover, thisapproach shifts the burden of proof from government, the scientific community, and thepublic victims of environmental harm onto the chemical producers. It implements a policymore like FDA’s drug approval process, where the manufacturer must first demonstrate aproduct’s safety before it can be introduced into widespread use.

Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary PrincipleAn international group of physicians, scientists, government officials, lawyers, and labor and environmental advocates metJanuary 23–25, 1998, at Wingspread in Racine, Wisconsin, to define and discuss the precautionary principle. During thismeeting the group developed this consensus statement.

“The release and use of toxic substances, the exploitation of resources, and physical alterations of the environment have hadsubstantial unintended consequences affecting human health and the environment. Some of these concerns are high rates oflearning deficiencies, asthma, cancer, birth defects, and species extinction, along with global climate change, stratosphericozone depletion and worldwide contamination with toxic substances and nuclear materials.

“We believe existing environmental regulations and other decisions, particularly those based on risk assessment, have failed toprotect adequately human health and the environment—the larger system of which humans are but a part.

“We believe there is compelling evidence that damage to humans and the worldwide environment is of such magnitude andseriousness, that new principles for conducting human activities are necessary.

“While we realize that human activities may involve hazards, people must proceed more carefully than has been the case inrecent history. Corporations, government entities, organizations, communities, scientists, and other individuals must adopt aprecautionary approach to all human endeavors.

“Therefore, it is necessary to implement the Precautionary Principle: When an activity raises threats of harm to human healthor the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully estab-lished scientifically. In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, should bear the burden of proof.

“The process of applying the Precautionary Principle must be open, informed, and democratic, and must include potentiallyaffected parties. It must also involve an examination of the full range of alternatives, including no action.”3,4

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 7



Herbicides are used for weed control in agriculture, right-of-ways, and gardens. Designedto kill plants rather than animals, they are generally less acutely toxic to humans thaninsecticides, but many are classified as probable (e.g., alachlor) or possible (e.g., atrazine,simazine) carcinogens by U.S. EPA.8 Research shows some may be endocrine disruptors.9

Two widely used dipyridyl compounds, paraquat and diquat, are non-selective contactherbicides highly toxic to humans.

Used to sterilize soil and in structural pest control, fumigants have a high tendency todiffuse, and can frequently be carried off-site by volatilization and drift. They tend to berapidly absorbed across the pulmonary membrane and through skin. Many are classified ascarcinogens (e.g., metam sodium) by U.S. EPA and as reproductive and developmentaltoxicants (e.g., methyl bromide, metam sodium) by the state of California.10 11 Most areacutely toxic to respiratory and dermal systems.

Fungicides are used extensively in agriculture and around homes and structures to controlmold and mildew. They vary greatly in their potential for adverse effects on human health.As a class they are disproportionately responsible for skin and mucous membrane irrita-tion. Some (e.g., captan, maneb) are classified as probable carcinogens by U.S. EPA.Several may be endocrine disruptors.

A 3-year-old Latina girl is brought into the clinic by her parents. She has been vomiting forseveral hours and has now developed diarrhea. No one else in the family is sick. On physicalexam she appears moderately ill and dehydrated. She is tachycardic, although normotensiveand afebrile. Her skin is moist. She shows only mild abdominal tenderness, and scattered wheezesand ronchi on lung exam. The rest of the exam is unremarkable. You are about to diagnose aviral gastroenteritis and bronchitis, when you think to ask about possible pesticide exposure.

A 32-year-old pregnant woman comes in for her first prenatal visit. In the course of the visit,she asks whether pesticides may pose a risk to her fetus. She explains that her cat has fleas andthat her usual routine is to send the pet for a flea dip and have the house flea-bombed toeliminate eggs in the carpets. The exterminator assures her that she runs no risk if she airs thehouse out sufficiently before returning. She wants your reassurance that this plan is indeed safe.

Acute toxicity refers to the immediate effects of a particular dose of pesticide on humanhealth. Acute effects can present numerous symptoms, including respiratory problems,nervous system disorders, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions such as asthma.Symptoms range from mild irritations to death. Pesticides can cause irritation of the eyes,nose, and throat; burning, stinging, itches, rashes, and blistering of the skin; nausea,vomiting, and diarrhea; and coughing, wheezing, headache, and general malaise. Becausethese symptoms are similar or identical to those caused by other illnesses, acute pesticidepoisoning is often misdiagnosed.

• Between 1991 and 1996 California EPA reported 3,991 cases of occupational poisoningby agricultural pesticides.12

• In 1997, 88,255 pesticide exposure emergencies were reported to the national networkof Poison Control Centers.13 Fourteen fatalities were attributed to pesticide poisoningduring the same period. Over 50% of all reported pesticide poisoning cases involvedchildren under six years of age.14

• It is widely thought that many agricultural poisoning cases go unreported. The manybarriers to accurate reporting include lack of access to medical care and fear of reprisaland job loss.15

• Acute dermatitis is the second most common occupational disease for all industrialsectors. The rates of dermatitis in the agricultural industry are the highest in any indus-trial sector. In California, pesticide-related skin conditions represent 15–25% of pesticideillness reports.16


Health Effects ofPesticides

Acute Health ImpactsAcute Toxicity

Acute Toxicity Facts

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8 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

A substantial body of laboratory and epidemiological evidence suggests that certainpesticides are associated with carcinogenesis, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, behavioralimpairment, reproductive dysfunction, endocrine disruption, developmental disabilities,skin conditions, and respiratory diseases such as asthma. Chronic health effects frompesticides are problematic to study in humans because most people are exposed to lowdoses of pesticide mixtures, and delayed health effects are difficult to link to past exposures.Pesticides are biologically active. Some are genotoxic, others disrupt normal neurotransmit-ter function, while still others mimic human hormones, any of which may create subtlehealth effects.

• Forty pesticides are listed by the state of California as known to cause cancer in ani-mals.17

• A number of human epidemiological studies have found associations between householdor occupational pesticide exposure and childhood leukemia, brain tumors, Wilm’stumor, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, sarcomas, prostate cancer, and other can-cers.18 19 20 21 22 23

• Children with brain cancer are more than twice as likely to have been exposed topesticides at home than are healthy children. The incidence of childhood brain cancerhas increased 30% in the past 20 years.24 25 26

• Forty-three pesticides registered for use in California, including the widely-used fumi-gants methyl bromide and metam sodium, are listed by the state as known to cause birthdefects or other reproductive harm or to impair childhood development.27

• Occupational exposure to pesticides has been associated with increased risk of miscar-riage and with a variety of birth defects, particularly of the musculoskeletal system.28 29 30

• There is often a period of heightened vulnerability to the effects of toxic chemicals,including pesticides, during fetal gestation and early childhood. Such susceptibilityoccurs during the development of various organ systems. Permanent structural birthdefects or permanent functional changes may occur.31 32

A condition appreciated relatively recently, endocrine disruption refers to the hormone-altering effects of certain chemicals on animal endocrine systems, impairing reproductionor development. Endocrine disrupting pesticides and other chemicals are currently thesubject of intense study, the result of which may impact use.

• Numerous pesticides have been shown to mimic or block estrogen, while others havebeen shown to block androgens or thyroid hormones.33 34 35 36

• Health effects of endocrine disrupting pesticides in animals include altered circulatinghormone levels, hypospadias, exaggerated nipple development in males, cryptorchidism,decreased sem*n quality, altered time to sexual maturity, and abnormal behavior.37 38 39

• Evidence that exposure to certain pesticides may compromise the immune system isbased in part on animal studies that demonstrate damage to immune organs, suppressionof immune-mediating cells, and increased susceptibility to infectious disease.40 41 42

• Evidence of pesticide-associated neuropsychological deficits is based primarily on studiesof workers exposed to organophosphate or N-methyl carbamate pesticides.43

• Cognitive symptoms include impairment of memory and psychom*otor speed, as well asaffective symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and depression.44

• Visuo-spatial deficits have also been linked to organophosphate exposure.45 Long-termmemory and language abilities are generally spared.46

• Neurological development in children is particularly at risk of disruption. Animal studiesdemonstrate periods of vulnerability, particularly to anticholinesterase, during earlylife.47 48 Recent evidence that acetylcholinesterase may play a direct role in neuronaldifferentiation supports these findings.49

Reproductive andDevelopmental Facts

Endocrine Disruption

Immunological andNeurological Facts

Chronic Effects

Cancer Facts

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 9

Much information on pesticide use in California is available through a Pesticide UseReporting system maintained by the state Department of Pesticide Regulation. Not allpesticide use is reported, including consumer use in homes and gardens and most institu-tional use.

• Reported use of pesticide active ingredients in California increased 40% between 1991and 1998, from 153 million to 215 million pounds; approximately 90% of reported useoccurs in production agriculture. It is estimated that total use is 20–25% higher thanreported use.50

• An average of nearly 23 pounds of pesticide active ingredient is applied per planted acrein the state.51

• Viewed from another perspective, more than 6.5 pounds of pesticide active ingredientare used per person per year in California,52 more than double the national rate of 3.1pounds.53

• Use of known and probable carcinogens—as designated by U.S. EPA and the state ofCalifornia—increased by 127% between 1991 and 1998.54

• Nationally, about 875 pesticide active ingredients are officially registered and marketedin more than 21,000 product formulations.55

• Large quantities of pesticides are also used in non-agricultural sectors, particularly inhomes and landscape management, where the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D) is the most widely employed.56

• In the U.S. a mixture of pesticide residues are detected in the blood and urine of nearly100% of all persons sampled.57 58 59

What can health professionals do to reduce pesticide exposure? They can

• Inform patients about the risks of pesticide exposure and discourage use of manypesticides in the home and garden and on pets, particularly in homes with small childrenor pregnant women.

• Learn about pesticides used in local schools, hospitals, day care centers, parks, andplaygrounds, and push to eliminate use of hazardous pesticides in these environments.

• Work for strict regulation or phase-out of aerial spraying of chemical pesticides.• Support phaseout of the most acutely toxic pesticides, as well as those that cause cancer

or reproductive harm.• Encourage conversion to organic food production by recommending and purchasing

organic food.• Support increased funding for independent research to identify pesticide exposure and

potential consequent health effects.

Pesticide Use inCalifornia and

the U.S.

PreventingAdverse Health

Effects ofPesticideExposure

Screening Questions for Occupational and Environmental ExposuresFor an adult patient:(After establishing the chief complaint and history of the present illness)

❒ What kind of work do you do?

❒ Do you think your health problems are related to yourhome or other location?

❒ (If employed) Do you think your health problems arerelated to your work? Are your symptoms better or worsewhen you are at home or at work?

❒ Are you now or have you previously been exposed topesticides, solvents, or other chemicals, dusts, fumes,radiation, or loud noise?

For a pediatric patient:(Questions asked of parent or guardian)

❒ Do you think the patient’s health problems are related tothe home, daycare, school, or other location?

❒ Has there been any exposure to pesticides, solvents, orother chemicals, dusts, fumes, radiation, or loud noise?

❒ What kind of work do the parents or other householdmembers engage in?

Note: A full screening protocol developed by U.S. EPA is in Chapter 11of this Kit.

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10 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

1 Environmental Advocates, Plagued by pesticides: An analysis of New York State’s 1997 Pesticide Use and Sales Data(New York Public Interest Research Group, Oct. 1998).

2 C.D.S. Tomlin, The pesticide manual, 11th ed. (Farnham, Eng.: British Crop Protection Council, 1997).3 Rachel’s Env Hlth Weekly 586 (19 Feb1998).4 For more information on the Precautionary Principle contact the Science and Environmental Health Network,

www.sehn.org.5 Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment, List of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or

reproductive toxicity (Sacramento: California Environmental Protection Agency, 1998).6 California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide use data, 1991-1998 (Sacramento: California Depart-

ment of Pesticide Regulation, 2000).7 Ibid.8 List of chemicals evaluated for carcinogenic potential, U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (26 August 1999)9 L.H. Keith, Environmental endocrine disrupters: A Handbook of property data, (New York: Wiley Interscience

1997).10 List of Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential, U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (26 August 1999).11 Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment, List of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or

reproductive toxicity (Sacramento: California Environmental Protection Agency, 1998).12 M. Reeves, K. Schafer, K. Hallward, and A. Katten, Fields of Poison: California farmworkers and pesticides (San

Francisco: Californians for Pesticide Reform/Pesticide Action Network—North America/United Farm Workersof America/California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, 1999).

13 T. L. W. Litovitz, K.S. Klein-Schwartz, M. Dyer, et al., 1997 annual report of the American Association of PoisonControl Centers National Data Collection System, Am Emerg Med15 (1998): 447–500.

14 Ibid.15 See note 12 above.16 M.A. O’Malley, Skin reactions to pesticides, Occup Med St Art Rev 12 (2): 327–45.17 See note 5 above.18 D. Baris, S.H. Zahm, K.P. Cantor, and A. Blair, Agricultural use of DDT and risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma:

Pooled analysis of three case-control studies in the United States, Occup Env Med 55 (1998): 522–27.19 J.L. Daniels, A.F. Olshan, and D.A. Savitz, Pesticides and childhood cancers, Env Hlth Persp 105 (1997): 1068–

77.20 J. Dich and K. Wiklund, Prostate cancer in pesticide applicators in Swedish agriculture, Prostate 34 (1998): 100–

112.21 J. Dich, S.H. Zahm, A. Hanberg, and H.O. Adami, Pesticides and cancer, Cancer Causes and Control 8 (1997):

420–43.22 W.T. Sanderson, G. Talaska, D. Zaebst, et al., Pesticide prioritization for a brain cancer case-control study, Env

Rsrch 74 (1997): 133–44.23 S.H. Zahm, D.D. Weisenburger, P.A. Babbitt, et al., A case-control study of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the

herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) in Eastern Nebraska, Epidemiol 1 (1990): 349–55.24 W.T. Sanderson, G. Talaska, D. Zaebst, et al., Pesticide prioritization for a brain cancer case-control study, Env

Rsrch 74 (1997): 133–44.25 S.H. Zahm, M.H. Ward, and A. Blair, Pesticides and cancer, Occup Med (Philadelphia) 12 (1997): 365–70.26 S.H. Zahm and M.H. Ward, Pesticides and childhood cancer, Env Hlth Persp 106 (1998)3: 893–908.27 See note 5 above.28 T.E. Arbuckel and L.E. Sever, Pesticide exposures and fetal death: A review of the epidemiologic literature, Crit

Rev Toxicol 28 (1998): 229–70.29 A.M. Garcia, Occupational exposure to pesticides and congenital malformations: A review of mechanisms,

methods, results, Am J Ind Med 33 (1998): 232–40.30 V.F. Garry, D. Schreinemachers, M.E. Harkins, and J. Griffith, Pesticide appliers, biocides, and birth defects in

rural Minnesota, Env Hlth Persp 104 (1996): 394–98.31 Committee on Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children, Pesticides in the diets of infants and children,

(Washington, DC: National Research Council, 1993)32 M. Moses, Pesticides, in Occupational and environmental reproductive hazards: A guide for physicians, ed. M. Paul

(Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993), 296–305.33 C. Sonnenschein and A.M. Soto, An updated review of environmental estrogen and androgen mimics and

antagonists, J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 65 (1998): 143–50.34 L.E. Gray, Jr., J. Ostby, E. Monosson, and W.R. Kelce, Environmental antiandrogens: Low doses of the fungicide

vinclozolin alter sexual differentiation of the male rat, Toxicol Ind Health 15 (1999)1–2: 48–64.35 J.T. Stevens, C.B. Breckenridge, and L. Wetzel, A risk characterization for atrazine: Oncogenicity profile, J Toxicol

Env Hlth 56 (1999)2: 69–109.

Chapter 1 Notes

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 11

36 K.J. Van den Berg, A.G.M. van Raaij, P.C. Bragt, and W.R.F. Notten, Interactions of halogenated industrialchemicals with transthyretin and effects on thyroid hormone levels in vivo, Arch Toxicol 65 (1991): 15–19.

37 F.S. vom Saal, S.C. Nagel, P. Palanza, et al., Estrogenic pesticides: Binding relative to estradiol in MCF-7 cells andeffects of exposure during fetal life on subsequent territorial behavior in male mice, Toxicol Lett 77 (1995): 343–50.

38 W.R. Kelce, E. Monosson, S.C. Gamcsik, and L.E. Gray, Environmental hormone disruptors: Evidence thatvinclozolin developmental toxicity is mediated by antiandrogenic metabolites, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 126(1997): 276–85.

39 See note 34 above.40 B.D. Banerjee, B.C. Koner, and A. Ray, Immunotoxicity of pesticides: Perspectives and trends, Indian J Exper

Biol 34 (1996): 723–33.41 B.C. Koner, B.D. Banerjee, and A. Ray, Organochlorine pesticide-induced oxidative stress and immune

suppression in rats, Indian J Exper Bio 36 (1998): 395–98.42 R. Repetto and S. Baliga, Pesticides and the immune system: The public health risks (Washington, DC: World

Resources Institute, 1996).43 M.C. Keifer and R.K. Mahurin, Chronic neurologic effects of pesticide overexposure, Occup Med (Philadelphia)

12 (1997): 291–304.44 G.A. Jamal, Neurological symptoms of organophosphorus compounds, Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 16

(1997): 133–70.45 N. Fiedler, H. Kipen, K. Kelly-McNeil, and R. Fenske, Long-term use of organophosphates and neuropsycho-

logical performance, Am J Ind Med 32 (1997): 487–96.46 See note 43 above.47 S.M. Chanda and C.N. Pope, Neurochemical and neurobehavioral effects of repeated gestational exposure to

chlorpyrifos in maternal and developing rats, Pharmacol Biochem Behav 53 (1996): 771–76.48 P. Eriksson, Developmental neurotoxicology in the neonate: Effects of pesticides and polychlorinated organic

substances, Arch Toxicol 18 (1996 Suppl): 81–88.49 S. Brimijoin, and C.Koenigsberger, Cholinesterases in neural development: new findings and toxicologic

implications, Environ Health Perspect 107(1999 Suppl)l: 59-64.50 S. Kegley, S. Orme, and L. Neumeister, Hooked on Poison: Pesticide use in California 1991–1998 (San Francisco:

Californians for Pesticide Reform/Pesticide Action Network, 2000).51 Ibid.52 Ibid.53 A.L. Aspelin, Pesticide industry sales and usage: 1994 and 1995 market estimates (Washington, DC: Office of

Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, U.S. EPA, 1997).54 California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide use data, 1991–1998 (Sacramento: California

Department of Pesticide Regulation, 2000).55 See note 53 above.56 See note 54 above.57 H.A. Anderson, C. Falk, L. Hanrahan, et al., Profiles of Great Lakes critical pollutants: A sentinel analysis of

human blood and urine, Env Hlth Persp 106 (1998): 279–89.58 R.H. Hill, S.L. Head, S. Baker, et al., Pesticide residues in urine of adults living in the United States: Reference

range concentrations, Env Rsrch 71 (1995): 99–108.59 F.W. Kutz, B.T. Cook, O.D. Carter-Pokras, et al., Selected pesticide residues and metabolites in urine from a

survey of the United States general population, J Toxicol Env Hlth 37 (1992): 277-91.

Chapter 1 Notescontinued

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 13

Three farmworkers were transported to the emergency room by their supervisor. They hadbeen working in a vineyard when a nearby cotton field was aerially sprayed with pesticides.The spray had drifted downwind into the vineyard where about a dozen people wereworking. Many of the workers began to complain of a variety of symptoms, includingdifficulty breathing, irritation of the eyes and throat, and nausea. The sickest workers weretaken to the emergency room, while others were being seen in a local clinic. There was noinformation available yet about what the workers were exposed to.

Acute pesticide poisonings present with rapid onset of symptoms—such as those in thecase above—stemming from exposures generally within the past several hours or days.Acute pesticide poisonings are the pesticide-related health effect that practitioners are mostlikely to recognize and treat. However, large numbers of acute pesticide poisonings eachyear go undiagnosed and unreported, according to pesticide researchers.1 The availablereporting data indicate that each year between 2000 and 5000 individuals require hospital-ization as a result of pesticide poisoning in the United States.2 Children under six years ofa*ge represent more than half of acute reported pesticide poisoning incidents, usually viaaccidental ingestion or dermal exposure.3 An estimated 10,000-20,000 farmworkers in theUnited States suffer from acute pesticide poisonings each year.4 In California the state’sPesticide Illness Surveillance Program reported nearly 4000 farmworker pesticide poison-ings from 1991 to 1996.5

Physicians should be aware of the pesticide poisoning reporting requirements under theCalifornia Health and Safety Code.6 The state Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program (PISP)requires that “any physician or surgeon who knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, thata patient is suffering from pesticide poisoning or any disease or condition caused by apesticide shall promptly report that fact to the local health officer by telephone within 24hours and by a copy of the report within seven days.” Failure to report can result in civilpenalties of up to $250. County health officers must then report to county agriculturalcommissioners, who determine whether the cases are potentially related to pesticides. Thestate Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) administers the program. Pesticide illnessrecords are useful for assessing the public health implications of pesticide use and theeffectiveness of current regulations. DPR reports, however, that most pesticide illness dataare obtained from workers compensation reports rather than through the PISP.7

Careful diagnosis is critical. An EPA model screening protocol is included in the appendixof this resource kit. For a comprehensive guide to protocols for diagnosis, treatment, andfollow-up of acute pesticide poisoning, refer to the U.S. EPA handbook on Recognitionand Management of Pesticide Poisonings.8

Organophosphate and carbamate pesticides are among the most common causes ofpesticide poisonings and hospitalizations in the United States.9

Organophosphate (OP) insecticides irreversibly deactivate the enzyme acetylcholinesterase,thereby destabilizing neurotransmission at synaptic junctions. This leads to overstimulationof both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.10,11 Specific antidotes andtherapeutic protocols are available for organophosphate and carbamate poisonings.

One of the most frequently used OP pesticides is chlorpyrifos (Dursban or Lorsban). It iswidely used to kill insects in agriculture, as well as in home insect sprays and in dips to killfleas. Other common OP insecticides include malathion, azinphos-methyl (Guthion),


Acute Effects ofPesticide Exposure


and n-methyl-Carbamate



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14 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

methyl parathion, diazinon, demeton, and phosmet. These pesticides are often used inagriculture, homes and gardens.

The N-methyl-carbamate insecticides also deactivate acetylcholinesterase, but the inhibi-tion is reversible rather than permanent. Thus, while the symptoms of carbamate andorganophosphate poisoning are identical and may be equally severe, carbamate poisoninggenerally runs a shorter course.12 Common N-methyl-carbamate pesticides include carbaryl(Sevin), aldicarb (Temik), fenoxycarb, propoxur, and methomyl.

The symptoms of OP or carbamate poisoning include bradycardia, dyspnea, wheezing,nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ocular meiosis, fasciculations, muscle weakness, and hyperse-cretion, (e.g., lacrimation, perspiration, rhinorrhea, and salivation). Central nervous systemsigns and symptoms are also prominent, including headache, dizziness, restlessness, andanxiety. Severe intoxication may result in psychosis, seizures, and coma.13

Children may present with a different clinical picture from adults. Hypotonia, lethargy,seizures, and coma were more common presenting symptoms in children than in adults,and children rarely present with the classic cholinergic signs of salivation, lacrimation,diaphoresis, bradycardia, or fasciculations.14

Theoretically, acute symptoms of organophosphate or carbamate poisoning are classic andeasily recognized, but in practice diagnosis can be difficult. Pesticide poisoning can easilybe misdiagnosed as gastroenteritis, influenza, bronchitis, or a wide range of other illnesses.Even severe pesticide poisoning requiring intensive care unit admission was misdiagnosed80% of the time in one series, with diagnoses including pneumonia, meningitis, andepilepsy.15

The only way to be sure to correctly diagnose acute pesticide poisoning is to maintain ahigh index of suspicion and take a screening occupational and environmental history fromany patient that presents with suggestive symptoms. Brief questions about occupation,household exposures, and any other potential exposures to fumes, dusts, or gases will allowa rapid assessment of the likelihood that an illness could be related to pesticides or othertoxic chemicals.

Plasma or red blood cell cholinesterase levels can be useful in OP or carbamate poisoning,and are readily available through most labs. However, treatment should not be delayedpending results of the laboratory test. Baseline cholinesterase levels, particularly in plasma,are subject to wide variability. As a result, interpretation of the results can be difficultwithout a baseline for the individual, and a result within the normal range may stillrepresent clinically-significant suppression of cholinesterase for a particular individual.16

Urinary alkyl phosphates and phenols can be useful for documenting exposure within thefirst 48 hours, and are more sensitive to low-level exposure than cholinesterase levels.

Therapy for any pesticide poisoning begins with removal of all potential sources ofongoing exposure including gloves and clothing (every effort should be made to ensureprivacy when removing clothes in field situations). If residues may be on skin or hair, thepatient should be decontaminated with ample soap and water. Supportive care, includingcontinuous cardiac monitoring, oxygenation, airway preservation and aggressive hydration,are all generally indicated.17

For many ingested pesticides gastric lavage and cathartics may be indicated. Be aware,however, that gastric lavage is contraindicated with hydrocarbon ingestion (a commonvehicle in pesticide preparations), and cathartics may not be needed after ingestion ofpesticides such as the OPs and carbamates, which often result in diarrhea.18 Consultationwith a Poison Control Center is highly advisable at this stage.19

Atropine sulfate IV or IM is used to control muscarinic symptoms of OP or carbamatepoisoning, including lacrimation, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and bronchorrhea. Thistreatment does not affect nicotinic symptoms such as muscle weakness, fasciculations, and

Signs and Symptoms

Diagnosis andTreatment

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 15

respiratory depression. An atropine challenge can be useful for diagnostic purposes.Atropine is generally administered in repeated doses of 2–4 mg q 15 minutes in adults, or0.05–0.1 mg/kg q 15 minutes in children until secretory symptoms have reversed. Consulta Poison Control Center or EPA’s Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoningsfor current treatment protocols. Repeated doses may be needed for hours, particularly inthe case of OP poisoning, and severe poisoning can require very large doses, up to 300 mg/day.20

Pralidoxime IV is used to reactivate cholinesterase only in severe cases of OP poisoning. Ablood sample for cholinesterase must be drawn prior to administration of pralidoxime.This medication is generally contraindicated in carbamate poisoning. The adult dose ofpralidoxime is up to two grams in a slow IV drip, while for children the dose should notexceed 50 mg/kg. Blood pressure and heart rate must be carefully monitored duringdosing.21

Acute symptoms associated with other major pesticide categories are presented in Table 2-1. It is noteworthy that clinical manifestations of acute poisoning have only been studiedfor a small fraction of pesticides in current use.

Patients who have suffered acute pesticide poisoning require close medical follow-upbecause certain health effects, particularly neurological impairment, can emerge afterapparently successful treatment and recovery.22

• Avoid using pesticides unless absolutely necessary. Select less toxic alternatives wheneverpossible. For example, insect baits and traps are almost always safer than broadcastsprays, and non-pesticide alternatives include sealing cracks, cleaning up food scraps, andusing soap products to eradicate scents.

• If there are children in the home, make sure that all pesticides are stored out of reach. Donot store any highly toxic pesticides in the home, especially agricultural pesticides or OPpesticides.

• Never store pesticides in containers other than the original, labeled container. In particu-lar, never store pesticides in soft-drink bottles or other food containers.

• If any object, including clothing, containers, or equipment, becomes contaminated withpesticides, discard it or clean it thoroughly and separately. Do not leave any pesticide-contaminated objects in areas where children might come into contact with them.

• Never apply pesticides without following label directions. Always wear protective gloves,long sleeves, and protective clothing. Do not re-enter an area where pesticides wereapplied until well after any time interval specified on the label.

• If you suspect pesticide poisoning, seek emergency medical care as quickly as possible.Bring along any containers associated with the incident.

PreventingAcute Pesticide

PoisoningAdvice for Patients

Other PesticidesAssociated withAcute Poisoning

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16 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

Table 2-1: Acute Symptoms Associated With Some Major Pesticide Categories

Chlorpyrifos, diazinon,methyl parathion,malathion, azinphos-methyl,naled

Carbaryl, aldicarb, fenoxycarb,methomyl, bendiocarb


Allethrin, permethrin,tetramethrin

Deltamethrin, cypermethrin,fenvalerate

Lindane, endosulfan, dicofol,methoxychlor

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D), 2,4-DB, 2,4-DP

Paraquat, diquat

Warfarin, brodifacoum,difenacoum, coumachlor,bromadiolone

Pentachlorophenol (PCP, Penta)


Methyl bromide

Metam sodium

Irreversibly inhibitsacetylcholinesterase resultingin muscarinic and nicotiniceffects

Reversibly inhibitsacetylcholinesterase resultingin muscarinic and nicotiniceffects

Neuronal paralysis,sensitization

Interference with sodiumchannel inneuronal cellmembranes — repetitiveneuronal discharge

Interference with sodiumchannel and inhibition ofgamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA)

Blockade of chloride channelin the GABA receptor complex

Peripheral neuropathy,myopathy, metabolic acidosis,skin and mucus membraneirritant, uncoupler of oxidativephosphorylation

Corrosive, free radicalformation, lipid peroxidation,selective damage topneumatocytes

Antagonize vitamin K,inhibition of clotting factors

Uncouples oxidativephosphorylation, skin andmucus membrane irritant

Uncoupler of oxidativephosphorylation

Irritant, inhibits sulfhydrylenzymes and reversibly breaksdown ATP

Decomposes in water tomethyl isothiocyanate,severely irritant gas

Cholinesterase levels/Supportive care, atropine,pralidoxime

Cholinesterase levels/Supportive care, atropine

No diagnostic test/Treat allergic reactions withantihistamines or steroids, asneeded

No diagnostic test/Decontamination,supportive care,symptomatic treatment

Note: Skin contact may causehighly unpleasant, temporaryparesthesias, best treated withVitamin E oil preparations

Detectable in blood/Decontamination, supportivecare, cholestyramine to clearenterohepatic recirculation

Detectable in urine and blood/Decontamination, hydration,forced alkaline diuresis

Urine dithionite test(colorimetric), detectable inurine and blood/Decontamination, donot administer oxygen,aggressive hydration,hemoperfusion

Elevated PT and INR/Vitamin Kadministration

Detectable in blood and urine/Decontamination, supportivecare, control hyperthermia

Detectable in serum, brightyellow staining of skin andurine/Supportive care, controlhyperthermia

Blood or urine bromide levels/Supportive care,benzodiazipines, dimercaprol

No diagnostic test/Supportive care

Vomiting, diarrhea,hypersecretion,bronchoconstriction, headache,weakness

Vomiting, diarrhea,hypersecretion,bronchoconstriction, headache,weakness

Allergic reactions, anaphylaxis.Tremor, ataxia at very highdoses

Dizziness, irritability to soundor touch, headache, vomiting,diarrhea

Seizures, dizziness, irritability tosound or touch, headache,vomiting, diarrhea

Incoordination, tremors,paresthesia, hyperesthesia,headache, dizziness, nausea,seizures

Nausea and vomiting,headache, confusion, myotonia,low fever, acidosis, EKGchanges, CPK elevation,myoglobinuria

Pain, diarrhea, headache,myalgias, acute tubularnecrosis, delayed pulmonaryedema.Neurologic toxicity fromdiquat

Nosebleeds, hematuria, melena,ecchymoses

Fever, tremor, thirst, sweating,tachycardia, hypercapnia, chestconstriction, abdominal pain

Hyperthermia, tachycardia,anxiety, confusion, headache,diaphoresis

Headache, ataxia, tremor,agitation, visual disturbances,vomiting, seizures, pulmonaryedema

Mucus membrane irritation,pulmonary edema


n-methyl Carbamates


PyrethroidsType I

Type II(cyano-pyrethroids)



Dipyridyl compounds



Nitrophenols andNitrocreosols



Pesticide Category Chemical Examples Physiological Target Acute Symptoms Diagnosis/Treatment

Source: J.R. Reigart and J.R. Roberts, Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, Fifth Ed. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 735-R-98-003, 1999. Online at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/safety/healthcare

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 17

1 R.J. Zweiner, and C.M. Ginsburg, Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning in infants and children.Pediatrics 81 (1988): 121–126.

2 T.L. Litovitz, W. Klein-Schwartz, K.S. Dyer, M. Shannon, S. Lee, and M. Powers, 1997 annual report of theAmerican Association of Poison Control Centers National Data Collection System, Amer Emerg Med 15 (1998):447–500.

3 Ibid.4 J.M. Blondell, Epidemiology of pesticide poisonings in the United States, with special reference to occupational

cases, Occup Med 12 (1997): 209–220.5 California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program data 1991-1996, agricultural

poisonings subset, Cited in M. Reeves, M. Schafer, K. Hallward, and A. Katten, Fields of Poison: CaliforniaFarmworkers and Pesticides (San Francisco: Californians for Pesticide Reform/Pesticide Action Network-NorthAmerica/United Farm Workers of America/California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, 1999).

6 California Health and Safety Code, Section 105200-105225.7 Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program report, 1997. Available at: http://

www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/dprdocs/pisp/1996pisp.htm.8 J.R. Reigart and J.R. Roberts, Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, Fifth Ed., U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency, EPA 735-R-98-003, 1999. Online at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/safety/healthcare.9 See note 4 above.10 R. Stephens, A. Spurgeon, and H. Berry, Organophosphates: The relationship between chronic and acute

exposure effects, Neurotox Teratol 18 (1996): 449–453.11 See note 8 above.12 See note 8 above.13 G.A. Jamal, Neurological symptoms of organophosphorus compounds, Adv Drug React Toxicolo Rev 16 (1997):

133–170.14 M. Lifsh*tz, E. Shahak, and S. Sofer, Carbamate and organophosphate poisoning in young children, Ped Emerg

Care 15 (1999): 102–03.15 See note 1 above.16 See note 8 above.17 See note 8 above.18 See note 8 above.19 California Poison Control Center: 1(800) 876–4766.20 See note 8 above.21 See note 8 above.22 See note 8 above.

Chapter 2 Notes

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 19

Dermatologic Effects ofPesticide Exposure


An agricultural worker comes in with a rash on her hands and arms. It appeared three daysago, the day after she went into some recently sprayed strawberry fields to pick fruit. Shereports that many co-workers have similar rashes but have not sought medical attention:They fear losing their jobs if they report the problem. She does not know the name of thepesticide sprayed, but thinks it is used to control mold. She mentions that she is pregnant andwonders whether the chemical could harm her baby.

Many pesticides penetrate the skin and cause systemic exposure.1 Acute illness and deathhave been reported from percutaneous absorption of pesticides, particularly throughdamaged skin.2

Dermatitis is the second most common occupational disease. Rates in the agriculturalindustry are the highest of any industrial sector.3 In California, pesticide-related skinconditions represent between 15% and 25% of pesticide illness reports.4

Skin reactions can involve any skin area, including areas covered by clothing, particularly ifthe pesticide contacts the clothing and soaks through. However, exposed areas, such asarms, hands, face, and neck, are most commonly affected.5

Pesticides are reported to cause irritant dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, and otherskin conditions, including photodermatitis, porphyria cutanea tarda, and chloracne.6

Plants alone can also cause dermatitis. Strawberries, mangoes, and some nursery plants arecommon causes of allergic contact dermatitis. Parsley and limes can causephotodermatitis.7,8

• Soil fumigators can get irritant dermatitis and chemical burns of the lower extremitiesfrom methyl bromide, dichloropropene (Telone), and metam sodium. These can beprevented by use of chemical-resistant boots.9,10

• Other pesticides frequently associated with irritant dermatitis include the herbicidesparaquat and diquat, the miticide propargite, and the fungicides sulfur, ziram, benomyl,and captan. Reactions are generally more severe in the setting of pre-existing skinabrasions, such as those produced by picking or weeding prickly or rough crops.11

• Fungicides are particularly known as potential skin sensitizers. The ethylenebisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicides such as maneb, mancozeb, zineb, and zirambreak down to ethylene thiourea, a known sensitizer.12,13,14

• Sulfur is one of the most commonly reported causes of skin reactions among agriculturalworkers. This compound is a skin irritant, but can also cause allergic dermatitis.15,16




Table 3-1: Pesticides Reported To BeAssociated with Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Source: M.A. O’Malley, Skin reactions to pesticides, Occup Med State Art Rev 12([1997]2): 327–45.





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20 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

1 R.C. Wester, D. Quan, and H.I. Maibach, In vitro percutaneous absorption of model compounds glyphosateand malathion from cotton fabric into and through human skin, Food Chem Toxicol 34 (1996)8: 731–35.

2 F. Jaros, Acute percutaneous paraquat poisoning, Lancet 1(1978): 275.3 M.A. O’Malley, Skin reactions to pesticides, Occup Med State Art Rev 12 (1997)2: 327–45.4 Ibid.5 Ibid.6 Ibid.7 Ibid.8 E. Paulsen, Occupational dermatitis in Danish gardeners and greenhouse workers (II): Etiological factors, Contact

Dermatitis 38 (1998)1: 14–19.9 M. Hezemans-Boer, J. Toonstra, J. Meulenbelt, et al., Skin lesions due to exposure to methyl bromide, Arch

Dermatol 124 (1988): 917–21.10 D. Koo, L. Goldman, and R. Baron, Irritant dermatitis among workers cleaning up a pesticide spill: California

1991, Am J Ind Med 27 (1995)4: 545–53.11 See note 3 above.12 M. Bruze and S. Fregert, Allergic contact dermatitis from ethylene thiourea, Contact Dermatitis 9 (1983): 208–

12.13 M. Johnsson, M. Buhagen, H.L. Leira, and S. Solvang, Fungicide-induced contact dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis

9 (1983): 285–88.14 P. Koch, Occupational allergic contact dermatitis and airborne contact dermatitis from 5 fungicides in a vineyard

worker: Cross-reactions between fungicides of the dithiocarbamate group, Contact Dermatitis 34 (1996)5: 324–29.

15 D.S. Wilkinson, Sulphur sensitivity, Contact Dermatitis 1 (1975): 58.16 See note 3 above17 I.L. Bernstein, J.A. Bernstein, M. Miller, et al. Immune responses in farm workers after exposure to Bacillus

thuringiensis pesticides, Env Hlth Persp 107 (1999)7:575–82.18 A. Ueda, K. Aoyama, F Manda, et al., Delayed-type allergenicity of triforine (Saprol), Contact Dermatitis 31

(1994)3: 140–45.19 K.A. Mark, R.R. Brancaccio, N.A. Soter, and D.E. Cohen, Allergic contact and photoallergic contact dermatitis

to plant and pesticide allergen, Arch Dermatol 135 (1999)1: 67–70.20 R.L. Baran, Nail damage caused by weed killers and insecticides, Arch Dermatol 110 (1974): 467.21 C.E. Hearn and W. Keir, Nail damage in spray operators exposed to paraquat, Br J Ind Med 28 (1971): 399–

403.22 A.J. McDonagh, D.J. Gawkrodger, and A.E. Walker, Chloracne--study of an outbreak with new clinical

observations, Clin Exp Dermatol 18 (1993): 523–25.23 A.G. Collins, A.W. Nichol, and S. Elsbury, Porphyria cutanea tarda and agricultural pesticides, Australia J

Dermatol 23 (1982): 70–75.

Chapter 3 Notes

Other SkinManifestations

of PesticideExposure

• The organic pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis has recently been shown to induce skinsensitization in exposed workers,17 as have the fungicide triforine and the organophos-phate insecticide dichlorvos (DDVP).18

• Patch testing with standardized concentrations of certain pesticides can be used toconfirm sensitization.19

• Paraquat and diquat, herbicides that can cause skin burns, are also known to severelydamage fingernails.20,21

• Various herbicides have been associated with chloracne, potentially due to contamina-tion with dioxins. The principal herbicide that has been associated with chloracne is2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), the now-banned primary constituent ofa*gent Orange. Other herbicides potentially associated with chloracne include 2,4-D,diuron, and linuron.22

• Porphyria cutanea tarda has been reported following exposure to hexachlorobenzene anddiazinon.23

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 21

Pesticides and Cancer4A 41-year-old farmworker comes into your office complaining of fatigue and bone pain.Since teenagers, he and his sister have worked in fields harvesting crops and mixing pesti-cides. His work-up reveals multiple lytic bone lesions, pancytopenia, and a monoclonalimmunoglobulin spike. A bone marrow aspirate confirms a diagnosis of multiple myeloma.He responds well to treatment. He later tells you that his sister was treated for a soft-tissuesarcoma a few years ago at age 36. Both siblings are motivated to encourage co-workers toparticipate in a study of farmworker health that is being proposed by the Public HealthDepartment. They ask if their diseases could be related to pesticide exposure. How do yourespond?

A wealth of research explores connections between pesticide exposure and neoplasia.Collected clues from the fields of molecular biology, toxicology, biochemistry, and epide-miology may help us chart a course for cancer prevention.

Numerous pesticides are implicated in causing or promoting many types of cancers,leukemias, and lymphomas. Some of these diseases are relatively common, others quiterare. Many of the neoplasms for which association with pesticides is most well-establishedare among those cancers increasing in incidence in industrialized countries. It is unclearwhether exposure to pesticides is causally related to the rising rates of these cancers.

The mechanisms by which pesticides contribute to cancer causation vary, and one pesticidemay operate by more than one of the major mechanisms, which include

• Genotoxic effects—producing direct changes in DNA.

• Promotion—causing fixation and proliferation of abnormal clones. This processincludes endocrine effects that may stimulate otherwise quiescent but hormon-ally sensitive cells to carcinogenesis.

• Immunotoxic effects—disturbing the body’s normal cancer surveillancemechanisms.

Whereas the usual concept of toxicity follows the principle that “the dose makes thepoison,” genotoxic chemicals and hormone disruptors may have effects at very low doseswithout a true threshold below which no risk exists (the stochastic or probabilistic model).Current understanding of carcinogenesis favors the conclusion that even a tiny dose of agenotoxic agent can initiate the process of converting a normal cell to a malignant one.1,2,3,4,5

In the field of endocrine disruption, some scientists argue that because background levels ofendogenous hormones such as estrogen are known to promote cancer, any additionalexternal hormonally active agents add to an already established risk.6 For these reasons, atleast in theory, even rather low-dose exposure to certain carcinogens may pose a health risk.

Three major lines of evidence relate cancer to pesticide exposure:

1.Cell-culture studies that demonstrate effects such as chromosomal damage orestrogenicity.

2.Laboratory animal studies (see Table 4-1).

3.Human epidemiological investigations.

This section focuses primarily on human epidemiological evidence linking pesticideexposure and cancer.

Abundant in vitro and animal research on the potential carcinogenic effects of pesticides isavailable and often leads to important advances in understanding human carcinogenesis.However, to eliminate the variable of cross-species interpretation of tests, we confine


Overview of theEpidemiological


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22 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

discussion to the study of exposed humans. In the case of pesticides, a number of occupa-tional, home, and other environmental studies illustrate the risks of exposure.

For many human studies of pesticides and cancer, the pesticide specifically responsible forcarcinogenesis has not been determined. Because occupations in agriculture involve use ofmultiple agents (including non-pesticidal chemicals), it is often difficult to determine whatagent is linked to a specific endpoint. The same problem occurs with home and environ-mental exposures, where multiple products may be used, their doses unmeasured, theirnames long forgotten by those exposed. In this document, whenever studies are specificenough, the class or type of implicated pesticide will be provided.

It is scientifically difficult to prove that something causes cancer. For example, it took adecade of research to confirm the causative link between cigarettes and lung cancer, despitethe fact that smoking causes more than 90% of all lung cancers7 and one third of allcancers in the U.S.8

When we refer to the risk of developing various cancers, it should be understood thatpesticides are not the only possible cause of any given disease (e.g., leukemia may be causedby some pesticides and also by other chemicals such as benzene). It is usually not possibleto know, on an individual basis, all factors that have contributed to carcinogenesis. Thefollowing information summarizes those substances that should stimulate suspicion andrigorous study if we are to progress toward prevention.

Sometimes called the “silent epidemic,” over the last several decades Non-HodgkinsLymphoma (NHL) incidence has been increasing by 3–4% per year throughout most ofthe world.9,10 In some studies annual increases in incidence are as high as 4.2–8.0%.11,12,13

These reported increases are corrected for known viral causes of NHL, such as humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV), and therefore largely exclude AIDS-related lympho-mas.14,15 Some research on pesticide workers demonstrates associations between occupa-tional exposures (in agriculture or exterminator work) and NHL.16,17,18 A large number ofstudies find more specific correlation, especially to phenoxy herbicides such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).19,20,21,22 Other research on pesticide workers implicatesfuran and dioxin contaminants (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) of the phenoxyherbicides.23 Although the phenoxy herbicides and their contaminants are the mostconsistently NHL-associated chemicals, investigators raise concern about other pesticides,including lindane (used in some head and body lice-treatments),24 organophosphatepesticides,25 and a variety of others, such as carbaryl, chlordane,dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (DDT), diazinon, dichlorvos, malathion, nicotine, andtoxaphene.26 Evidence shows that some fungicides may also be lymphomagens.27

Other epidemiologists have studied exposure of persons who are not pesticide workers butlive in areas of pesticide use or drift. Herbicide spraying doubled the risk of fatal NHL in astudy of persons living in agricultural regions in Canada.28 The phenoxy herbicides wereassociated with increased risk of NHL among residents of rice-growing areas in northernItaly.29 In the U.S., a cluster of NHL and other B cell malignancies has been reported in aMidwestern farming community.30

Humans and their dogs live in close proximity, and a study of canine cancer reinforces theabove data. Increased risk of canine malignant lymphoma has been associated with pets’exposure to 2,4-D on lawns.31

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is another hematological malignancy for which age-adjustedincidence seems to have increased during the last several decades. Rates vary, even amongindustrialized countries: U.S. investigators found an increased incidence of 4% per yearfrom the late 1940s to the early 1980s among white men and women.32 In contrast,epidemiologists in Spain observed a greater than 10% annual rise from the 1960s to the

Pesticides andCancers ofAdulthoodHematologicalMalignancies

Non-HodgkinsLymphoma (NHL)

Multiple Myeloma (MM)

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 23

mid-1980s.33 A number of reports cite intermediate increases in several other nations.34

Many epidemiological studies reveal an association between employment in farming andthe chance of contracting MM, with risks as high as 5-fold.35,36,37,38,39

Some investigators have more specifically identified possible causative agents. One study ofherbicide applicators reports an 8-fold increase in risk of succumbing to MM.40 Thephenoxy herbicides are implicated in this excess risk,41 an association that should not besurprising since the malignancy is closely related to lymphoma. Chlorinated insecticides arealso associated with increased risk for MM in another study.42

Increased occurrence of a rare disease is often more obvious to researchers than a similarrise in the rate of a common illness. The latter tends to get “washed out” among the largenumbers of expected cases. Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) is so rare that multiple recentreports linking it with pesticide exposure raise great interest.43,44 One study specificallyassociates organophosphates with HCL.45

Myeloid leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) have been associated withoccupational exposure to pesticides.46,47 One case-control study finds significant associa-tions between occupational exposure to pesticides and both acute myeloid and lymphoidleukemia.48 Review of recent Cancer Registry of Central California data shows correlationof the herbicides 2,4-D and atrazine and the pesticide captan with leukemia amongHispanic males.49 One cohort study of a group of gardeners known to have been highlyexposed to pesticides reveals a nearly 3-fold increased risk for chronic lymphocytic leuke-mia,50 an illness for which few possible causes have been proposed.

As with NHL, development of Soft Tissue Sarcomas (STS) as a function of pesticideexposure is widely studied and frequently correlated. While some studies reveal a simpleassociation with gardening or farming,51,52 many show a more specific association with thephenoxy herbicides53,54 or with a combination of exposure to phenoxy herbicides and thepesticide contaminant TCDD.55

Occupational exposure to phenoxy herbicides and/or chlorophenol is repeatedly linked toSTS.56,57,58 In one of the most detailed investigations of any tumor/pesticide association,one case-control study of workers with STS derived odds ratios for exposure to three majorpesticide-classes—phenoxy herbicides, chlorophenols, and dioxins. The odds of contract-ing STS after exposure to any phenoxy herbicide was approximately ten times higher thanfor non-exposed controls; to the class comprising 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid and to any chlori-nated dibenzodioxin or furan, nearly six; and to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,greater than five.59

While elevated risk for skin cancer and cancer of the lip is repeatedly associated withfarming,60,61,62,63 ultraviolet light exposure may be a more likely causative factor thanpesticides. Therefore, observation of an association between one specific type of skincancer—Bowen’s disease—and the manufacture of paraquat64 is of interest because theparaquat-associated skin cancers demonstrate DNA abnormalities which differ fromsunlight-induced skin cancers.

The age-adjusted incidence of primary tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS)(particularly astrocytomas, including the rapidly progressive glioblastoma multiforme aswell as the benign meningiomas) appears to have increased by 50–100% over the pastseveral decades, with greatest increase among the elderly.65,66,67 Studies also show increasedoccurrence of high-grade neuroepithelial tumors, lymphoma, and other primary CNStumors of 5–13%68,69 per annum in the elderly. Some observers attribute the apparentincrease to the availability of computerized tomography,70 but disproportionate increase incertain histologic types,71 parallel increases in mortality,72 and studies that show diagnostic

MyelodysplasticSyndrome (MDS)

Soft Tissue Sarcomas(STS) in Adults

Carcinomas andCentral Nervous

System (CNS)Malignancies in

AdultsSkin Cancer and Cancer

of the Lip

Hairy CellLeukemia (HCL)

Brain Tumors

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24 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

imaging only contributes about 20% to case ascertainment all suggest the rise is probablyreal.73

Several studies of workers in farming,74 gardening and orchard work,75 pesticide applica-tion,76 and golf-course superintendence77 show increased risk for primary tumors of thebrain. Research analyzing risk of brain cancer among many occupational groups indicatesthat workers in occupations likely to involve pesticide exposure heighten their liability tobrain tumors.78,79 No studies yet connect specific pesticides to these observed increases.

Modest increase in cancers of the nose and nasal cavity is reported among workers exposedto phenoxy herbicides and chlorophenols.80,81 A greater than 2-fold increase in lung cancer(adjusted for smoking) has been observed among structural pest-control workers.82 Excesscancer of the sinonasal cavities and lungs has been found among women working inagricultural settings.83

Gastric cancer has been associated with work as a farmer,84 as has colorectal cancer.85,86 Inone retrospective cohort study, colorectal cancer specifically correlated with working in aplant that manufactured the herbicide alachlor. For all exposed workers, risk for developingleukemia or colorectal cancer was 50% higher than for a comparable non-exposed popula-tion, while incidence of colorectal cancer among workers with five or more years of thehighest alachlor exposure was more than five times greater.87

One study finds that biliary and liver cancer correlate highly with work as a pesticideapplicator.88,89 Another study strongly implicates exposure to DDT.90 Research on workersin plants that manufacture organochlorines shows a nearly 4-fold increased risk fromexposure to chlordane, heptachlor, endrin, aldrin, and dieldrin.91 These pesticides are nolonger used in the U.S., but persist in the environment—including termite-protectedhomes—so exposure may still occur.

A number of studies implicate pesticides in pancreatic cancer. They show that occupationalpesticide-exposure increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.92,93,94 Workers exposed to DDTand related compounds suffer more than a 7-fold increased incidence of pancreatic cancercompared with non-exposed workers.95 In short, organochlorine exposure appears to beconsistently linked with a variety of gastrointestinal malignancies.

The U.S. has recently experienced increased incidence of and mortality from renal cancers.According to the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) national cancer-monitoring program, the last 25 years have witnessed dramatic increases in disease anddeath from kidney cancer among black and white Americans of both sexes. During the last20 years, all white men saw increased incidence at 3.1% per year; white women at 3.9%;and African-American men and women, the steepest at 3.9% and 4.3%.96 Such rates overa 20-year period cannot be explained by early detection, especially given that screeningtests are not routinely employed. An environmental cause is likely.

Occupational exposure to pesticides (work in agriculture) has been correlated with in-creased risk for kidney cancer (or hypernephroma).97,98,99 One study shows specific riskassociated with pentachlorophenol.100 Among women occupationally exposed to pesticides,one study observed increased incidence of bladder cancer.101

Testicular cancer is another malignancy rising in occurrence for the last several decades invirtually all developed nations. Annual incidence increases range from 2.3% to 5.2% inEurope since the 1940s.102 In Miyagi, Japan, growth is among the highest, with 6.6% perannum.103 U.S. data suggest similar trends: The nation’s oldest on-going statewide tumorregistry finds a mean annual increase in testicular cancer incidence of more than 5.5% overthe last 60 years.104

Studies of offspring of parents who work in agricultural activities reveal higher rates oftesticular cancer, with occurrence manifesting in childhood as well as young adulthood.105

Urinary Tract Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Respiratory Tract Cancer

Gastrointestinal Cancers

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 25

Another study shows excess risk of testicular cancer among workers exposed to phenoxyherbicides and chlorophenols.106

Numerous studies demonstrate small but significant correlations between prostate cancerand occupational settings likely to lead to pesticide exposure,107,108 as well as jobs involvingdirect pesticide or herbicide application.109

Age-adjusted incidence of breast cancer in industrialized countries has increased 1–2% peryear for several decades, both before and after introduction of mammography.110,111 Thisobservation suggests environmental factors may play a role in this common disease.

Recent years have witnessed great controversy over the possibility of attributing increasedbreast cancer incidence to hormonally active environmental contaminants, including somepesticides. The organochlorines have received special attention due to their estrogeniceffects in vitro, lab animals, and wildlife. While we cite studies that seem to support thatsome pesticides contribute to breast cancer causation, it should be noted that there arenegative findings as well, so the precise contribution of pesticides to breast carcinogenesis isnot settled.

A case-control study of postmenopausal breast cancer measured serum levels of certainorganochlorine compounds (DDE, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, and several polychlorinatedbiphenyls or PCBs). Some increased risk appeared for women with certain types of PCBsand mirex detectable in their serum, but this effect was predominantly restricted topostmenopausal women who had never breast-fed.112 It should be observed that PCBs,although organochlorines, are not expected pesticide-components.

Another case-control study analyzed breast tissue from patients with invasive cancer for thepresence of organochlorines and compared it with control measurements from womenwith benign breast biopsies. Some, but not all, classes of PCBs were associated with breastcancer, especially among postmenopausal women with estrogen-receptor positive tumors.Hexachlorobenzene levels were also associated with increased risk of malignancy.113

Case-control research from Colombia showed an association between serumdichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethane (DDE, a metabolite of DDT) levels and risk for breastcancer.114 Another study found serum dieldrin levels associated with dose-related, signifi-cantly elevated risk of breast cancer, but other organochlorines appeared not to affectrisk.115

In an ecological study of breast cancer incidence in an agricultural district heavily contami-nated with organochlorine and triazine herbicides, a very modest but statistically significantincreased risk of breast cancer is evident.116

In summary, organochlorine pesticides may disrupt some actions of estrogens. However,the actual effect on breast cancer risk is likely to vary from compound to compound andeven change with different endocrine states of the host.117

A large cohort study of workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides and chlorophenols revealsincreased risk of thyroid cancer among exposed persons.118

In a community exposed to unusually high levels of the organochlorinehexachlorobenzene, excess incidence of thyroid cancer was observed.119 An agriculturalregion of Minnesota with heavy use of ethylene bis-dithiocarbamate fungicides (such asmaneb, mancozeb, and zineb) suffered a nearly 3-fold increased risk. These fungicides aremetabolized to ethylene thiourea, a known thyroid carcinogen in animals.120

Every year approximately 8000 children under age fifteen are diagnosed with a malignantdisease, most frequently leukemia and brain tumors. Environmental exposure such as toionizing radiation, hormones, and antineoplastic agents are accepted to be contributors tothese diseases. Some childhood tumors such as gliomas, leukemia, and Wilms’ tumor seem

Prostate Cancer

Breast Cancer


Pesticides andChildhood


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26 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

Brain and NervousSystemTumors


Wilms’ Tumor


Chapter 4 Notes

to be increasing in incidence, but the causefor most of these illnesses remains un-known.121 The clues pertaining to pesticidesand children should be treated seriouslygiven pesticides’ ubiquitous presence, thetendency of children (especially toddlers) toexperience their world by tasting it, and thepossible increased sensitivity of children tocarcinogens.

Parental occupational exposure to pesticidesas well as home and garden pesticide usemay increase risk of childhood leuke-mia.122,123,124 Home use of pest strips hasbeen strongly associated with risk.125

Pesticides have been linked to childhoodNHL.126 Children of parents engaged inagricultural work show higher thanexpected risk.127

A multicenter case-control study findshome use of pesticides increases risk ofchildhood brain cancers.128 Other researchon home pesticide deployment demon-strates highly significant correlationbetween pediatric brain tumors and use ofsprays or foggers to dispense flea and/ortick pet-treatments.129 Other pesticidesimplicated include pest strips, termite-control pesticides, lindane shampoo, fleacollars, yard and orchard herbicides, homepesticide bombs, and carbaryl for outdooruse.130 Occupational pesticide use byparents has been associated with increasedrisk of childhood neuroblastoma.131

A study of parental occupation andchildhood cancer shows a strong associationbetween fathers’ employment in agricul-tural work (from six months prior toconception up to the time of diagnosis) andEwings’ sarcoma in offspring.132 Yardpesticide treatments have been linked to anincreased rate of childhood soft-tissuesarcomas.133

Paternal employment in agriculture hasbeen associated with increased risk ofWilms’ tumor.134 In other studies, bothpaternal and maternal exposures to pesti-cides correlates with increased risk.135,136

Childhood Leukemia

Table 4-1: Carcinogenic Pesticides

Arsenic acid HerbicideArsenic pentoxide Insecticide,

wood preservativeArsenic trioxide RodenticideCacodylic acid Herbicide, defoliantCaptan FungicideChlorothalonil FungicideChromic acid Wood preservativeCreosote Wood preservativeDaminozide Plant growth regulatorDdvp InsecticideDipropyl

isocinchomeronate InsecticideDiuron HerbicideEthoprop InsecticideEthylene sodium FumigantFenoxycarb InsecticideFolpet FungicideFormaldehyde MicrobiocideIprodione FungicideLindane InsecticideMancozeb FungicideManeb FungicideMetam-sodium FumigantMetiram FungicideOrtho-phenylphenol MicrobiocideOrtho-phenylphenol,

Sodium salt MicrobiocideOxadiazon HerbicideOxythioquinox Insecticide, fungicide,

fumigantPara-dichlorobenzene InsecticidePentachlorophenol Wood preservativePotassium dichromate Wood preservativePropargite InsecticidePropoxur InsecticidePropylene oxide FumigantPropyzamide HerbicidePyrethrins InsecticideS,S,S-tributyl

phosphorotrithioate DefoliantSilica aeroge InsecticideSodium dichromate Wood preservativeThiodicarb InsecticideThiophanate-methyl FungicideTrichlorfon InsecticideVinclozolin Fungicide

Chemical Name Chemical Use

Source: Pesticides listed as known, likely, or probable carcinogensby U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides Programs as of August 1999, orby the state of California under Proposition 65 and the SafeDrinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

1 K.S. Crump, An improved procedure for low-dose carcinogenic risk assessment from animal data, J Env PathToxicol 5 (1980): 675–84.

2 C.C. Brown, Learning about toxicity in humans: Some studies in animals, Chemtech 13 (1983): 350–58.3 E.L. Anderson, The Carcinogen Assessment Group of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Analysis 4

(1983): 277–95.

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4 D. Hattis, Pharmaco*kinetic principles for dose-rate extrapolation of carcinogenic risk from genetically active agents,Risk Analysis 10 (1990): 303–16.

5 D. Hattis and K. Barlow, Human interindividual variability in cancer risks: Technical and management challenges,Hlth Ecol Risk Assess 2 (1996): 194–220.

6 R.L. Dickerson, A. Brouwer, L.E. Gray, et al., Dose-response relationships, in Principles and processes for evaluatingendocrine disruption in wildlife, ed. R. Kendall, R. Dickerson, J. Giesy, and W. Suk (Pensacola, FL: Society ofEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press, 1998).

7 K.E. Osann, H. Anton-Culver, T. Kurosaki, and T. Taylor, Sex differences in lung cancer risk associated withcigarette smoking, Int J Cancer 54 (1993): 44.

8 R. Doll and R. Peto, The causes of cancer: Quantitive estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United Statestoday, J Natl Cancer Inst 66 (1981)6: 1191–1308.

9 S.S. Devesa and T. Fears, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma time trends: United States and international data, Cancer Res52 (1992 Suppl 19): 5432s–40s.

10 P. Hartge, S.S. Devesa, and J.F. Fraumeni, Jr., Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, Canc Surv 19–20 (1994):423–53.

11 R. Cartwright, H. Brincker, P.M. Carli, et al., The rise in incidence of lymphomas in Europe 1985–1992, Eur JCancer 35 (1999)4: 627–33.

12 M. Pollan, G. Lopez-Abente, C. Moreno, et al., Rising incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in Spain: Analysisof period and cohort effects, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 7 (1998)7: 621–25.

13 H. Hjalgrim, M. Frisch, K. Begtrup, and M. Melbye, Recent increase in the incidence of non-Hodgkin’slymphoma among young men and women in Denmark, Br J Cancer 73 (1996)7: 951–54.

14 See note 10 above.15 P. Hartge and S.S. Devesa, Quantification of the impact of known risk factors on time trends in non-Hodgkin’s

lymphoma incidence, Cancer Res Suppl 52 (1992): 5566.16 F. fa*gioli, G.M. Rigolin, A. Cuneo, et al., Primary gastric lymphoma: Distribution and clinical relevance of

different epidemiological factors, Haematologica 79 (1994)3: 213–17.17 Y. Zhong and V. Rafnsson, Cancer incidence among Icelandic pesticide users, Intl J Epidemiol 25 (1996): 1117–24.18 J.E. Keller-Byrne, S.A. Khuder, E.A. Schaub, and O. McAfee, A meta-analysis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

among farmers in the central United States, Am J Ind Med 31 (1997)4: 442–44.19 H.I. Morrison, K. Wilkins, R. sem*nciw, et al., Herbicides and cancer, J Natl Cancer Inst 84 (1992)24: 1866–74.20 B. Persson, M. Fredriksson, K. Olsen, et al., Some occupational exposures as risk factors for malignant lymphomas,

Cancer 72 (1993)5: 1773–78.21 S.H. Zahm, Mortality study of pesticide applicators and other employees of a lawn care service company, J Occup

Env Med 39 (1997)11: 1055–67.22 A. Fontana, C. Picoco, G. Masala, et al., Incidence rates of lymphomas and environmental measurements of

phenoxy herbicides: Ecological analysis and case-control study, Arch Env Hlth 53 (1998)6: 384–87.23 H. Becher, D. Flesch-Janys, T. Kauppinen, et al., Cancer mortality in German male workers exposed to phenoxy

herbicides and dioxins, Cancer Causes and Control 7 (1996)3: 312–21.24 A. Blair, K.P. Cantor, and S.H. Zahm, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and agricultural use of the insecticide lindane,

Am J Ind Med 33 (1998)1: 82–87.25 S.H. Zahm, D.D. Weisenburger, R.C. Saal, et al., The role of agricultural pesticide use in the development of non-

Hodgkin’s lymphoma in women, Arch Env Hlth 48 (1993)5: 353–58.26 K.P. Cantor, A. Blair, G. Everett, et al., Pesticides and other agricultural risk factors for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

among men in Iowa and Minnesota, Cancer Rsrch 52 (1992)9: 2447–55.27 L. Hardell and M. Eriksson, A case-control study of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and exposure to pesticides, Cancer

85 (1999)6: 1353–60.28 H.I. Morrison, R.M. sem*nciw, K. Wilkins, et al., Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and agricultural practices in the

prairie provinces of Canada, Scand J Work Env Hlth 20 (1994)1: 42–47.29 See note 22 above.30 D. Waterhouse, W.J. Carman, D. Schottenfeld, et al., Cancer incidence in the rural community of Tec*mseh,

Michigan: A pattern of increased lymphopoietic neoplasms, Cancer 77 (1996)4: 763–70.31 H.M. Hayes, R.E. Tarone, K.P. Cantor, et al., Case-control study of canine malignant lymphoma: Positive

association with dog owner’s use of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicides, J Natl Cancer Inst 83 (1991)17:1226–31.

32 S.S. Devesa, D.T. Silverman, J.L. Young, Jr., et al., Cancer incidence and mortality trends among whites in theUnited States, 1947–84, J Natl Cancer Inst 79 (1987)4: 701-70.

33 M. Pollan, G. Lopez-Abente, and R. Pla-Mestre, Time trends for multiple myeloma in Spain, 1957–1986, Int JEpidemiol 22 (1993)1: 45–50.

34 J. Cuzick, Multiple myeloma, Cancer Surv 19–20 (1994): 455–74.35 L.M. Pottern, E.F. Heineman, J.H. Olsen, et al., Multiple myeloma among Danish women: Employment history

Chapter 4 Notescontinued

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28 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

Chapter 4 Notescontinued

and workplace exposures, Cancer Causes and Control 3 (1992)5: 427–32.36 P.A. Demers, T.L. Vaughan, T.D. Koepsell, et al., A case-control study of multiple myeloma and occupation, Am J

Ind Med 23 (1993)4: 629–39.37 J.F. Viel and S.T. Richardson, Lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia among French farmers in relation to

pesticide exposure, Soc Sci Med 37 (1993)6: 771–77.38 P. Kristensen, A. Andersen, L.M. Irgens, et al., Incidence and risk factors of cancer among men and women in

Norwegian agriculture, Scand J Work Env Hlth 22 (1996)1: 14–26.39 S.A. Khuder and A.B. Mutgi, Meta-analysis of multiple myeloma and farming, Am J Ind Med 32 (1997)5: 510–16.40 G.M. Swaen, C. vanVliet, J.J. Slangen, and F. Sturmans, Cancer mortality among licensed herbicide applicators,

Scand J Work Env Hlth 18 (1992)3: 201–4.41 M. Eriksson and M. Karlsson, Occupational and other environmental factors and multiple myeloma: A population

based case-control study, Br J Ind Med 49 (1992)2: 95–103.42 O. Nanni, F. Falcini, E. Buiatti, et al., Multiple myeloma and work in agriculture: Results of a case-control study in

Forli, Italy, Cancer Causes and Control 9 (1998)3: 277–83.43 V.F. Garry, J.T. Kelly, J.M. Sprafka, et al., Survey of health and use characterization of pesticide appliers in

Minnesota, Arch Env Hlth 49 (1994)5: 337–43.44 J. Clavel, L. Mandereau, S. Cordier, et al., Hairy cell leukemia, occupation and smoking, Br J Hematol 91 (1995)1:

154–61.45 J. Clavel, D. Hemon, L. Mandereau, et al., Farming, pesticide use and hairy cell leukemia, Scand J Work Env Hlth

22 (1996)4: 285–93.46 P. Pasqualetti, R. Casale, D. Colantonio, and A. Collacciani, Occupational risk for hematological malignancies, Am

J Hematol 38 (1991)2: 147–49.47 G. Ciccone, D. Mirabelli, A. Levis, et al., Myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes: Chemical exposure,

histologic sub-type and cytogenetics in a case-control study, Cancer Gen Cytogen 68 (1993)2: 135–39.48 S. Richardson, R. Zittoun, S. Bastuji-Garin, et al., Occupational risk factors for acute leukemia: A case-control

study, Intl J Epidemiol 21 (1992)6: 1063–73.49 P.K. Mills, Correlation analysis of pesticide use data and cancer incidence rates in California counties, Arch Env Hlth

53 (1998)6: 410–13.50 E.S. Hansen, H. Hasle, and F. Lander, A cohort study on cancer incidence among Danish gardeners, Am J Int Med

21 (1992)5: 651–60.51 Ibid.52 H.H. McDuffie, Women at work: Agriculture and pesticides, J Occup Med 36 (1994)11: 1240–46.53 E. Lynge, Cancer in phenoxy herbicide manufacturing workers in Denmark, 1947–87: An update, Cancer Causes

and Control 4 (1993)3: 261–72.54 M. Kogevinas, H. Becher, T. Benn, et al., Cancer mortality in workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides,

chlorophenols, and dioxins: An expanded and updated international cohort study, Am J Epidemiol 145 (1997)12:1061–75.

55 Ibid.56 J.A. Hoppin, P.E. Tolbert, R.F. Herrick, et al., Occupational chlorophenol exposure and soft tissue sarcoma risk

among men aged 30–60 years, Am J Epidemiol 148 (1998)7: 693–703.57 J.G. Smith and A.J. Christophers, Phenoxy herbicides and chlorophenols: A case-control study on soft tissue

sarcoma and malignant lymphoma, Br J Cancer 65 (1992)3: 442–48.58 R. Saracci, M. Kogevinas, P.A. Bertazzi, et al., Cancer mortality in workers exposed to chlorophenoxy herbicides and

chlorophenols, Lancet 338 (1991)8774: 1027–32.59 M. Kogevinas, T. Kauppinen, R. Winkelmann, et al., Soft tissue sarcoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in workers

exposed to phenoxy herbicides, chlorophenols, and dioxins: Two nested case-control studies, Epidemiology 6(1995)4: 396–402.

60 K. Wiklund and J. Dich, Cancer risks among male farmers in Sweden, Eur J Cancer Prev 4 (1995)1: 81–90.61 D.M. Schreinemachers, J.P. Creason, and V.F. Garry, Cancer mortality in agricultural regions of Minnesota, Env

Hlth Persp 107 (1999)3: 205–11.62 P. Torchio, A.R. Lepore, G. Corrao, et al., Mortality study on a cohort of Italian licensed pesticide users, Sci Total

Env 149 (1994)3: 183–91.63 E.A. Holly, D.A. Aston, D.K. Ahn, and A.H. Smith, Intraocular melanoma linked to occupations and chemical

exposures, Epidemiology 7 (1996)1: 55–61.64 L.L. Hsieh, H.J. Chen, J.T. Hsieh, et al., Arsenic-related Bowen’s disease and paraquat-related skin cancer lesions

show no detectable ras and p53 gene alterations, Cancer Lett 86 (1994)1: 59–65.65 C.E. Counsell and R. Grant, Incidence studies of primary and secondary intracranial tumors: A systematic review of

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 29

67 F.G. Davis, N. Malinski, W. Haenszel, et al., Primary brain tumor incidence rates in four United States regions,1985–1989: A pilot study, Neuroepidemiology 15 (1996)2: 103–12.

68 Ibid.69 A. Fleury, F. Menengoz, P. Grosclaude, et al., Descriptive epidemiology of cerebral gliomas in France, Cancer 79

(1997)6: 1195–1202.70 J. Christensen, H. Klarskov, E. Raffin, et al., Primary intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms in Denmark 1943–

1987, Ugeskr Laeger 157 (1995)41: 5716–20.71 M.H. Werner, S. Phuphanich, and G.H. Lyman, The increasing incidence of malignant gliomas and primary

central nervous system lymphoma in the elderly, Cancer 76 (1995)9: 1634–42.72 D. Shugg, B.J. Allen, L. Blizzard, et al., Brain cancer incidence and mortality and case survival: Observations

from two Australian cancer registries, Intl J Cancer 59 (1994)6: 765–70.73 M. Desmeules, T. Mikkelsen, and Y. Mao, Increasing incidence of primary malignant brain tumors: Influence of

diagnostic methods, J Natl Cancer Inst 84 (1992)6: 442–45.74 S.A. Khuder, A.B. Mutgi, and E.A. Schaub, Meta-analyses of brain cancer and farming, Am J Ind Med 34

(1998)3: 252–60.75 M. Littorin, R. Attewell, S. Skervfving, et al., Mortality and tumor morbidity among Swedish market gardeners

and orchardists, Intl Arch Occup Env Hlth 65 (1993)3: 163–69.76 I. Figa-Talamanca, I. Mearelli, and P. Valente, Mortality in a cohort of pesticide applicators in an urban setting,

Intl J Epidemiol 22 (1993)4: 674–76.77 B.C. Kross, L.F. Burmeister, L.K. Ogilvie, et al., Proportionate mortality study of golf course superintendents, Am

J Ind Med 29 (1996)5: 501–6.78 Y. Rodvall, A. Ahlbom, B. Spannare, and G. Nise, Glioma and occupational exposure in Sweden: A case-control

study, J Occup Env Med 53 (1996)8: 526–37.79 E.F. Heineman, Y.T. Gao, M. Dosemeci, and J.K. McLaughlin, Occupational risk factors for brain tumors

among women in Shanghai, China, J Occup Env Med 37 (1995)3: 288–93.80 See note 58 above.81 See note 54 above.82 A.C. Pesatori, J.M. Sontag, J.H. Lubin, et al., Cohort mortality and nested case-control study of lung cancer

among structural pest control workers in Florida, Cancer Causes and Control 5 (1994)4: 310–18.83 See note 52 above.84 F. Forastriere, A. Quercia, M. Miceli, et al., Cancer among farmers in central Italy, Scand J Work Env Hlth 19

(1993)6: 382–89.85 Ibid.86 See note 60 above.87 T. Leet, J. Acquavella, C. Lynch, et al., Cancer incidence among alachlor manufacturing workers, Am J Ind Med

30 (1996)3: 300–6.88 See note 76 above.89 I. Figa-Talamanca, I. Mearelli, P. Valente, and S. Bascherini, Cancer mortality in a cohort of rural licensed

pesticide users in the province of Rome, Intl J Epidemiol 22 (1993)4: 579–83.90 P. Cocco, A. Blair, P. Congia, et al., Long-term health effects of the occupational exposure to DDT: A preliminary

report, Ann NY Acad Sci 837 (1997): 246–56.91 D.P. Brown, Mortality of workers employed at organochlorine pesticide manufacturing plants: An update, Scand

J Work Env Hlth 18 (1992)3: 155–61.92 See note 60 above.93 See note 84 above.94 T. Kauppinen, T. Partanen, R. Degerth, and A. Ojajarvi, Pancreatic cancer and occupational exposures,

Epidemiology 6 (1995)5: 498–502.95 D.H. Garabrant, J. Held, B. Langholz, et al., DDT and related compounds and risk of pancreatic cancer, J Natl

Cancer Inst 84 (1992)10: 764–71.96 W.H. Chow, S.S. Devesa, J.L. Warren, and J.F. Fraumeni, Jr., Rising incidence of renal cell cancer in the United

States, JAMA 281 (1999)17: 1628–31.97 See note 60 above.98 See note 84 above.99 A. Mellemgaard, G. Engholm, J.K. McLaughlin, and J.H. Olsen, Occupational risk factors for renal-cell

carcinoma in Denmark, Scand J Work Env Hlth 20 (1994)3: 160–65.100 J.M. Ramlow, N.W. Spadacene, S.R. Hoag, et al., Mortality in a cohort of pentachlorophenol manufacturing

workers, 1940–1989, Am J Ind Med 30 (1996)2: 180–94.101 See note 52 above.102 R. Bergstrom, H.O. Adami, M. Mohner, et al., Increase in testicular cancer incidence in six European countries:

Chapter 4 Notescontinued

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30 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

A birth cohort phenomenon, J Natl Cancer Inst 88 (1996)11: 727–33.103 D. Forman and H. Moller, Testicular cancer, Cancer Surv 19–20 (1994): 323–41.104 T. Zheng, T.R. Holford, Z. Ma, et al., Continuing increase in incidence of germ-cell testis cancer in young adults:

Experience from Connecticut, USA, 1935–1992, Intl J Cancer 65 (1996)6: 723–29.105 P. Kristensen, A. Andersen, L.M. Irgens, et al., Cancer in offspring of parents engaged in agricultural activities in

Norway: Incidence and risk factors in the farm environment, Intl J Cancer 65 (1996)1: 39–50.106 See note 58 above.107 J.W. Van Der Gulden and P.F. Vogelzang, Farmers at risk for prostate cancer, Br J Urology 77 (1996)1: 6–14.108 J.W. Van Der Gulden, J.J. Kolk, and A.L.Verbeek, Work environment and prostate cancer risk, Prostate 27 (5): 250–

57.109 H. Morrison, D. Savitz, R. sem*nciw, et al., Farming and prostate cancer mortality, Am J Epidemiol 137 (1993)3:

270–80.110 C. Harmer, M. Staples, and A.M. Kavanaugh, Evaluation of breast cancer screening incidence: Is the increase due

entirely to mammographic screening? Cancer Causes and Control 10 (5): 333–37.111 H. Tulinius, H. Sigvaldason, G. Olafsdottir, et al., Breast cancer incidence and familiality in Iceland during 75 years

from 1921 to 1995, J Med Genet 36 (1999)2: 103–7.112 K.B. Moysich, C.B. Ambrosone, J.E. Vena, et al., Environmental organochlorine exposure and postmenopausal

breast cancer risk, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 7 (1998)3: 181–88.113 G. Liljegren, L. Hardell, G. Lindstrom, et al., Case-control study on breast cancer concentrations of congener

specific polychlorinated biphenyls, DDE and hexachlorobenzene, Eur J Cancer Prev 7 (1998)2: 135–40.114 P. Olaya-Contreras, J. Rodriguez-Villamil, H.J. Posso-Valencia, and J.E. Cortez, Organochlorine exposure and breast

cancer risk in Colombian women, Cad Saude Publica 14 (1998 Suppl 3): 124–32.115 A.P. Hoyer, P. Granjean, T. Jorgensen, et al., Organochlorine exposure and risk of breast cancer, Lancet 352

(1998)9143: 1816–20.116 M.K. Kettles, S.R. Browning, T.S. Prince, and S.W. Horstman, Triazine herbicide exposure and breast cancer

incidence: An ecologic study of Kentucky counties, Env Hlth Persp 105 (1997)11: 1222–27.117 S. H. Safe and T. Zacharewski, Organochlorine exposure and risk for breast cancer, Prog Clin Biol Res 396 (1997):

133–45.118 See note 58 above.119 J.O. Grimalt, J. Sunyer, V. Moreno, et al., Risk excess of soft-tissue sarcoma and thyroid cancer in a community

exposed to airborne organochlorinated compound mixtures with a high hexachlorobenzene content, Intl J Cancer 56(1994)2: 200–03.

120 See note 61 above.121 S.H. Zahm and M.H. Ward, Pesticides and childhood cancer, Env Hlth Persp 106 (1998 Suppl 3): 893–908.122 Y.M. Mulder, M. Drijver, and I.A. Kreis, Case-control study on the association between a cluster of childhood

haematopoietic malignancies and local environmental factors in Aalsmeer, The Netherlands, J Epidemiol Comm Hlth48 (1994)2: 161–65.

123 R. Meinert, P. Kaatsch, U. Kaletsch, et al., Childhood leukemia and exposure to pesticides: Results of a case-controlstudy in northern Germany, Eur J Cancer 32A (1996)11: 1943–48.

124 J.L. Daniels, et. al., Pesticides and childhood cancers, Env Hlth Persp 105 (1997)10: 1068–77.125 J.K. Leiss and D.A. Savitz, Home pesticide use and childhood cancer: A case-control study, Am J Public Hlth 85

(1995)2: 249–52.126 See note 124 above.127 See note 105 above.128 S. Cordier, M.J. Iglesias, C. Le Goaster, et al., Incidence and risk factors for childhood brain tumors in the Ile de

France, Intl J Cancer 59 (1994)6: 776–82.129 J.M. Pogoda and S. Preston-Martin, Household pesticides and risk of pediatric brain tumors, Env Hlth Persp 105

(1997)11: 1214–20.130 J.R. Davis, R.C. Brownson, R. Garcia, et al., Family pesticide use and childhood brain cancer, Arch Env Contam

Toxicol 24 (1993)1: 87–92.131 See note 105 above.132 E.A. Holly, D.A. Aston, D.K. Ahn, and J.J. Kristiansen, Ewing’s bone sarcoma, paternal occupational exposure, and

other factors, Am J Epidemiol 135 (1992)2: 122–29.133 See note 125 above.134 N.T. Fear, E. Roman, G. Reeves, and B. Pannett, Childhood cancer and paternal employment in agriculture: The

role of pesticides, Br J Cancer 77 (1998)5: 825–29.135 See note 105 above.136 C.R. Sharpe, E.L. Franco, B. de Camargo, et al., Parental exposures to pesticides and risk of Wilms’ tumor in Brazil,

Am J Epidemiol 141 (1995)3: 210–17.

Chapter 4 Notescontinued

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 31

Pesticides andRespiratory Disease


A 24-year-old man comes into an occupational health clinic with a three year history of chesttightness, wheezing, and episodic dyspnea. The patient works in a chemical plant thatmanufactures pesticides. His symptoms began shortly after his transfer to a captafol produc-tion line, are worst in the evening and at night, but resolve on weekends and vacations.There is no personal or family history of allergies or asthma. Review of systems reveals rasheson his wrists above his gloves, chronic burning eyes, and rhinitis. Specific bronchial challengetesting reveals a marked and persistent fall in FEV1.1

Acute organophosphate or N-methyl carbamate overexposure is well known to causecholinesterase inhibition, resulting in bronchoconstriction, increased airway secretions, andrespiratory distress.2

A few pesticides are known sensitizers and can result in allergic reactions includingasthma.3,4 An association between low-level pesticide exposure and asthma is controversial,and confounded by the fact that animal, plant, and other antigens cannot be completelyruled out.

A few studies report other respiratory effects from pesticides, including pulmonaryhemosiderosis, pneumonia-like infiltrates, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis,Wegener’s granulomatosis, and respiratory muscle impairment.5,6,7,8,9

The main target organ for the herbicide paraquat is the lung. This pesticide is selectivelytaken up by the lung from peripheral blood, and causes oxidative damage presenting asacute pulmonary edema and hemorrhage or as delayed pulmonary fibrosis. Respiratoryfailure has occurred following exclusively dermal exposure to this chemical.10

• Case reports and specific bronchial-challenge testing link several pesticides with occupa-tional asthma. These pesticides include captafol,11 sulfur,12 pyrethrins and pyrethroids,13

tetrachloroisophthalonitrile,14 and several organophosphate and N-methyl carbamateinsecticides that appear to have a methacholine-like effect on the lung.15,16

• A cross-sectional study of nearly two thousand farmers in Saskatchewan revealed asignificant association between physician diagnosed asthma and reported use of cho-linesterase inhibiting pesticides. Potential confounding from exposure to fungi andpollen cannot be completely ruled out.17

• Plantation workers in India showed a potential association between pesticide exposureand respiratory impairment. Although overall prevalence of asthma was lower amongworkers than among controls (perhaps due to the well known “healthy worker effect,” inwhich the working population, on average, enjoys a better health status than the overallpopulation),18 the pesticide exposed workers revealed an exposure-related increase inboth obstructive and restrictive deficits on pulmonary function testing.19

• Vineyard and orchard workers in Eastern Europe had significantly higher overallprevalence of dyspnea, chest tightness, chronic cough, and chronic phlegm comparedwith non-pesticide-exposed controls. Among both smoking and non-smoking workersemployed for greater than ten years, FEV1, FEF25, and FEF50 were significantly reduced.Exposed workers also had significantly reduced FVC compared to controls. It was notpossible to determine whether findings were due to pesticide exposure or to occupationalexposure to dust, pollen, or mold. However, the workers were exposed to a variety oforganochlorines, organophosphates, sulfur, and inorganic copper compounds.20


Pesticides andAsthma

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32 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

• Worldwide population trends indicate that the prevalence of asthma is increasing in thegeneral population, particularly among children and young adults. Severity of asthma, asmeasured by emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths, is also increasingdespite treatment advances.21 Causes of these trends are not well understood, but it ispossible that increasing exposure to pesticides may play a role.22

• Children are more susceptible to airborne health hazards than adults for several reasons,such as more rapid respiratory rate and greater volume per unit of body weight, andgreater average activity level with faster respiratory rates. Furthermore, very youngchildren are naturally closer to the ground or floor, where chemicals denser than air tendto accumulate. The fact that terminal airways of the lung are not fully developed untilseveral years after birth is also significant.23

• An interesting case report describes a young woman who developed diffuse pulmonaryhemosiderosis four days after she applied a combination of three synthetic pyrethroids(deltamethrin, cyhalothrin, and bensultap) to a strawberry field. The patient developedsudden onset of dyspnea and severe hemoptysis requiring transfusion. Her chest x-rayshowed bilateral cloudy infiltrates, and bronchoalveolar lavage revealed hemosiderin-loaded macrophages. All antibodies were negative. The syndrome responded well tocyclophosphamide.24

• One group of researchers proposes the existence of a “biocide lung” following prolongedexposure to pesticides. This syndrome is characterized by intermittent pulmonaryinfiltrates followed by chronic progressive fibrosis.25

• In a survey of about 200 Danish fruit-growers, individuals reported using an average of13 different pesticides. The most commonly used pesticides comprised captan, paraquat,parathion, azinphos-methyl, diquat, amitrol, benomyl, and simazine. Approximately40% of the growers reported at least one significant respiratory symptom in connectionwith pesticide spraying, and nearly 20% had diminished peak flow. These findings weremore common among workers who did not wear respiratory protection when applyingpesticides. X-ray revealed pulmonary infiltrates or fibrotic changes in nearly one quarterof the subjects.26

• A case-control study of 101 patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis found that casesreported significantly greater occupational exposure to pesticides compared with bothhealthy controls and controls with other pulmonary diseases. 27

• A study questionnaire administered to 54 workers in an Eastern European pesticideplant revealed a 50% prevalence of chronic bronchitis. Approximately two-thirds of theworkers had significantly decreased peak expiratory flow. Exposed workers also showedsignificantly diminished maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures, potentiallyindicating respiratory muscle weakness.28


DiseasesRelated to


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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 33

1 S. Royce, P. Wald, D. Sheppard, and J. Balmes, Occupational asthma in a pesticides manufacturing worker, Chest103 (1993): 295–96.

2 J.R. Reigart and J.R. Roberts, Recognition and management of pesticide poisonings, 5th ed., U.S. EPA 735-R-98-003 (March 1999).

3 See note 1 above.4 I. Honda, H. Kohrogi, S. Araki, et al., Occupational asthma induced by the fungicide

tetrachloroisophthalonitrile, Thorax 47 (1992): 760–61.5 G.A. do Pico, Hazardous exposure and lung disease among farm workers, Clin Chest Med 13 (1992): 311–28.6 K. Kayser, M. Plodziszerska, E. Waitr, et al., Diffuse pulmonary hemosiderosis after exposure to pesticides,

Respiration 65 (1998): 214–18.7 G.F. Duna, M.F. Cotch, C. Galperin, et al., Wegener’s granulomatosis: Role of environmental exposures, Clin

Exp Rheumatol 16 (1998): 669–74.8 S. Lings, Pesticide lung: A pilot investigation of fruit-growers and farmers during the spraying season, Brit J Ind

Med 39 (1982): 370–76.9 S. Kossmann, B. Konieczny, and A. Hoffmann, The role of respiratory muscles in the impairment of the

respiratory system function in the workers of a chemical plant division producing pesticides, Przegl Lek 54(1997): 702–6.

10 See note 2 above.11 See note 1 above.12 B.J. Freedman, Sulphur dioxide in foods and beverages: Its use as a preservative and its effect on asthma, Br J Dis

Chest 74 (1980)2: 128–34.13 S.A. Box and M.R. Lee. A systemic reaction following exposure to a pyrethroid insecticide, Hum Exp Toxicol 15

(1996)5: 389–90.14 See note 4 above.15 M. Underner, F. Cazenave, and F. Patte, Occupational asthma in the rural environment, Rev Pneumonol Clin 43

(1987): 26–35.16 A. Weiner, Bronchial asthma due to the organic phosphate insecticides, Ann Allergy 15 (1961): 211–12.17 A. Senthilselvan, H.H. McDuffie, and J.A. Dosman, Association of asthma with use of pesticides, Am Rev Respir

Dis 146 (1992): 884–87.18 C.Y. Li and F.C. Sung, A review of the healthy worker effect in occupational epidemiology, Occup Med 49

(1999)4: 225–29.19 S.K. Rastogi, B.N. Gupta, T. Husain, et al., Study of respiratory impairment among pesticide sprayers in mango

plantations, Am J Ind Med 16 (1989): 529–38.20 E . Zuskin, J. Mustajbegovic, E.N. Schachter, et al., Respiratory function in vineyard and orchard workers, Am J

Ind Med 30 (1997): 250–55.21 J.K. Peat and J. Li, Reversing the trend: Reducing the prevalence of asthma, J Allergy Clin Immunol 103 (1999):

1-10.22 W.A. Altemeier, A pediatrician’s view: Asthma: Something is wrong, Ped Annals 28 (1999): 14-15.23 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health. Ambient air pollution: Respiratory

hazards to children, Pediatrics 91(1993)6: 1210–13.24 See note 6 above.25 See note 8 above.26 See note 8 above.27 See note 7 above.28 See note 9 above.

Chapter 5 Notes

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 35

Neurological andBehavioral Effects ofPesticides


A 52-year-old patient draws your attention to a tremor that has become increasinglybothersome over the past year. On examination, the tremor is pill-rolling and resolves withintention; the patient also has a positive Romberg Sign and an unstable tandem gait. Youmake a preliminary diagnosis of early Parkinson’s Disease. The patient’s wife mentions thatshe recently read in the newspaper that most Parkinson’s is from environmental causes, andasks if the fact that her husband is a farmer and has used pesticides for years could be relatedto his early-onset disease.

Pesticides have been shown to affect both the central nervous system (CNS), and theperipheral nervous system (PNS) in animals and humans via a variety of mechanisms.

The effects of neurotoxic pesticides can be assessed by measuring changes in neurochemis-try, neuropathology, and behavior, including subtle effects on visuospatial function,concentration, reaction-time, learning, and short-term memory.1,2

Certain pesticides, for example, the organophosphates and N-methyl carbamates, aredesigned specifically to damage neurological function in insects and are neurotoxic inhumans because of similarities in nervous system function between insects and humans.

Human neurotoxic effects may be acute, may represent the chronic sequelae of an acutepoisoning, or may result from chronic exposures in the absence of an acute episode ofpoisoning.3 This section focuses on the chronic neurotoxic effects of pesticide exposure.

There is increasing evidence that a high proportion of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) may beassociated with environmental factors.4

• Specific pesticides and pesticide classes implicated in PD include paraquat, the organo-phosphates, dieldrin, and the manganese-based fungicides maneb and mancozeb.5,6,7

• The designer heroin-like drug MPTP, known to cause a Parkinsonian syndrome inaddicts via the neurotoxic effect of its major metabolite, is chemically related to theherbicide paraquat.8

• Numerous studies identify a higher incidence of PD in industrialized countries. Withinthese countries, people who live in rural areas, live or work on farms, or report a historyof pesticide use have the highest risk.9,10

• Several population-based case control studies identify a 4-fold increased likelihood ofpast herbicide exposure among patients with PD, and a 3–4-fold increased likelihood ofprior exposure to insecticides.11,12

• Several recent studies indicate a possible role for gene-pesticide interactions in theetiology of PD. In particular, higher than expected rates of certain glutathione transferasepolymorphisms, the slow acetylator genotype of N-acetyltransferase-2, and the slow 4-hydroxylation of debrisoquine (the CYP 2D6 29B+ allele) have all been reported inpatients with PD.13,14,15 These genetic variants may increase risk from environmentalexposure by slowing detoxification of exogenous compounds.16

• The cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides (organophosphates and N- methyl carbamates)interfere with impulse transmission in the PNS. Chronic effects of exposure can includesensory, motor, and autonomic neuropathies.17


Pesticides andParkinson’s

Disease (PD)


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36 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

• Organophosphate pesticides can rarely cause a distinct syndrome known as organophos-phate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP), which occurs within five weeks afteran acute intoxication.18 OPIDP is characterized by axonal degeneration and secondarydemyelination of long tract neurons.19 Symptoms of OPIDP include paresthesias of thelimbs, leg cramping, motor weakness of the wrist and ankle, and, in severe cases,paralysis.20 Permanent residua include weakness, loss of reflexes, and sensory impair-ment.21

• In some cases, a so-called “intermediate syndrome” may develop 24 to 96 hours follow-ing acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning. The main symptoms consist of proximalmuscle weakness, profound weakness of the neck flexors, and weakness or paralysis of themuscles involved in respiration.22 Sensory function is completely spared.23 This syn-drome may or may not be followed by OPIDP.24 Neither OPIDP nor the intermediatesyndrome respond to therapy with atropine or pralidoxime.25

• PNS impairment may also occur following chronic occupational exposure to pesticidemixtures, even in the absence of acute poisoning or frank OPIDP. Several studies reportan increased prevalence of neurological abnormalities in exposed workers compared withcontrols. Abnormalities include hyporeflexia, dysequilibrium, reduced vibration sensitiv-ity, and nerve conduction delays.26,27 Other studies fail to find peripheral nerve conduc-tion delays in workers who have not suffered high level exposure.28

• Workers exposed to mixed pesticides, particularly to the dithiocarbamate fungicidesmaneb and zineb, have been shown to have slowed peripheral nerve conduction. Motorand sensory conduction were affected equally, with some indication of autonomicdysfunction as measured by reduced respiratory variability.29

• Many pesticides are able to penetrate the blood brain barrier, while others exert indirecteffects on the brain via disruption of oxygen supply, nutrients, hormones, or neurotrans-mitters.30

• Areas of the brain most commonly affected by pesticides include the limbic system,hippocampus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.31

• Evidence of pesticide-associated neuropsychological deficits is based primarily on studiesof workers acutely or chronically exposed to organophosphate pesticides, although somecase reports also implicate N-methyl carbamate pesticides in the appearance of similareffects.32

• Cognitive symptoms in these populations include impairment of memory and psycho-motor speed, and affective symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and depression.33

Visuospatial deficits have also been linked to organophosphate exposure.34 Standardizedneuropsychiatric testing batteries confirm these deficits in exposed groups comparedwith unexposed controls. Long-term memory and language abilities are generallyspared.35

• The fumigants methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, and dichloropropene (Telone) havebeen reported to cause personality changes and shortened attention span followingexposure. Methyl bromide exposure was related to decreased touch sensitivity andreduced cognitive ability; Telone exposure, to increased depression and anxiety reflectedin standardized test batteries; and sulfuryl fluoride, to a range of behavioral and cognitivedeficits.36,37

• Many pesticides are known to increase CNS excitability and to produce seizures withacute high-dose exposure.38

• Recent animal studies indicate that some pesticides can cause an electrical kindlingresponse after repeated sub-threshold dosing. Low doses repeated three times a week forten weeks of the pesticide lindane (used to treat head lice) resulted in enhanced myo-

NeurocognitiveEffects ofPesticideExposure

Pesticides andSeizures

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 37

clonic jerks and seizures at normally subconvulsant doses. Other organochlorine pesti-cides, such as endosulfan and dieldrin, are reported to have similar effects.39

Neurological development in children is particularly vulnerable to disruption. Althoughthere is some plasticity inherent in the development of the nervous system, even low-levelexposure during the brain-growth spurt have been shown to exert subtle, permanent effectson the structure and function of the brain.

• Animal studies have demonstrated periods of vulnerability, particularly to anticholinest-erases, during early life.40 Recent evidence supports the finding that acetylcholinesterasemay play a direct role in neuronal differentiation.41

• Children from a region in Mexico with intensive pesticide use were found to have avariety of developmental delays compared with otherwise similar children living wherefewer pesticides were used. Although the children were similar in growth and physicaldevelopment, significant delays were noted among the exposed children in physicalstamina, gross and fine hand-eye coordination, and short-term memory.42

1 D.J. Echobichon and R.M. Joy, Pesticides and neurological diseases, 2nd ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc.,1994).

2 L.S. Engel, M.C. Keifer, H. Checkoway, et al., Neurophysiological function in farmworkers exposed toorganophosphate pesticides, Arch Environ Hlth 53 (1998): 7–14.

3 A.M. Evangelista De Duffard and R. Duffard, Behavioral toxicology, risk assessment, and chlorinated hydrocar-bons, Environ Hlth Persp 104 (1996): 353–60.

4 J.W. Langston, Epidemiology versus genetics in Parkinson’s disease: Progress in resolving an age-old debate, AnnNeurol 44 (1998)3 Suppl. 1: S45–52.

5 L. Fleming, J.B. Mann, J. Bean, et al., Parkinson’s disease and brain levels of organochlorine pesticides, Ann ofNeurol 36 (1994): 100–3.

Chapter 6 Notes

Effects ofPesticides onNeurological

Development inChildren

Sources: M.C. Keifer and R.K.Mahurin, Chronic neurologic effects of pesticide overexposure, Occup Med (Philadelphia)12 (1997): 291–304; M.M. Amr, E.Z. Abbas, G.M. El-Samra, et al., Neuropsychiatric syndromes and occupationalexposure to zinc phosphide in Egypt, Env Rsrch 73 (1997): 200–206; D.J. Echobichon and R.M. Joy, Pesticides andneurological diseases, 2nd ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1994); L. Rosenstock, M. Keifer, W.E. Daniell, et al.,Chronic central nervous system effects of acute organophosphate pesticide intoxication, Lancet 338 (1991): 223–27.

Table 6-1: Chronic or Delayed Neurotoxic Effects of Pesticides

Cognitive, affective andperceptive effects

Memory deficits; visualimpairment; lassitude

Impairment of cognitive functionand personality; seizure kindling

Impaired visuospatial abilities;deficits in short-term verbalmemory

Cognitive impairment; moodchanges; difficulty concentrating;pyramidal signs

Reduction of physiologicrespiratory arrhythmia; possiblyParkinson’s

Reduction of spontaneous motoractivity; altered startle response

Minimal data on cognitiveimpairment

OPIDP; sensorimotor neuropathy;intermediate syndrome

Sensorimotor neuropathy

Tremor (Kepone shakes)

Painful, burning dysesthesias

Loss of reflexes and distal motorstrength

Reduced nerve conduction

Cutaneous paresthesia; numbness

Autonomic incompetence

Organophosphatese.g., malathion, chlorpyrifos

Carbamatese.g., carbaryl

Organochlorinese.g., kepone

Metalse.g.,monosodium methyl arsenate,lead arsenate, zinc phosphide

Fumigantse.g., carbon disulfide,dichloropropene, methyl bromide

Fungicidese.g., dithiocarbamates—zeneb,maneb, mancozeb

Pyrethroidse.g., fenvalerate, cypermethrin

Rodenticidese.g., vacor(N-3-pyridylmethyl-N-p-nitrophenyl urea)

Pesticide CategoryEffects on PeripheralNervous System

Effects on CentralNervous System

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38 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

6 H.B. Ferraz, P.H. Bertolucci, J.S. Pereira, et al., Chronic exposure to the fungicide maneb may producesymptoms and signs of CNS manganese intoxication, Neurology 38 (1988): 550–53.

7 K.L. Davis, J.A. Yesavage, and P.A.Berger, Possible organophosphate-induced Parkinsonism , J Nerv Ment Dis166 (1978) : 222–25.

8 R. Lewin, Parkinson’s disease: An environmental cause? Science 229 (1985): 257–58.9 J.M. Gorell, C.C. Johnson, B.A. Rybicki, et al., The risk of Parkinson’s disease with exposure to pesticides,

farming, wellwater, and rural living, Neurology 50 (1998): 1346–50.10 A. Barbeau, M. Roy, G. Bernier, et al., Ecogenetics of Parkinson’s disease: Prevalence and environmental aspects

in rural areas, Can J Neurol Sci 14 (1987): 36–41.11 See note 9 above.12 B.A.J. Veldman, A.M. Wijn, N. Knoers, et al., Genetic and environmental risk factors in Parkinson’s disease, Clin

Neurol Neurosurg 100 (1998): 15–26.13 J.P. Hubble, J.H. Kurth, S.L. Glatt, et al., Gene-toxin interaction as a putative risk factor for Parkinson’s disease

with dementia, Neuroepidemiology 17 (1998): 96–104.14 A. Menegon, P.G. Board, A.C. Blackburn, et al., Parkinson’s disease, pesticides, and glutathione transferase

polymorphisms, Lancet 352 (1998): 1344–46.15 See note 12 above.16 See note 13 above.17 M.C. Keifer and R.K.Mahurin, Chronic neurologic effects of pesticide overexposure, Occup Med (Philadelphia)

12 (1997): 291–304.18 G.A. Jamal, Neurological symptoms of organophosphorus compounds, Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 16

(1997): 133–70.19 See note 17 above.20 R. Stephens, A. Spurgeon, and H.Berry, Organophosphates: The relationship between chronic and acute

exposure effects, Neurotoxicol Teratol 18 (1996): 449–53.21 See note 17 above.22 See note 20 above.23 See note 17 above.24 J. De Bleeker, K. Neucker, and F. Colardyn, Intermediate syndrome in organophosphate poisoning: A

prospective study, Crit Care Med 21 (1993): 1706–11.25 J.E.Davies, Neurotoxic concerns of human pesticide exposure, Am J Ind Med 18 (1990): 327–31.26 K. Steenland, B. Jenkins, R.G. Ames, et al., Chronic neurological sequelae to organophosphate pesticide

poisoning, Am J Public Health 84 (1994): 731–36.27 L. Stokes, A. Stark, E. Marshall, and A. Narang, Neurotoxicity among pesticide applicators exposed to organo-

phosphates, Occup Environ Med 52 (1995): 648–53.28 See note 2 above.29 M.W. Ruijten, H.J. Salle, M.M. Verberk, and M. Smink, Effect of chronic mixed pesticide exposure on

peripheral and autonomic nerve function, Arch Environ Health 49 (1994): 188–95.30 See note 17 above.31 Ibid.32 Ibid.33 See note 18 above.34. N. Fiedler, H. Kipen, K. Kelly-McNeil , and R. Fenske, Long-term use of organophosphates and neuropsycho-

logical performance, Am J Ind Med 32 (1997): 487–96.35 See note 17 above.36. See note 17 above.37 W.K Anger, L. Moody, J. Burg, et al., Neurobehavioral evaluation of soil and structural fumigators using methyl

bromide and sulfuryl fluoride, Neurotoxicology 7 (1986): 137–56.38 M.A. O’Malley, Clinical evaluation of pesticide exposure and poisonings, Lancet 349 (1997): 1161–66.39 M.E. Gilbert, Repeated exposure to lindane leads to behavioral sensitization and facilitates electrical kindling,

Neurotoxicol Teratol 17 (1995): 131–41.40. J. Ahlbom, A. Fredriksson, P. Eriksson, Exposure to an organophosphate (DFP) during a defined period in

neonatal life induces permanent changes in brain muscarinic receptors and behaviour in adult mice, Brain Res677 (1995): 13-19.

41 S. Brimijoin and C. Koenigsberger, Cholinesterases in neural development: New findings and toxicologicimplications, Environ Hlth Persp 107 (1999): 59-64.

42 E.A. Guillette, M.M. Meza, M.G. Aquilar, et al., An anthropological approach to the evaluation of preschoolchildren exposed to pesticides in Mexico, Environ Hlth Persp 106 (1998): 347–53.

Chapter 6 Notescontinued

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 39

Reproductive andDevelopmental Effectsof Pesticides


A 32-year-old man comes in with concerns about fertility. He has been married four yearsand his wife has not become pregnant despite regular attempts for the past several years. Theman reports that he works at a chemical company that manufactures pesticides and thatseveral other men are having similar problems. The men complained to the union steward;all would be coming in for medical evaluation over the next few weeks. sem*n analysisreveals azospermia.

Pesticides may affect human reproduction by direct toxicity to the reproductive organs orby interference with hormonal function.1,2,3,4 Effects of pesticides on reproduction mayinclude menstrual abnormalities, male or female infertility, or hormonal disturbances.

The developing fetus and infant are disproportionately susceptible to the health effects ofpesticides.5 Developmental toxicity of pesticides may result in spontaneous abortion,growth retardation, structural birth defects, or functional deficits.6

There is often a period of vulnerability to the effects of toxic chemicals—includingpesticides—during fetal development and early childhood. This vulnerability occursduring the period of development of various organ systems. Permanent structural birthdefects or permanent functional changes may occur.7,8,9

Use of chlordecone (Kepone) was discontinued in the U.S. after incontrovertible evidencethat it causes decreased sperm mobility and viability, in addition to serious neurologicaleffects in workers.13

Exposure to carbaryl has been associated with increased frequency of morphologicallydeformed sperm, but longitudinal studies have not been conducted to confirm adversereproductive outcomes.14

• The herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is spermatotoxic in laboratoryanimals. A correlation between increased exposure to 2,4-D and decreased sperm densityalong with increased percentage of abnormal sperm was reported in agricultural pesticideapplicators.15

Male Infertility: The Example of DBCPThe most thoroughly studied human epidemic of pesticide-induced reproductive dysfunction began in the 1970swhen men at an Occidental chemical plant in Southern California sought medical care for infertility. Many weresterile, and subsequent investigation found that a fumigant manufactured in the plant, dibromochloropropane(DBCP), was responsible for effects on spermatogenesis and for germ-cell mutations.10 In many cases, effects werepermanent. Rodent studies performed decades earlier found dramatic testicular toxicity in animals, yet this evidencewas disregarded until the human outbreak occurred.

Although use of DBCP has been discontinued in the U.S., it is persistent in soil and still present in groundwater insome parts of California. Thus there is potential for ongoing low-level human exposure.11 The long-term effects ofsuch exposures over the reproductive life-span are unknown. DBCP was still used until recently in Central Americanbanana plantations, resulting in epidemics of sterility in agricultural workers.12

Effects ofPesticides on



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40 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

• A study of over eight hundred couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization revealed that menmoderately or highly exposed to pesticides at work had significantly decreased fertiliza-tion rates compared with unexposed males, with only one-third the likelihood ofsuccessful in-vitro fertilization. These effects persisted after adjustment for all otherknown exposures, including smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and other chemical use.16

• Wives of male fruit growers in the Netherlands have shown an increased time-to-pregnancy, particularly during the spring and summer growing season when pesticidesare applied. During that season, time-to-pregnancy more than doubled. Twenty-eightpercent of farm couples sought medical attention for infertility, compared with only 8%in the control (unexposed) population.17

• Increased time-to-pregnancy was also found to be significant in Canadian farm families.During periods when both husbands and wives applied pesticides, fecundability droppedto between 50% and 80% of expected, whereas when only the husband or neitherpartner applied, fecundability was within normal ranges. There was no clear link toparticular pesticides or pesticide classes.18

• Numerous studies report an increased rate of spontaneous abortions and stillbirthsamong female agricultural workers. These studies are limited by potential recall bias, andby difficulties in exposure assessment since workers are exposed to a complex mixture ofchemicals and doses are unknown. Some studies of wives of agricultural workers alsoshow an increased risk of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth.19,20,21,22,23,24

• A California study demonstrated an association between pesticide exposure at work or inthe home and stillbirths, particularly those with congenital anomalies. Elevated risksranged from a 70% increased risk of stillbirth for home exposure to pesticides, to a240% increased risk for occupational exposure.25

• Higher levels of organochlorine pesticides have been found in abortuses and pre-terminfants than in full-term babies.26

• Women living in communities supplied with drinking water contaminated by a varietyof herbicides, including atrazine, cyanazine, and metolachlor, had an 80% increased riskof intra-uterine growth retardation compared with similar communities with uncon-taminated water.27

• Teachers working in day care centers in Germany where wood was treated with thepesticides and wood preservatives pentachlorophenol and lindane were significantlymore likely to give birth to lower birthweight and smaller size infants. These preservativesare known to volatilize off wood for years and become entrained in air or dust particles.28

Numerous epidemiological studies and case reports associate pesticide exposure at work orhome with increased risk of various types of congenital malformations.29

Particular birth defects associated with pesticides include

• Cleft lip and palate—a doubling of risk with exposure during the first trimes-ter.30,31,32

• Limb defects—a 3–4-fold increased risk for garden or workplace exposure, andgreater than doubling of risk with household exposure, particularly if pesticideswere applied by a professional pest eradication service.33,34,35,36

• Cardiovascular malformations, particularly Total Anomalous PulmonaryVenous Return—a 2–3-fold greater risk found in the Baltimore-WashingtonInfant Study.37

• Spina bifida and hydrocephaly—a 2.7- and 3.5-fold increased risk respectivelyin one study, and a 50% increased risk with residence within a quarter-mile ofan agricultural field in another.38,39


GrowthRetardation and


Pesticides andBirth Defects

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 41

• Cryptorchidism and hypospadias—2–3-fold greater rates of orchidopexy inhighly agricultural areas; a 50% increase in hypospadias also reported.40,41

• A California study using the state birth defects monitoring program found that infantswith limb reduction defects along with other anomalies were 60% more likely to haveparents involved in agricultural work and 2.4 times more likely to live in an agriculturalcounty compared with unafflicted infants.42

• One Minnesota study of pesticide applicators revealed that their children were at higherrisk of a variety of birth defects, including circulatory/respiratory anomalies, andurogenital, musculoskeletal, and integumental defects. These same trends and birthdefects, although less marked, were paralleled among the general population in heavilyagricultural regions of the state. Defects were most significantly associated with use of

Table 7-1. Developmental and Reproductive Toxins

1080 Rodenticide Y2,4-Db acid Herbicide Y YAmitraz Insecticide YArsenic acid Herbicide YArsenic pentoxide Multiple uses, insecticide,

wood treatment YArsenic trioxide Rodenticide YBenomyl Fungicide Y YBromacil, Lithium salt Herbicide YBromoxynil octanoate Herbicide YChlorsulfuron Herbicide Y Y YCyanazine Herbicide YCycloate Herbicide YDiclofop-methyl Herbicide YDisodium cyanodithioimido

carbonate Microbiocide YEptc Herbicide YEthylene oxide Fumigant YFenoxaprop ethyl Herbicide YFluazifop-butyl Herbicide YHydramethylnon Insecticide Y YLinuron Herbicide YMetam-sodium Fumigant YMethyl bromide Fumigant YMetiram Fungicide YMyclobutanil Fungicide Y YNabam Fungicide YNicotine Insecticide YNitrapyrin Microbiocide YOxadiazon Herbicide YOxydemeton-methyl Insecticide Y YOxythioquinox Insecticide, fungicide,

fumigant YPotassium dimethyl dithio

carbamate Microbiocide YPropargite Insecticide YResmethrin Insecticide YSodium dimethyl dithio

carbamate Microbiocide YStreptomycin sulfate Fungicide YTau-fluvalinate Insecticide YThiophanate-methyl Fungicide Y YTriadimefon Fungicide Y Y YTributyltin methacrylate Antifoulant, microbiocide YTriforine Fungicide YVinclozolin Fungicide YWarfarin Rodenticide Y

Source: Proposition 65 List of Chemicals Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer and Reproductive Harm (Sacramento: California Office ofEnvironmental Health Hazard Assessment, 29 December 1999). United States Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release Inventory database.

Chemical NameMale

Repro. ToxinChemical UseFemale

Repro. ToxinDevelopmental


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42 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

2,4-D and various fungicides. Risks for children of both pesticide applicators and thegeneral public in the agricultural region were greatest among those conceived in thespring, a time of greater pesticide use.43

• Communities in Iowa with elevated levels of the herbicide atrazine in their drinkingwater showed a 2–3-fold increase in all birth defects—specifically, a 3-fold increase incardiac defects, a 3–4-fold increase in urogenital defects, and a nearly 7-fold increase inlimb reduction defects.44

• Numerous case reports and case series present various combined severe congenitalanomalies following occupational or accidental exposure of pregnant women to pesti-cides.45,46,47

• Many pesticides are reported to cause birth defects in animals. Pesticides listed asreproductive or developmental toxicants by the State of California or by U.S. EPA arelisted in Table 7-1.

Various pesticides mimic estrogen, while others block androgens or thyroid hormone.48

• Estrogenic pesticides that have been studied in some detail include numerous bannedand still used organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT, chlordecone, dicofol, methoxy-chlor, endosulfan, and lindane.49 Fungicides such as vinclozolin and iprodione are anti-androgens.50 In addition, some triazine herbicides such as atrazine interfere with estrogenvia indirect pathways.51

Disruption ofHormoneFunction

Sources: L. Keith, Environmental endocrine disruptors (New York: WileyInterscience, 1997); J. Liebman, Rising toxic tide (San Francisco:Pesticide Action Network/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 1997);Illinois EPA, Report on endocrine disrupting chemicals (Illinois EPA,1997); T. Colborn, D. Dumanoski, and J.P. Myers, Our stolen future(New York: Penguin Books, 1996), 253; C.M. Benbrook, Growingdoubt: A primer on pesticides identified as endocrine disruptors and/orreproductive Toxicants (The National Campaign for Pesticide PolicyReform, September 1996).

Table 7-2: Endocrine-Disrupting Pesticides

Alachlor Herbicide

Aldicarb InsecticideAtrazine HerbicideBenomyl FungicideCarbaryl InsecticideChlorpyrifos InsecticideCyanazine HerbicideEndosulfan InsecticideLindane InsecticideMalathion InsecticideMancozeb FungicideManeb FungicideMethomyl InsecticideMethyl parathion InsecticideMetiram FungicideMetolachlor HerbicidePCNB FungicidePCP Wood preservativePyrethrins InsecticideResmethrin InsecticideSimazine HerbicideTributyltin methacrylate Antifoulant, MicrobiocideTributyltin oxide Antifoulant, MicrobiocideVinclozolin Fungicide

Chemical Name Chemical Use

• Pentachlorophenol (PCP), a pesticidal wood preservative, binds tohuman transthyretin and may directly reduce uptake of thyroxine(T4) into the brain.52,53 Other currently used pesticides, includingdicofol and bromoxynil, have similar effects on thyroxine binding, asdoes dinoseb, now banned.54

• Health effects of endocrine disrupting pesticides in animals includealtered circulating hormone levels, hypospadias, nipple developmentin males, cryptorchidism, decreased sem*n quality, altered time tosexual maturity, and abnormal behavior.55,56,57

• Male pesticide factory workers in China exposed to the organophos-phate pesticides ethyl parathion and methamidophos had significantabnormalities in their reproductive hormone profiles. Increasedpesticide exposure correlated positively with serum LH and FSHlevels, and negatively with serum testosterone. In addition, workerswith higher exposure tended to show greater risk of abnormal sem*nparameters.58

• Workers applying ethylene bisdithiocarbamate fungicides (such asManeb or Zineb) in Mexico developed elevated levels of TSHwithout changes in thyroid hormone levels. Although findings weresubclinical in these healthy adult males, they could be relevant to adeveloping fetus were a pregnant woman exposed.59

• In the fetus or neonate, disruption of endocrine homeostasis canresult in permanent alterations in sexual development, whereasdisturbance in adulthood is less likely to create lasting health ef-fects.60

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 43

1 A.M. Garcia, Occupational exposure to pesticides and congenital malformations: A review of mechanisms,methods, results, Amer J Indus Med 33 (1998): 232–40.

2 G.A. LeBlanc, L.J. Bain, and V.S. Wilson, Pesticides: Multiple mechanisms of demasculinization, Molec CellEndocrinol 126 (1997): 1-5.

3 J. Rodriguez-Garcia, M. Garcia-Martin, M. Nogueras-Ocana, et al., Exposure of pesticides and cryptorchidism:Geographical evidence of a possible association, Env Hlth Persp 104 (1996): 1090–95.

4 M.I. Yousef, K. Bertheussen, H.Z. Ibrahim, et al., A sensitive sperm-motility test for the assessment of cytotoxiceffect of pesticides, J Env Hlth Safety (B) 31 (1996): 99–115.

5 National Research Council, Pesticides in the diets of infants and children (Washington, DC: National AcademyPress, 1993).

6 S.R. Baker and C.F. Wilkinson, eds., The effects of pesticides on human health: Advances in modern environmentaltoxicology XVIII (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Scientific Publishing, 1990).

7 T.E. Arbuckel and L.E. Sever, Pesticide exposures and fetal death: A review of the epidemiologic literature, CritRev Toxicol 28 (1998): 229–70.

8 M. Moses, Pesticides, in Occupational and environmental reproductive hazards: A guide for physicians, ed. M. Paul(Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993), 296–305.

9 L.M. Pastore, I. Hertz-Picciotto, and J.J. Beaumont, Risk of stillbirth from occupational and residentialexposures, Occup Env Med 54 (1997)7: 511–18.

10 J.R. Goldsmith, Dibromochloropropane: Epidemiological findings and current questions, Ann NY Acad Sci 837(1997): 300–306.

11 H. Kloos, 1,2 dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and ethylene dibromide (EDB) in well water in the Fresno/Clovis metropolitan area, California, Arch Env Hlth 51 (1996): 291–99.

12 D.T. Teitelbaum, The toxicology of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP): A brief review, Int J Occup Env Hlth5 (1999)2: 122–26.

13 C.A. Lunsford, Kepone distribution in the water column of the James River estuary—1976–78, Pestic Monit J14 (1981)4: 119–24.

14 See note 6 above.15 D. Lerda and R. Rizzi, Study of reproductive function in persons occupationally exposed to 2,4-dichlorophe-

noxyacetic acid (2,4-D), Mutat Res 262 (1991)1: 47-50.16 E. Tielemans, R. Van Kooij, E.R. te Velde, and D. Heederik, Pesticide exposure and decreased fertilization rates

in vitro, Lancet 354 (1999): 484–85.17 J. Deco*ck, K. Westveer, D. Heederik, et al., Time to pregnancy and occupational exposure to pesticides in fruit

growers in the Netherlands, Occup Env Med 51 (1994): 693–99.18 K.M. Curtis, D.A. Savitz, C.R. Weinberg, and T.E. Arbuckle, The effect of pesticide exposure on time to

pregnancy, Epidemiology 10 (1999)2: 112–17.19 D.S. Rupa, P.P. Reddy, and O.S. Reddi, Reproductive performance in a population exposed to pesticides in

cotton fields in India, Env Res 55 (1991): 123–28.20 L. Goulet and G. Theriault, Stillbirth and chemical exposure of pregnant workers, Scand J Work Env Hlth 17

(1991): 25–31.21 P. Rita, P.P. Reddy, and S.V. Reddy, Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to pesticides in grape gardens

of Andhra Pradesh, Env Rsrch 44(1987)1: 1–5.22 L.Z.Heidam, Spontaneous abortions among dental assistants, factory workers, painters, and gardening workers:

A follow-up study, J Epidem Commun Hlth 6 (1984): 149–55.23 A.D. McDonald, J.C. McDonald, B. Armstrong, et al., Fetal death and work in pregnancy, Br J Ind Med 45

(1988): 148–57.24 M.L. Lindbohm, K. Hemminki, and P. Kyyronen, Parental occupational exposure and spontaneous abortions in

Finland, Am J Epidem 120 (1984)3: 370–78.25 See note 9 above.26 M.C. Saxena, M.K. Siddiqui, T.D. Seth, et al., Organochlorine pesticides in specimens from women undergoing

spontaneous abortion, premature or full-term delivery, J Anal Toxicol 5 (1981): 6-9.27 R.G. Munger, P. Isaacson, S. Hu, et al., Intrauterine growth retardation in Iowa communites with herbicide-

contaminated drinking water supplies, Environ Hlth Persp105 (1997): 308-314.28 W. Karmaus and N. Wolf, Reduced birthweight and length in the offspring of females exposed to PCDFs, PCP

and lindane, Env Hlth Persp 103 (1995)12: 1120–25.29 A.D. McDonald, J.C. McDonald, B. Armstrong, et al., Congenital defects and work in pregnancy, Br J Ind Med

45 (1988): 581–88.30 T. Nurminen, K. Rantala, K. Kurppa, and P.C. Holmberg, Agricultural work during pregnancy and selected

structural malformations in Finland, Epidemiology 6 (1995): 23–30.31 J.E. Gordon and C.M. Shy, Agricultural chemical use and congenital cleft lip and/or palate, Arch Env Hlth 36

(1981): 213–20.

Chapter 7 Notes

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44 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

32 G.M. Shaw, C.R. Wasserman, C.D. O’Malley, et al., Maternal pesticide exposure from multiple sources andselected congenital anomalies, Epidemiology 10 (1999): 60–66.

33 A. Kricker, McCredie, J. Elliott, and J. Forrest, Women and the environment: A study of congenital limbanomalies, Comm Hlth Stud 10 (1986): 1-11.

34 S. Lin, E.G. Marshall, and G.K. Davidson, Potential parental exposure to pesticides and limb reduction defects,Scand J Work Env Hlth 20 (1994): 166–79.

35 P. Kristensen, L.M. Irgens, A. Andersen, et al., Birth defects among offspring of Norwegian farmers, 1967-1991,Epidemiology 8 (1997)5: 537–44.

36 See note 32 above.37 A. Correa-Villasenor, C. Ferencz, J.A. Boughman, and C.A. Neill, Baltimore-Washington Infant Study Group—

Total anomalous pulmonary venous return: Familial and environmental factors, Teratology 44 (1991): 415–28.38 See note 35 above.39 See note 32 above.40 J. Garcia-Rodriguez, M. Garcia-Martin, M. Nogueras-Ocana, et al., Exposure to pesticides and cryptorchidism:

Geographical evidence of a possible association, M Env Hlth Persp 104 (1996): 1090–95.41 See note 35 above.42 D.A. Schwartz and J.P. LoGerfo, Congenital limb reduction defects in the agricultural setting, Am J Public Hlth

78 (1988): 654–59.43 V.F. Garry, D. Schreinemachers, M.E. Harkins, and J. Griffith, Pesticide appliers, biocides, and birth defects in

rural Minnesota, Env Hlth Persp 104 (1996): 394–99.44 See note 27 above.45 J.D. Sherman, Chlorpyrifos (Dursban)-associated birth defects: Report of four cases, Arch Env Hlth 51 (1996)1:

5–8.46 J.D. Sherman, Dursban revisited: Birth defects, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Centers for Disease

Control, Arch Env Hlth 52 (1997)5: 332–33.47 P. Romero, P.G. Barnett, and J.E. Midtling, Congenital anomalies associated with maternal exposure to

oxydemeton-methyl, Env Rsrch 50 (1989): 256–61.48 C. Sonnenschein and A.M. Soto, An updated review of environmental estrogen and androgen mimics and

antagonists, J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 65 (1998): 143–50.49 C.W. Bason and T. Colborn, U.S. application and distribution of pesticides and industrial chemicals capable of

disrupting endocrine and immune systems, Env Toxicol Occup Med 7 (1998): 147–56.50 L.E. Gray, Jr., J. Ostby, E. Monosson, and W.R. Kelce, Environmental antiandrogens: Low doses of the fungicide

vinclozolin alter sexual differentiation of the male rat, Toxicol Ind Hlth 15 (1999)1–2: 48–64.51 J.T. Stevens, C.B. Breckenridge, and L. Wetzel, A risk characterization for atrazine: Oncogenicity profile, J Toxicol

Env Hlth 56 (1999)2: 69–109.52 K.J. Van den Berg, Interaction of chlorinated phenols with thyroxine binding sites of human transthyretin,

albumin, and thyroid binding globulin, Chem Biol Inter 76 (1990): 63–75.53 J.A. van Raaij, C.M. Frijters, L.W. Kong, et al., Reduction of thyroxine uptake into cerebrospinal fluid and rat

brain by hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorophenol, Toxicol 94 (1994)1–3: 197–208.54 K.J. Van den Berg, A.G.M. van Raaij, P.C. Bragt, and W.R.F. Notten, Interactions of halogenated industrial

chemicals with transthyretin and effects on thyroid hormone levels in vivo, Arch Toxicol 65 (1991): 15–19.55 F.S. vom Saal, S.C. Nagel, P. Palanza, et al., Estrogenic pesticides: Binding relative to estradiol in MCF-7 cells and

effects of exposure during fetal life on subsequent territorial behavior in male mice, Toxicol Lett 77 (1995): 343–50.

56 W.R. Kelce, E. Monosson, S.C. Gamcsik, and L.E.Gray, Environmental hormone disruptors: Evidence thatvinclozolin developmental toxicity is mediated by antiandrogenic metabolites,Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 126 (1997):276–85.

57 See note 50 above.58 C. Padungtod, B.L Lasley, D.C. Christiani, et al., Reproductive hormone profile among pesticide factory

workers, J Occup Env Med 40 (1998)12: 1038–47.59 K. Steenland, L. Cedillo, J. Tucker, et al., Thyroid hormones and cytogenetic outcomes in backpack sprayers

using ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (EBDC) fungicides in Mexico, Env Hlth Persp 105 (1997)10: 1126–30.60 See note 2 above.

Chapter 7 Notescontinued

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 45

Effects of Pesticides onthe Immune System


A family comes into a local clinic because the state health department recently informed themof pesticide contamination in the well water in their small town. They want to knowwhether their children’s persistent respiratory infections and skin rashes might be associatedwith the water contamination problem. They are particularly concerned about immuneproblems and want to have their immune functions tested. They also want to know whetherswitching to bottled water is sufficient to protect them.

There is limited evidence that exposure to certain pesticides may compromise the immunesystem. Findings are based primarily on animal studies that demonstrate damage toimmune organs, suppression of immune-mediating cells, and increased susceptibility toinfectious disease.1,2,3,4,5,6

The intrinsic variability of immune parameters between and within individuals makesstudy of the effects of environmental or occupational exposure on human immunefunction extremely difficult.

Pesticide exposure has been associated with

• Hypersensitivity reactions ranging from dermatitis to asthma or anaphylaxis.• Suppression of immune function and consequent susceptibility to infectious

pathogens.• Autoimmune responses.• Cancers of immune cell lines (see Section 2. Pesticides and Cancer).

• Some pesticides may cause immediate hypersensitivity symptoms such as rhinitis,asthma, or anaphylaxis.7,8 Pesticides reported to cause hypersensitivity reactions inhumans include atrazine, parathion, dichlorvos, captafol, folpet, captan, naled, maneb,zineb, dithianone, and dinitrochlorobenzene.9,10

• Adults occupationally exposed to organophosphate or organochlorine pesticides werefound to have increased frequency and severity of respiratory infections such as tonsilli-tis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. These workers also showed diminished neutrophilresponse—related to duration of exposure to pesticides—including impaired phagocyto-sis, respiratory burst, and adhesion.11,12

• In humans, one now—banned organochlorine pesticide, chlordane, was associated withabnormal T-cell and B-cell subsets, decreased proliferation response to mitogen, andsuppressed antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. These findings were statisticallysignificant among people whose homes were sprayed with this pesticide for termitecontrol.13

• A study of Nebraska farmers showed slight but significant reductions in serum comple-ment activity in the most highly pesticide-exposed group. No consistent differences intotal leukocyte count, mitogen-stimulation of T-cell or B-cell proliferation, or serum IgGand IgM concentration among the groups were detected.14

• Women who consumed aldicarb contaminated groundwater in a potato farming areahad significantly decreased CD8 cell subsets when compared with women drinkinguncontaminated groundwater.15

• The environmentally persistent wood preservative pentachlorophenol (PCP) is consis-tently associated with a range of abnormal immune parameters, from increased levels ofserum IgM and increased immature leukocytes to greater incidence of infection and




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46 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

aplastic anemia. Proliferative responses to mitogen and antigen have been reported to besignificantly depressed in residents of log homes preserved with PCP.16,17

• Metal-based pesticides such as arsenic and copper are repeatedly associated with autoim-mune responses.18

• A small four year follow-up study of people overexposed to chlorpyrifos reveals persis-tently higher levels of antibiotic sensitivity, autoimmunity, and CD26 cells.19

• Other pesticides reported to be associated with indications of autoimmunity in humansinclude chlordane/heptachlor, pentachlorophenol, and formaldehyde.20

• Some researchers hypothesize that several controversial and poorly understood syn-dromes, including Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,and Gulf War Syndrome, may be due to an immunotoxic response to pesticides andother chemicals. Testing of immunologic parameters in these individuals yields conflict-ing results.21,22,23,24 At present, the etiology of these syndromes is unknown and the effectson the immune system have not been established.

Other PossibleImmune Effects

Source: I. Voccia, B . Blakley, P. Brousseau, and M. Fournier, Immunotoxicity of pesticides: A review, Toxicol Ind Hlth 15(1999): 119–32. Notes: a T. Vial, B. Nicholas, and J. Descotes, Clinical immunotoxicity of pesticides, J Toxicol Env Hlth 48(1996): 215–29. b P. A. Botham, Are pesticides immunotoxic? Adverse Drug React Acute Poison Rev 9 (1990): 91–101.

Inhibits complementInterferes with lymphocyte DNA repairSuppresses serum antibody titers to S. typhi

Stimulates macrophage respiratory burst and phagocytosisSuppresses humoral immunity

Decreases resistance to viral and bacterial infectionDecreases T-cell proliferationDelays antibody production

Increases CD26 cells, autoimmunity, and antibiotic sensitivity

Decreases macrophage cytotoxicityInhibits T-cell activation to mitogen (worse with multiple low doses)Decreases CD8 cellsIncreases response to Candida antigenIncreases total lymphocytesa

Reduces humoral responseDecreases IL-2 productionDecreases CD4 cellsIncreases immature leukocytesIncreases chronic cutaneous inflammation

Increases complement activityDecreases NK cell activity

Produces abnormal B- and T-cell subsetsDecreases mitogen responseDecreases antibody-dependent cytotoxicityIncreases autoantibody productionDelays macrophage activation

Decreases resistance to viral infection suppress macrophage activity

Decreases macrophage activationDecreases resistance to giardia

Decreases ability to resist bacterial and parasitic infectionCreates immune dysfunction at low dose levelsb

Table 8-1: Immunotoxicity of Pesticides







Metam sodium



LindaneBenzene hexachloride

Tributyl tin oxide

Pesticide Immune Effect


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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 47

1 J.C. Acquavella, D. Burns, M. Flaherty, et al., A critique of the World Resources Institute’s report “Pesticides andthe Immune System: The Public Health Risks,” Env Hlth Persp 106 (1997): 51–54.

2 B.D. Banerjee, B.C. Koner, and A. Ray, Immunotoxicity of pesticides: Perspectives and trends, Indian J ExperimBiol 34 (1996): 723–33.

3 C.W. Bason and T. Colborn, US application and distribution of pesticides and industrial chemicals capable ofdisrupting endocrine and immune systems, J Clean Tech, Env Toxicol, Occup Med 7 (1998): 147–56.

4 B.C. Koner, B.D. Banerjee, and A. Ray, Organochlorine pesticide-induced oxidative stress and immunesuppression in rats, Indian J Experim Biol 36 (1998): 395–98.

5 R. Repetto and S. Baliga, Pesticides and the immune system: The public health risks (Washington, DC: WorldResources Institute, 1996).

6 R. Repetto and S. Baliga, Pesticides and immunosuppression: The risks to public health, Health Policy andPlanning 12 (1997): 97–106.

7 U.F. Achmadi and J. Pauluhn, Household insecticides and assessment of inhalation toxicity: A workshopsummary, Exp Toxicol Pathol 50 (1998): 67–72.

8 N.L. Sprince, M.Q. Lewis, P.S. Whitten, et al., Respiratory symptoms in the Iowa Family Health and HazardSurvey: Associations with pesticide exposure, Am J Epidem 147 (1998): S23.

9 S.R. Baker and C.F. Wilkinson, eds., The effects of pesticides on human health, Advances in modern environmen-tal toxicology XVIII (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Scientific Publishing, 1990).

10 M.A. O’Malley, Skin reactions to pesticides, Occup Med (Philadelphia) 12 (1997): 327–45.11 A. Hermanowicz, Z. Narwaska, D. Borys, and A. Maslankiewicz, The neutrophil function and infectious

diseases in workers occupationally exposed to organochloride insecticides, Int Arch Occup Env Hlth 50 (1982):329–40.

12 A. Hermanowicz and S. Kossman, Neutrophil function and infectious disease in workers occupationally exposedto phosphoorganic pesticides: Role of mononuclear-derived chemotactic factor for neutrophils, Clin ImmunolImmunopath 33 (1984): 12–22.

13 P.R. McConnachie and A.C. Zahlsky, Immune alterations in humans exposed to the termiticide technicalchlordane, Arch Env Hlth 47 (1992): 295–301.

14 G.P. Casale, D.M. Scott, J.R. Anderson, et al., A preliminary study of immunologic and hematologic profiles ofperipheral blood from Nebraska farmers who apply pesticides to their fields, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 36 (1998):183–94.

15 See note 9 above.16 H.W. Klemmer, L. Wong, M.M. Sato, et al., Clinical findings in workers exposed to pentachlorophenol, Arch

Env Toxicol 9 (1980): 715–25.17 P.R. McConnachie and A.C. Zahlsky, Immunological consequences of exposure to pentachlorophenol, Arch Env

Hlth 46 (1991): 249–55.18 P. Druet, Metal-induced autoimmunity, Human Exp Toxicol 14 (1995): 120–21.19 J.D. Thrasher, R. Madison, and A. Broughton, Immunologic abnormalities in humans exposed to chlorpyrifos:

Preliminary observations, Arch Env Hlth 48 (1993): 89–93.20 See note 5 above.21 M.B. Abou-Donia , K.R. Wilmarth, A.A. Abdel-Rahman, et al., Increased neurotoxicity following concurrent

exposure to pyridostigmine bromide, DEET, and chlorpyrifos, Fund Appl Toxicol 34 (1996): 201–22.22 S. Rowat, Integrated defense system overlaps as a disease model: With examples for multiple chemical sensitivity,

Env Hlth Persp 106 (1998 Suppl 1): 85–109.23 I.R. Bell, L. Warg-Damiani, C.M. Baldwin, et al., Self-reported chemical sensitivity and wartime chemical

exposures in Gulf War veterans with and without decreased global health ratings, Mil Med 163 (1998): 725–32.24 C.S. Miller, Chemical sensitivity: Symptom, syndrome or mechanism for disease? Toxicology 17 (1996): 69–86.

Chapter 8 Notes

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Pesticide Laws andRegulations


Pesticides are regulated at both the state and federal levels. These regulatory system desig-nate a process for determining the health and environmental impacts of pesticides beforethey can be registered in the United States and California, and provide guidance forpesticide use and disposal. Registration does not necessarily mean the material is safe. Infact, a series of state and federal laws and guidelines prohibit claims such as “safe,” “non-poisonous,” “non-injurious,” “harmless,” or “nontoxic to humans and pets” on pesticidelabels and in advertisem*nts.1

Regulations at both the federal and state levels of government allow use of dangerouspesticides; they attempt to reduce the potential for significant human and environmentalharm by mitigating exposure and assessing risk of use. Exposure, however, is very difficultto measure and risk-assessment procedures have severe limitations. Ongoing federal andstate efforts to reassess pesticide registrations may find some pesticides currently in use tooharmful to human health and the environment for continued use. In April 2000, forexample, U.S. EPA proposed drastic curtailment of chlorpyrifos use in homes, schools,daycare centers, and other non-agricultural sectors, as well as some agricultural uses.

“Risk assessment” does not take into account a number of critical factors that make for ahigh degree of uncertainty. For example, California permits the use of hazardous pesticideson the basis of a risk assessment methodology that does not generally take into account thefollowing crucial measures of harm: 1) subtle and delayed toxicity, 2) interactive effectsresulting from mixing pesticides, 3) unique risks to children, and 4) multiple exposures tothe same chemical in food, water, and air.

While there is signficant regulation of pesticides in California, there is cause for concern.Many dangerous pesticides remain registered for legal use in California. As of 1998, theState of California was permitting the use of 40 pesticides known by the state to causecancer,2 43 known to cause reproductive and developmental harm,3 and 17 identified asknown groundwater contaminants.4 More than 215 million pounds of pesticide activeingredient were reported used in California in 1998, nearly 30% of which is on federal andstate lists of hazardous materials.5

On the federal level, the primary law regulating pesticides is the Federal Insecticide,Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This act requires pesticide manufacturers toregister pesticides by first submitting results from toxicity testing. U.S. EPA then balancesthe projected health impacts of pesticide use with the economic benefits of use. Manydangerous pesticides registered prior to implementation of FIFRA remain on the marketeven as they undergo re-registration evaluation.

Any pesticide for sale or use in California must also be registered by the State. The stateDepartment of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is empowered to restrict the use or cancel theregistration of pesticides found to cause “significant adverse health effects.” Unlike federalpractices, DPR does not employ a cost-benefit analysis. However, DPR has cancelled veryfew applications, despite the fact that many pesticides currently in use are known to causeharm to human health and the environment.


Federal Law

State Law

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50 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

In addition to registration requirements, several laws regulate pesticide use. TheCalifornia legislature enacted the California Birth Defects Prevention Act in 1984 with thepurpose of preventing pesticide-induced abortions, birth defects, and infertility. Mandatoryhealth effect studies are required to determine a pesticide’s chronic toxicity, mutagenicity,neurotoxicity, oncogenicity, and teratogenicity. These studies are required for registrationand liscensing of a pesticide in California. The law requires the Director of DPR to takecancellation or suspension action against products containing an active ingredient withsignificant adverse health effects, including reproductive abnormalities, birth defects, orinfertility.6 DPR has only taken cancellation action against one pesticide under this law—DDVP. However, use of reproductive and developmental toxicant pesticides increasedfrom 25.8 to 31.0 million pounds, an increase of 20%, from 1991 to 1998.7

The California Toxic Air Contaminant Program (TAC), created in 1983 and 1984,mandates DPR to nominate potentially harmful pesticides for inclusion on an official listof “toxic air contaminants” and to regulate them to the point “at which no significantadverse health effects are anticipated.” However, among 57 pesticides identified as possibleTAC chemicals, DPR has completed the TAC process for only two pesticides through1999. One of those chemicals, ethyl parathion, was banned only after it was firstderegistered by U.S. EPA.8

Pesticides have been detected in water serving 16.5 million people in 46 Californiacounties over the past ten years.9 Many of these pesticides in drinking water are at levelsthat may impact public health. The Pesticide Contamination and Prevention Act (1985)requires DPR to maintain a statewide database of wells sampled for pesticides and to reportannually on detections and follow-up actions. This activity was intended to preventpesticides from migrating to groundwater, but DPR has not implemented an adequategroundwater protection program. Two pesticides, DBCP and EDB, have repeatedly beendetected throughout the state at concentrations higher than state safety levels. Many othersare found at levels believed to pose significant health risk, but below the maximum allowedby law. In addition, numerous pesticides have not been officially assessed for their healthrisk in drinking water.10 Both DPR and California Department of Health Services haveregulatory responsibilities under this law.

From 1991 to 1996, DPR reported 3991 cases of occupational poisoning by agriculturalpesticides, an annual average of 665.11 Pesticide exposure incidents are under-reportedbecause many farmworkers fear incurring medical bills and employer retaliation and/or donot recognize their illness as related to pesticide encounters.12 The two most commonsources of exposure leading to illness are pesticide drift from nearby applications andpesticide residues remaining in the field after application.13

Unfortunately, regulations that prohibit workers from re-entering fields before residueshave dissipated and state rules that mandate protective clothing are often not observed inreal-world situations.14 Protection measures are frequently ignored and enforcement ofpesticide law is virtually non-existent. Counties reporting the highest rates of pesticide useand, correspondingly, the greatest number of reported pesticide illnesses also account forthe lowest number of fines for pesticide violations.15 When fines are issued, they aregenerally very low: less than 5% of fines statewide exceed $1,000.16

In 1996, Congress passed the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), which altered regula-tions governing pesticide residues on food. FQPA currently requires EPA to assess cumula-tive effects from multiple exposures to a particular pesticide or to similarly acting pesti-cides. Risk is calculated by combining cumulative exposure from all sources. Food, water,occupational, and residential “pathways” are considered, and children have significantadditional protective standards. In addition, provisions require that EPA design tests todetect endocrine disrupting effects. Over the past six years overall implementation of the

California Toxic AirContaminant (TAC)


Regulation ofPesticides in Water

FarmworkerPesticide Regulations

The Federal FoodQuality Protection


Additional Stateand FederalRegulations

The California BirthDefects Prevention


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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 51

1 Z. Ross, Toxic Fraud: Deceptive advertising by pest control companies in California (San Francisco: California PublicInterest Research Group Charitable Trust/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 1998).

2 Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment, List of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer andreproductive toxicity (Sacramento, California Environmental Protection Agency, 1998).

3 Ibid.4 Known pesticide groundwater contaminants, California Code of Regulations: Section 6800.5 S. Kegley, S. Orme, and L. Neumeister, Hooked on Poison: Pesticide Use in California 1991–1998 (San Francisco:

Pesticide Action Network/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 2000).6 California Codes: Food and Agricultural Code: Section 13121-13135.7 See note 5 above.8 Z. Ross and J. Kaplan, Poisoning the Air: Airborne Pesticides in California (San Francisco: California Public Interest

Research Group Charitable Trust/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 1998).9 B. Heavner, Toxics on Tap: Pesticides in California drinking water (San Francisco: California Public Interest

Research Group/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 1999).10 Ibid.11 California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), 1999 Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program data 1991–96:

Agricultural poisonings subset, (Sacramento: DPR, February 1999).12 M. Reeves, K. Schafer, K. Hallward, and A. Katten, Fields of Poison: California farmworkers and pesticides (San

Francisco: Pesticide Action Network-North America/United Farm Workers of America/California Rural LegalAssistance Foundation/Californians for Pesticide Reform, 1999).

13 Ibid.14 Ibid.15 Ibid.16 Ibid.

Chapter 9 Notes

law has become increasingly politicized, leading to concern that its benefits could be indefinitelydelayed.

Many state and federal laws and regulations managing pesticides do not adequately protectpublic health. Existing statutes a priori assume that dangerous pesticides can be managedwith negligible impact on health. However, such faith appears unfounded, given currentacute and chronic pesticide-illness data, continued increase in use of many hazardouspesticides, and persistence of these toxins in air and water.

Widespread pesticide use and consequent health effects will likely remain until a precau-tionary approach to pesticide use is utilized widely and existing laws are enforced. Thechallenge to medicine is to reduce health risks by identifying the wide variety of pesticide-related diseases and by improving diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for acute andchronic pesticide poisoning. Just as important, health professionals can add their voices tothe growing number of scientists and doctors who advocate a precautionary approach toachieve the goal of reducing negative health impacts of pesticide use. (See Section 1:Introduction, for more on the Precautionary Principle.)

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 53

Resources10Keifer, M.C., ed. 1997. Human health effects of pesticides. Occupational Medicine State ofthe Art Reviews, Volume 12, Number 2. Comprehensive summary of pesticide exposureand health effects written for practicing occupational health clinicians.

EPA. March 1999. Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 735-5-98-003. 5th ed.Clinical descriptions of acute pesticide intoxication symptoms and treatment approaches.Free by contacting 703-305—7666 or http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/safety/healthcare.

American Academy of Pediatrics. 1999. Committee on Environmental Health Handbook ofPediatric Environmental Health. Also known as The Green Book, a comprehensive guide forclinicians on children’s environmental health. Order from http://www.aap.org/pubserv.

California Department of Pesticide RegulationInformation on the status of pest management, pesticide use, and related health andenvironmental hazards in California.830 K StreetSacramento, CA 95814Ph: 916-445-4000Web: www.cdpr.ca.gov

Worker Health and Safety Branchhttp://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/whs/services/whsmenu.htm

EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS)Office of Pesticide ProgramsAeriel Rios Building1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20460Ph: 202-260-2902Pesticide programWeb: www.epa.gov/pesticidesPesticides and foodWeb: www.epa.gov/pesticides/food/

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)Electronic database maintained by EPA on human health effects that may result fromexposure to various chemicals in the environment. Hazard identification and dose-responseassessment information.Web: www.epa.gov/ngispgm3/iris

California Office of Environmental Health Hazard AssessmentPesticide and Environmental Toxicology Section (PETS)1515 Clay Street, 16th FloorOakland, CA 94612Ph: 510-622-3200Web: www.oehha.org/pesticides/programs/services.html

California Department of Health ServicesOccupational Health BranchThe Occupational Health Branch is in the Division of Environmental and OccupationalDisease Control, California Department of Health Services, located in Oakland, Califor-nia. It is responsible for surveillance, evaluation, and public education about occupationaldisease and injury among California workers. Programs include

• Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS)• SHARPS Injury Control Program (SHARPS)

GeneralSources of

InformationBooks, articles

GovernmentSources of


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54 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

• Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OLPPP)• Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP)• Agricultural Injury and Illness Prevention Program

1515 Clay Street, Suite 1901Oakland, CA 94612Ph: 510-622-4300 or 510-622-4328 for free publicationsFx: 510-622-4310Web: www.ohb.org/OHB.HTM

National Pesticide Telecommunications Network (NPTN)Based at Oregon State University, NPTN is cooperatively sponsored by the university andU.S. EPA. It serves as source of objective, science-based pesticide information on a widerange of pesticide-related topics—for example, recognition and management of pesticidepoisonings, safety information, health and environmental effects, referrals for investigationof pesticide incidents, and emergency treatment for both humans and animals.Hotline: 800-858-7378, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily except holidaysEmail: [emailprotected]: ace.orst.edu/info/nptn/

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)PSR is a national organization of over 18,000 health care professionals founded in 1961.PSR works to address the public health effects of weapons of mass destruction, environ-mental degradation and community violence. With its international affiliate, InternationalPhysicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, PSR received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize forits efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. The Greater San Francisco Bay Area and LosAngeles Chapters work to educate the medical community and the public about thelinkages between environmental toxic exposures and human health. PSR also works toencourage health professionals to participate in creating a sustainable and healthy environ-ment. Members provide technical assistance and information on human health andenvironmental issues to citizens groups, health care providers, educational institutions, andpublic policy makers.


and Information

PSR-Greater Bay Area2288 Fulton Street, Suite 307Berkeley, CA 94704-1449Ph: 415-845-8395Fx: 415-845-8476Email: [emailprotected]

PSR-LA1316 Third Street Promenade, #B-1Santa Monica, CA 90401Ph: 310-458-2694Fx: 310-458-7925Email: [emailprotected]: www.labridge.com/PSR

Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR)A coalition of more than 140 public health, consumer, sustainable agriculture, labor, ruralassistance, and public interest organizations, CPR’s goals are to protect public health andthe environment from dangerous pesticides. CPR works to eliminate use of the most toxicpesticides, reduce total pesticide use, promote safer, ecologically sound pest-management inagriculture and other settings, and expand the public’s right-to-know.49 Powell Street, Suite 530San Francisco, CA 94102Ph: 415-981-3939 or 888-CPR-4880 in CaliforniaEmail: [emailprotected]: www.igc.org/cpr

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 55

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)PANNA has campaigned to replace pesticides with ecologically sound alternatives since1982. It has a comprehensive database on pesticides accessible on the web that includesinformation for each pesticide on ingredients, health effects, regulatory status, environmen-tal impacts, and more. PANNA also publishes a pesticides and health research update threetimes per year.In addition, it links more than 100 affiliated health, consumer, labor,environmental, progressive agriculture, and public interest groups in Canada, Mexico, andthe U.S. with thousands of supporters worldwide to promote healthier, more effective pestmanagement through research, policy development, education, media, demonstrations ofalternatives, and international advocacy campaigns.49 Powell Street, Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94102Ph: 415-981-1771Email: [emailprotected]: www.panna.org

Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP)In 1981 Beyond Pesticides/NCAMP formed to serve as a national network of organiza-tions committed to pesticide safety and adoption of alternative pest management strategiesthat reduce or eliminate dependency on toxic chemicals.701 E Street SE, Suite 200Washington, DC 20003Ph: 202-543-5451Web: www.ncamp.org

Pesticide Watch and the Pesticide Watch Education FundProviding California communities the tools they need to protect themselves and theenvironment from the hazards of pesticides, Pesticide Watch Education Fund assistscommunity groups and activists by offering information, organizing assistance, network-ing, and lobbying assistance.450 Geary Street, Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94102Ph: 415-292-1486Email: [emailprotected]: www.pesticidewatch.org/

Environmental Working Group (EWG)A leading content provider for public interest groups and concerned citizens campaigningto protect the environment, EWG offers reports, articles, technical assistance, and develop-ment of computer databases and internet resources.1904 Franklin Street, Suite 515Oakland, CA 94612Ph: 510-444-0973Web: www.ewg.org

Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)NCAP provides assistance in developing model policies to protect our groundwater, foodsupply, and forest watersheds from pesticide contamination. They also offer informationon hundreds of pesticides and alternatives for many pest problems, and updates on citizenreform efforts and policy initiatives from across North America through the Journal ofPesticide Reform.PO Box 1393Eugene, OR 97440Ph: 541-344-5044Email: [emailprotected]: www.pesticide.org

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56 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

Reporting aPesticide


California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)CALPIRG is a non-profit, non-partisan research and advocacy organization acting onbehalf of consumers and the environment. They work for a clean and healthy environ-ment, preservation of natural resources, strong protections for consumers, and governmentaccountability. Recent campaigns have included reforming school pesticide use and endingpesticide contamination of drinking water.450 Geary Street, Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94102Ph: 415-292-1487Web: www.pirg.org/calpirg

Pesticide Education Center (PEC)Founded in 1988 to educate workers and the public about hazards and health effects ofpesticides, PEC makes presentations, develops curricular materials, and provides otherservices targeted to the needs of average citizens and workers concerned about pesticideexposure throughout the country.PO Box 420870San Francisco, CA 94142Ph: 415-391-8511Web: www.igc.apc.org/pesticides

National Agricultural Health and Safety CenterUniversity of California Agricultural Health and Safety CenterOne of eight centers throughout the US that involve clinicians and other health specialistsin the area of pesticide-related illness and injury.Old Davis RoadUniversity of CaliforniaDavis, CA 95616Ph: 916-752-4050

Enviro Health Information ClearinghouseSponsored by Information Ventures, Inc., to provide substantive information and keydocuments on a variety of environmental health issues.100 Capitola Drive, Suite 108Durham, NC 27713Ph: 800-643-4794Web: infoventures.com/e-hlth

CALIFORNIA CODES: HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (Section 105200)Any physician or surgeon who knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, that a patient issuffering from pesticide poisoning or any disease or condition caused by a pesticide shallpromptly report that fact to the local health officer by telephone within 24 hours. Thereporting requirement includes all types of pesticide cases: skin and eye injuries, systemicpoisonings, suicides, homicides, home cases, and occupational cases. Failure to complywith the reporting requirement renders the physician liable for a civil penalty of $250.00.

Pesticides include any substance or mixture of substances intended for defoliating plants,regulating plant growth, or preventing, destroying, or mitigating any pest. Pesticidesinclude sanitizers and disinfectants.

A case seen as a pesticide poisoning, or suspected as a pesticide poisoning, may not becategorized as “first-aid” and must be reported.

For occupational cases, there is the additional requirement to send a copy of the “Doctor’sFirst Report of Occupational Injury or Illness” (DFR) to the local health officer withinseven days and also to send the DFR to the State Department of Industrial Relations.

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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 57

The Pesticide Illness Report form or Doctor’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Illnessform are available from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, PETS1515 Clay Street, 16th FloorOakland, CA 94512Ph: 510-622-3170Fx: 510-622-3218

For more information on the pursuant health and safety codes call OEHHA at thenumber above or see http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html.

Occupational and Environmental Health ClinicUniversity of California at DavisITEHDavis, CA 95616Ph: 916-734-5620Ph: 916-34-2715 (Clinic appointments)Fx: 916-752-3956

Occupational and Environmental ClinicUniversity of California, IrvineCenter for Occupational and Environmental Health19722 MacArthur Blvd. ClinicIrvine, CA 92715Ph: 714-824-8641Fx: 714-824-2345

Occupational and Environmental Medicine ClinicUniversity of California at San Francisco/SFGHBuilding 30, 5th Floor, 1001 Portrero AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94110Ph: 415-206-4320Fx: 415-206-8949

UCSF Occupational Health ServicesUniversity of California at San Francisco2186 Geary Boulevard, Suite 103San Francisco, CA 94115Ph: 415-885-7580Fx: 415-771-4472

California Poison Control CenterPh: 800-876-4766 which is 1-800-8-POISON (in California)Web: www.calpoison.org

Clinics offeringdiagnosis andtreatment forexposures to


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Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals 59

Exposure History11• What is your occupation? (If unemployed, go to next section)• How long have you been doing this job?• Describe your work and what hazards you are exposed to (e.g., pesticides, solvents or other

chemicals, dust, fumes, metals, fibers, radiation, biologic agents, noise, heat, cold, vibration)Under what circ*mstances do you use protective equipment? (e.g., work clothes, safety glasses,respirator, gloves, and hearing protection)

• Do you smoke or eat at the worksite?• List previous jobs in chronological order, include full and part-time, temporary, second jobs

Summer jobs, and military experience. (Because this question can take a long time to answer, oneoption is to ask the patient to fill out a form with this question on it prior to the formal history takingby the clinician. Another option is to take a shorter history by asking the patient to list only the priorjobs that involved the agents of interest. For example, one could ask for all current and past jobsinvolving pesticide exposure.)

• Are pesticides (e.g., bug or weed killers, flea and tick sprays, pet collars, powders, or shampoos)used in your home or garden or on your pet?

• If pesticides are used:• What is the name of the product(s) you use?• Do you contract with a service?• How often do you or your service apply pesticides?• Where do you apply the pesticides?• Are children allowed to play in areas treated with pesticides? How soon after the

application• Where are the pesticides stored?

• Do you purchase mainly conventionally grown or organic food?• Do you or any household member have a hobby with exposure to any hazardous materials (e.g.

pesticides, paints, ceramics, solvents, metals, glues)?• Did you ever live near a facility that could have contaminated the surrounding area (e.g., mine,

plant, smelter, dump site)?• Have you ever changed your residence because of a health problem?• Does your drinking water come from a private well, city water supply, and/or grocery store?• Do you work on your car?• Which of the following do you have in your home: ( air conditioner/purifier, central heating

(gas or oil), gas stove, electric stove, fireplace, wood stove, or humidifier?• Have you recently acquired new furniture or carpet, or remodeled your home?• Have you weatherized your home recently?• Approximately what year was your home built?

(If employed)• Does the timing of your symptoms have any relationship to your work hours?• Has anyone else at work suffered the same or similar problems?• Does the timing of your symptoms have any relationship to environmental activities listed

above?• Has any other household member or nearby neighbor suffered similar health problems?

DetailedInterview for

Occupational andEnvironmental


EnvironmentalExposure History

Symptoms andMedical Conditions


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60 Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals

• Are there tobacco smokers/users in the home? If yes, who and in what forms (cigarettes, pipe,cigar, chewing tobacco)?

• What medications or drugs is the patient taking? (Include prescription and non-prescriptionuses)

• Has anyone in the family worked with hazardous materials that they might have broughthome? (e.g. pesticides, asbestos, lead)? (If yes, inquire about household members potentiallyexposed.)

Source: J.R. Reigart and J.R. Roberts, Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, Fifth Edition. U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, EPA 735-R-98-003, 1999. Online at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/safety/healthcare.


Potentially Relatedto Illness or Injury

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.