Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 22, 1854, p. 4 (2024)

1 i iitvj ttm vthv jlottra mi f reovingandjorgiving kffijfaiiiirorptjnsr tw itt ut wwoids orcartn otmjwre uirrwona the hmng t stilttrthrliiotbirul 1 oh loving anil forhriii sweet ythitmision here r thegrief that jrc are sharing v 5tjhhwsingil its tear ob stern and txrttbrgiving i ye evil woniof life v xmrmnock the jays of living c wil c u uaiah and uurepemlnj- jxcnryoukl ye meet the grave ifgeavin as unrelnthif forbore not nbrlbrgve t oa hriog and ffcrgiving sweet sisters offhspul bi whose celestial livw wivitae passions find control v sifuaeaihe your ftillncnce oer us jhv wheneer by passion crost juiiriaotliwe restore us j the paradise we lost 5 rtrcfions m jt uih to flodskkkept jstrew tefdowbonntef armnonia- inarsmall ifennd easy antiacid fec and trill change if caeft applied discolored spots upon enfpeti and indeed all spots whether pro duced by acids or alkalies if one has the misfortune to have a carpet injured by wble- wili this will immnhiiitply ipstnip if oftin cultivator ewirptis a lady tells the agricul- ftiraiuraow to make lemon pies grate the peel of four lemons and squeeze the juice into- the grated pecl then take nine eggs leaving oat ball of the whites one pound of loaf or white sugar half ft pound r butter one pint of cream or of milk nndfour table- spoonfuls of rosewater and beat them wed together and add the lemon divide into four pies with undercrust and bake novel mirbuokithe fort smith herald records the following tha other day the sedate clerk of our court was surprised by a marriage in his presence of a couple- who walked into his bflsc jt was in this wise he was sitting ftthisdesk eaguged irtwriting when a gentleman from the country about 00 years of age and a lady not far behind in this respect entered the office and after the usual salutations the man asked hirh a few questions about the law on contracts and wished to know what marriage was con sidered legally the clerk informed him tlatitwas considereixmtitrialwhsn the old gentleman pulled out a paper read over aslibrt agreement madeby the narbes before hitn to live together their natural lives and to have and to hold as the law goes all things ih common for their mutual benefit asked the elerjf to record it paying oyer his fees 50 cents and both deliberately add quietly walked off leaving thelerkjn utter astonishraencand pretty wcttcontdunded by what he had neverseeh before a marriage without parson judge or sq tdurnal assksiblxiittlb ciri a little girl after retiring to bed with herjnotber said alnljtantopx her mother helped her out otedflshe- xotctrrleomefreritesrtlicit tional convention does hereby ordain am institute the od i want my father to quit chewing to bacco for christs sake amen got upon her knees and prayed thus got whkaiaaprddist fttk piator- ax beat five eggs trdd to them four cups bweetmils one cup sweet cream with salt into this stir a cup full of 8our and wheat meal sufficient to make a batter a little thicker than for griddle cakes boil one and a laf riirs serve in the same manner the water should be boiling when the pud- llilwg3rateppuljnbiittkepljillaetiaredtine it is necessary to turn them occasionally as they wutriseto thetopr good cement take some common lime ead kz itajajjtar jjl sat st aa enough to make a tough dough use it quick because it becomes hard in n few moments and will never soak or crumble this is a firstrate cement foe the purpg of making swine troughs feed boxes tve troughs and many other things cisbv inbuilding a chimneyit is tecobmended that a quantity of salt be put into the mortar with which the inner course of trick are vobe laid which will prevent the accumulation of soot on acconnt of the salt absorbing moisture from the atmosphere every damp day and the soot also becoming damp throughthemeans falls downiuu thetfireplace m- e cbtiap past for the outside of dwell ings and outhouses where economy and durability ore considerations take a barrel and put in it a bushel of quicklime slack the letter by pouring over it boiling water cyvering the lime four inches deep and stir- riag it till slacked dissolve two pounds of sulphate of zin wliite vitriol in water which must be added to the whitewash this ill harden the lime when it is applied to the wood leaving a firm white crystiuized kurtace to make the wash acream colour add fourpounds of yellow ochre for a fawn four pounds of amber and one pound lam- bbek atone colour ono pound umber and two pounds lamblack w a boii stbokx wo beard an aneo- dote frocri a gentleman who recently travel led by train from bristol to london which displays the quickwilted promptitude of srme people there was in the carriage withbim a fellow pssengerji stranger to uim but who while looking outof tho-win- dow some timejaiterthertnun passedswin nfssfirhaatsthat blown off without bad- gating a moment or passing a second in perplexity he took from the roofstraps oner lib head a new leathern haibox anil threw it out of the window after the hat all looked astonished at this appearance of bnfulns7tdjdhtrarinf tured to ask him if be thought that a wise act because he had lost his hat to throw out his hatbox also certainly re- plied the oth my hat was aniwhat sod if some workman or policeman picksit tip he will either put it on his greasy head ofrcarry it to the next station in his hand intiloii a wet day like this it is ruined yaw w he sees the hatbox near it he rillfiaye the sense- to put it into it and my daxnait in the hat box so that i can have tod sent up to- london after me and so aying he deliberately put on his travelling jbtoand wade hitaseif quite easy on the pout our informant on returning from town was quite curious enough to enquire t whidpnifthese ealculauona ncre sue- iejaful and learnt it was just as he had nn ldpaled v thw li and hatbox were a young man who bad- lost his hair by disease inquired of elder p for a recipe to reproduce the crown of manhood where wwooubndnjw 2s8sb8jir sssksssx jbtlijd and forwarded to london for the times i i- miturrnw roa lotb the slauntoo vin- tttettor states that a pair of determine j lovers tit augusta county left home a few days ago 5 their lives theirjorttmetand their acrtf hdhfirltutiited tirtlio holy bnnili rlpr erorvtliiog but love and thoir poppas jrl miitorgpptibjnj thejrujiioii thcr htart- -d-iw-a-ree-ijlalejnil-walked-arujrtii- arm from staunton to wincheirter a distance of ninetysix miles hero tbcytook the roil- mt ratajbrsjrrlotljlidibjanoajf yisit miles to tho eml jpiiniay ho remathder of tho story we gufiiafi words of the findlaitor when ey landed avtlieirjdestiiiatioi the dealing fmoonuolifter ahovlug his arra up to llio elbows in bis breeches pocket round that he hadnt the dimes trprtlievpinerv in-this- tflepsttijiltiacool pringinaporcliing timert there appes red mime generous pbiun- thropic men to rescue the loving twain from rtfiatirinkof woe on which they were verg- 4wv piiriy purse was f ot up sumeiant tio tteoeed and a bow of promise ufhwut iha sonls whori llieh rested a cloud oeas a ot their return jouipsg tpjlyusvs l marryhw for love mcktnond emipurcr awn one ofour exchanges tells tory of a lazy genius uphisjray who being asked as he jay sunning himself on the grass what was the height oftis ambition replied fy narrya rtch widow thats got a cough sevebjc rei a subscriber to the token has stopped his paper not that he has any objection to it but because he has had a quarrel with the postmaster and dont wish to patronise jimvby receiving a newspaper through his office the utx mabqcis o anglesey mr francis one of the gentlemen of her majestys chapel st jamess tells the fol- lowmgcharacteristic anecdote of the late marquis of angloey mr francis was entering the cbapelfrom the lobby one sun day morniug in his surplice at the same timejistheenfirahltraarijiiisj and on his irawin aside to allow the old warrior to pats hinrrrrre stricrdisciplhnff iff stopped and exclaimed no mr francis you here take precedence of me you are on duty commitice amos gtbemasj fonmttnval wrtk8 vaxted marriageable girfs are quick in the winnesota market we quote from a letter in the bos ton daily mverliser several lead ing and wealthy citizens of saint paul have married indian squaws aboriginal ladiespcrhapsl oiughtto say these matches are caused less by romance than by the necesity of having a wife and the scarcity of white women when there is an importation of the utter commodity from the east it is eagerly setecd 1 heard of a gentleman from our part of the country itboeameout to settle with his three daughters in two weeks he was alone but jiiauunfly had increased bv the addition o of july next and all to hold office hiring two yeurs from that date at the end of which ttnfe inolhergeuerar olectioii by srnce xouncilahall take place ofjifimhera to con stitute their successors in office in the same numbers as above tho state council of each state shall have full power over the iossraii aiaaxssahf i iwstsmxirsksmi art 3 the members of the firstconncl q tl foundlti fund sliall be thirty two sonsinliw siiilitegistter good actnoritt an ostler being ques- tioned in court as tothe age of a certain mare replied that he had it from the mares own mouth said the elder is tho best application i know of and added thejocose preacher when you have the hair veil started on the outtadeottsrke settle ea cisiatornaj- lv ladinchii an irishman who was once on a journey said he never liked to see tables full of books and newspapers where he stopped over night for said he i can never find any whiskey at such places a shrewd jnfei- cnck l gst a gcntleman was promenading a fashionable street with a bright little boy at his side whenthe little fellowcalled out 0 pncre goesah etarl hush son said the father dont what you may come to yctl how is it said gentleman to sheri dan thatyonr narnehasnpt an oatucbed to it your family iajrish and no doubt illustriotis no fahwy has k better right to an 0 than our foindy said sheridan for we otk everybody mrs jemiina jipsoh could never go to bed without first loolurig underneath to see if somebody was not stowed away here but her search bad always been boouess at last however one night she spied or pson mr jipi there ina man under the bed is there p oly hrawjml her husb well deaf- 1 am gladvou hove fouud biro at last you have been looking for-fenttbese- hist twenty years xiicre is a town in maine called random a resident of the place being asked where belivedjsaidkjivatiiktoii irewas taken op as a tagrant etseeinga of uowdrsin one of the pigbhsofes of thcydst office yes- lerday w ventured to asktheobliging clerk whether fhey carrio by mailt uo sir by female ma tho prompresponse co- lumius0jact 1 a teacher atked a bright little gir what country i9 opposite ns hn tbegkbe1 jont kaqw sir was the answeriiwll now pursued the teacher if i were to bore a hole through the eartb and you were to go m attwinandj where would you come out oat afthejolejsirf replied the somebody liassajrltkat it is as harti to tell w1iwefforlw3teariy-id-dj-unlsi- ness begins asltuwritilf when a pig ceases to he a pig and becomes a bog doos the sandusky ohio mirror gets off a good pieoe of doggml in the shape of an acrostic ok the nebraska trait- jorj of ohio r nocsgeretjtan acrostic tisnittbim qksen shannon d o n s did any body ever seetnall his travels or did anv body ever hear of such a pack or devifs go proclalmit to the world let it rin upon the wind suchulen would sfll our freedom the biith- figbt of minklud how to avalk in walking always iturayourjoes ont and you tho inwa the former will prevent you from falling in to cellars thelatter lroai falling iuto iniquity the following pertinent question says an exchange was recently addressed to a lawyer of our acquaintance at a fair in a neighboring village if distance lends en chantment to the view and new refuses to return ii iu distance recdvctsn legattc dressl f constitntittv of ihe natioual council bor the purpose of improving the char acter developing the intejiigeircettninntain- ing the rights and organizing u union of the the fallowing resolutiousnvrng i direcf bearing ujion tho plan of organization wcro adopted hy the convention and are thorofore appo resdlvid that the council shill- be dele gated to select its variotucommittees- resolved tint tha council shall have power to efter a premium lor prize essiysou dirfaront subjects ayreed on by council resolvejfhat the ealdicpuncil shall hear and grant petitions nnd be governed by the rules of legislative bodies and their decisions shall be final rcsotvodthat any stole afp for atl mission iritothis union shall bo admitted on such terms as may hereafter be agreed upon resolved tfliat in es a katiuua council forpur own special improvenientoud a lanuallhotschoofohojeducationpf our children in science literature and me chanical arts this convention do this not to build ourselves up as n distinct and separate ciass in this country but s a means to a great end viasthe equality in political rights nd in civil and social privileges witii the est of the american people plan 0ft11e american iwibial school the under the committee on mnn- sssmaamm jal and kicial iraprovemerit nnder the guidance of divine- rcvemtioh snbmittrog eirerf rtdve and measure tolo testof gospel principles i ual labour school appointed by the national council of the coloredproplc in offering a n for the organization of the school beg natiokal oocsott ot till colored teople art 1 thi council shall consist of two members from eacn state represented in jhis convention jobeejecjedjjtnul cqdt jueiaid vehtion and two other- members from each stateto be elected as follows on the loth day of november next and biennially there- alter there shall be held in each state a polljatwhicbesehcolhredinhabitsntmay vote who pays ten cents as poll tajc eachstate shall elect at such election such delegates to state iisgj8latuns twenty in number from eaclr state at large thi election to he held at such places and under such conditions as the public meetings in suchlocalities may determine- the mem bers of the national cooncil in each state halrcceivecanyasapanddeclaterthetasulr of such vote thestate council thus elect ed shall meet on the first monday in janu ary 1854 and elect additional members to the national council in proportion of one to live thousand of the colored population of such suite and the member 01 council uutsesst tawke- ofhco on tho sixth day 2nd in accordance with a vote ol the rochester convention the teachers are to be selected for and pupils aclinitled into the school without reference to sexor complexion 3d special provision willie juade to inakethisrrrblthecginningaifriidusffial school for females as well as males a prom inent principle of conduct will be to aid in providing- for the femalesex methods and means of enjoying an independent- and hon- orable-livlihood- shall be electedbythis convention which shall designate out of the number a presi dent a vicepresident secretary treasur er corresponding secretary and committee of five on manuat labor7a conmiiltee of five on protective unions of five on busi ness relations of five on publications 4ru3jthe cdtnmltteeon munual labor school shall procure tundsdwu7 organize said school iri accbrdthce with the plans adopted by this national convention ttkh such modifications asexperiqnco or necessity may dictate to them- the committee shull immediately incorporate itself an academy under the general committee- of the state ofr andehall constitute tlieboiird or trustees of the manual labor school with full po to select a location in tho sute designated byllie na0onll erecr buildings appoint or dismiss instructers in the literary or mechanical branches thereshall be a farm attached to the schuol art 4 the committee on protective unions shall institute a protective union for the purchase arid sale of articles of domestic consumption and shall unite and aid in the formation of branches auxiliary to their own art 6 the committee on business rela tions shall establish an uffice in which tliey shall keep a registry of colored mechunicsurti rto- stare lsfr tliat the location of the school which is to be within one hundred miles of thrtown ofjiriecnnylvanladllejclcetcdas soon as three thousand dollars are paid in the school building nnd workshop will be commenced as soon as ten thousand dollars the distinctive and general objects of the work nremitli as to claim fur it the patronage of all claslesof nien excepting those wedded to other nreieiuiisites ot communion and churchmem bership than adfittiamg cd ckristumckaractar and here il is recorded with great pleasure that the cucouragcmenls tendered ihus frr are in strict accordance with the above general claims oulnln and pbootuvssl this movement has long been contemplated for twetuy years die subscriber has ma the disdnciive object of the gbsrsi tkiiunk his spe cial study eiamihtng caretullv and personally iheldcnumiualiunal aspect afiuliio sccic- uesnieirdxiprcalhtariegs mutual relations nnd the nature of their combined in fluence on the evangclizaiionof iheworld lat- erl his pisition as publisher of ihescniptuhk mikujilnas probably afforded him the best pus- siblj facilittea for personally tcstiilg the sirengih hu hsiftons and for ihe attainment of ceruyn imniiitanl information but little of which he had previously been able io obtain all may rest as sured however lhat no undue advantage will eyorbe taken of the frankness and candor wiih which cnisfiahvbrevery naiiie as welfus skep- lict of every class have freely expressed theii coavlclious in the presence oljlhe travelling col- porieiirihe capacity jnwjucl*thcpublklitr is still extending his observations through canada trmlthetielgnbortbg stales c0lauoinfrsi r of iistihnislied worth and of wellkhbwh literary ability are already secured in die s and-the- school- commenced as soon as fifteen thousand dollars are paid in andhhat in no case will a contract be made beyond the sum of money actually paid in the site of the school will be at l two hundred acres of land one hundred and fifty of which shall for ever beused as a farm for agricultural insfrucbon frxdemck douglass tohn dieck t j x i bonner t mcgvxe smith the title skill be the labour ikkool american merican union and arrangemenis are now in progress to obtain from liyinj respuaaihk wrilere in uriiain important assistance in the develupe- ncnioiihuridunk a or every descripiioii made and finished a large supply of tin sheetiron and coppsa wirt ireplconstantly on hand toronto may glh 18m terms and notices the ttrms aie one dollar per a in ad- vau vi 1st two dollars it ming found that one half qfthj snbsctfpilons not p in ad- vance are worse dian lost editors friendly will render assistance by nolfcingihis prospectus all parlies willing to aid may at once commence eliciting trie names of subscribers two books the frriiturc tuuc liuntic nnimiiriully gill ttihhhepaper one ytarwillbe lurwardeiltothe person who first stnds the names of len subscri bers and nneoleitherof the books in subsuntial leather bindinitjgmlie paier oneyeur 4jncjvhtsiulsltnnames subs nid alt- uthcr coimnunicalions for the paper io be sent nosipaid niurked mtntrij if inclosed and ad- drtstd uubkht dick box 411 toronto isoniions and lectures pioiuutivu of the tin ucksubjett avillbi delivered by llic publisher iltroughoudie province as fequcntlyassdiulthc fouud compatible wilb his other duties sigued kowillt dick toronto march 25lh 1351 call full thousand dollars 3 twenty thousand dollars shall be in stock of 2000 shares nt ten dollars per share 1 tcnjhousanil dollars shall be in dona tions to be solicited from the friends of the cause i 5 the shares shall be payable fen per cent at the time of subscribing nnd ten per cent every first day of july october janu ary and april thereafter until the whole is paid in i the school shall be organised- and conducted entirely by a board of fifteen trus tees 7 six of these trustees shall be the com- mittre on imanual labour school ap by the national council of the people of color and nine of the trustees shall be elected by the stockholders when three thousand dollars shall have been paid in by tbemtbe stockholders and annually there after each snare of stock shall count its one vote at all such elections and stock holders may vote hy proxy on affidavit made and acknowledged before a commissioner of deeds fi in organisin the tin follo they shall keep a registry of all persons will- iug to employ colored men iu business to tejach colored boys mechnmca trades liberal and scientific professions and farming and also a registry of colored men and boys seeking employment or instruction they shall also report upon any aveuues of businesu or trade which they deem inviting to colored capital skill0r labor their reports and ad vertisem*nts to be in papers of the widest circulation they shall repeive for sale or exhibition products of the skill and labor of colored people art 6 tbe committee on publication shall collectall facts sjstistics and stateme all laws and historical recordsand biographies of the colored people and all books by colored authors they shall hare for the safe keep ing of these documents a library with n redding room ahdmusenm the committee shall alio publish replies to any assaults wor thy of note made upon ihecnaracter or con itfpmrjb0lx9-piiwly-l0m- tlcvofthe tcolotetheoplet art 7 each committee shall novo abso- hrte control over its special department shall make it own bylaws and in case of anv va cancy occurring shall fill up the same fortft- witji snbjecttp theconfirmation otthexoua- cil each committee shall meet at least once a month or as often as possible shall keep a minute of all its proceedings executive and financial and shall submit a full statement the same with the accounts audited at every regular meeting of the national council art 8 the national council shall meet al least once in six months iu receive tbe reports of the icommittces andfo consider any now sinn far the general good for which it shall ave power at its option to appoint s new committee and shall bo empowered to receivo and appropriate donations for the carrying out of the objects of the same at all such meet ings eleven members shah constitute a nao- rum in case any committee neglect or refuse tniend in ita report accordin to aflfelesth then tho council shall liavo power u enter the bureau examine the books and papers of such committee and in case lle committee shall persist in its refusal or neglect then tliccnun- cil shall declare their offices vacant and ap- point others in thoir stoail art 9 in all cases of tho meetings of tho national council or tho committees tho tra veling expenses if any of the members shall be paid put of tho rospnetive funds art 40 the counciflm immediately s tsblisb a buresuin tliirjiltfro briisnheetiiigt and tho same rooms biiall ns far oh possiblcbo used by tho several committees forlhoir vari- onspurposes the eouiieil shall have a clerk sui modotatessjiry who will keep a record of their transactions und prepare o condensed epurtof the comniiltcdlforpublication and s so a registry of the friends of the cause art 11 the expenses of tho council shall bedefryfldjythefeisuincniucraipoliiub societies ot councils to bo organised through- outthe states the membership fee shall be eneeent per week xrtia amembprnf tjie council shall bo member of only ono of the committees there of art 13 all officers holding funds shall 4iv9ccuritytn doublcttho sisount likely to so in thoir hands this security to be given 5o tfie three first gfliovrs of tho council art 14 the council shafl- haw prjwerd mtnvauh byejuvs aronocmsary f ottjioir proper gorornmen regulations shall be strictly enforced a for every branch of ljwnture taught thcro shall be one brandi of handicraft ako taught in tad school b earh pupil shall occupy one half his time when at school in work at some handicraft or on the farm c the handicrafts shall be such that theirpro ducts will bearticlcssalableforcasli or moneys worth at a market within easy access- from the school the agent appointed by the committee frederick douglass esq shall be empow ered to receive donations and tike subscrip- tionsjor stock giving a receipt for the latter signed lhimselfaadjveyamos u bcman the secretary ofthe coaimifleet assoon as and as often as the agent aforesaid shall receive two hundred and fifty dollars cither in subscriptions or donations lie- shall pay the same over to the treasurer jo jones esq of chicago who sliall deposit same forthwith in the bank of america chicago 111 tbe treasurer aforesaid as soon as he sliall receive one thousand dollars jind for every thousand dqljars thereafter shali givebonds with two sureties to the presidcntand secretary of the national council of colored people for double the amounts aforesaid for his services the agent sliall receive five per cent on all stock instalments paid in by him and ten per cent n all donations above two hundred dollars paid in by or through him 10 the members of the committee on manual labor school sliall also be empow ered to receive donations for the same and they shall transmit all said donations to the treasurer byvtlraft within ten days after receiving the same they shall also be entitled to hve per cent on all such rbna p 11 the treasurer shall publish at least once a fortnight a list of all the donations and subscriptions of stock received by him and shall transmit to each donor or stock holder a copy of the paper frederick doug lass paper or aliened american which shall eontnin the acknowledgment of their gift or subscription phcertlx foundry machine and stovp works o- joefn mcgee respectfully announces that he is irii- nufacturlng at the above ettabllsbmeni 58 yongosireet qrist and saw mill ahj machlnerycasungsandforglngbi of every description also plain and ornameiwal castlltokjcbltjfln3 pilasters window caps sills a orates batikmills crnmoutbsisroanldron8 su0ab1cettees sleigh shoes dog irons plough castings c on the most improved principles and neither la- bbrnor expense will be spared to turn out work which fur strength and durability cannot be sur- passed heisesten5ivelymanufacturlng jmproycd plain and ornsmenlal coal and wood airtight cooking parlor ano box stoves of various sizes nnd patterns holuowwakk sc wrich heomirs1ouurtrade on ns easy ternfsgirirra5lowt any u tstabiish- men i in canada orders iroinihe country prorripllyfuirilled brajdittjjsgs rviite uoderilynisl bfgso inform the jint h to pnmuicd 10 urnilj great western railway o f windtul to niagara htus 0 n and after monday ibomtb january 1854 trains will run ns follows golkc east kirikts t k a in leave windsor at 10 00 a m lcaveuudunal rl- iliulpjii leave llainilion at liltlp m arrive at thclalls at h 10 pm accomm tha1 leave lond at q0j7ji leave iainilum at arrive at the falls at 10 do a in 30 p m going west exlbkss illlf leave ihc falls at 10 30 am- leaveilainiluii at j2a0pm leave london at 1 05 p m arrivo at windsor at 8 10 p in accommodation iain leave the falls at li 15 p m leave hamilton at 3 45 pm arrive al londun 010 p m national emigration convention tube held in clcutand otto an the 21m 25a aud 26uulaii ul mek and buktiuun the time has now fully conic when we as an uppreywii people shoold siokksktfcicfi cficcttvcjy cttei uie iltctx atcaaa adcquuie o uie uiiaiiiuiciit ul iht great anil lung dcsitwl eni to do something to nice- thlvaeuiul dlinimiis of tin prllll jiiid prudpeciive nccej- tics ol the riinjf generatkn of our people in this country to uo uiis must occupy a pwilion of entire amutty ol unrestricted rights composing in tact an ucunovvledgcu neirnsary part ulilie juii ctcfiuid of society in which we live tlit policy neccsnuj to llie iirescrvatutn of ibis clcincn inustjhj ijivurjacor u ever weeipecuhe enjoy ment iiecdoinovcreinhvimidtialityufriglus anywtiire this purpue and io this end then all culurel men m lavor ot eihiyration mil ol the united ritutc and upswd io the auieiican colonization iiheinti of jcuvjng me veiern heiniiibele aie i cu tilled to incet in clevk- lanu olllouu rueddavlhc 21ih day of- augusl 1s3i in a great national co vhnt10ihen anilaieretul and decide ujioji llie reat and iuiporuul juljeclof eihiratioti from hie utnied titaiijj aopermu convention whu would imrouuee the mihjecl ol lmiiigluiiuii to the eaiern ilciiimphere either to ami allien or hiirope as our ohject and de- tenntnatinti is ucoiimder our claims o tlietwesf indies central and south america and the canailis this restriction has nu reference tu rsmal preleience or imlicitiuul enierpi ie hut tii flif gicat qiietiuii ui ua iioitul claiius to come before the convention all persons coming to the conventioti must brinj cictlcaiials pronijrly autuciiiicaied or bring veiual ashiirance to the cormmttee on oraien- lial aiptinied for llie purpose ol their lidelity ro the u the convention is peeilically by andifor lie lriends of emigration and inonli utlikfis and no opnusliiun to them will be entertained the quemiuu 6 not whether our condition can be bctteieil by emigration but whether it cat be miade wure it nut then liiere w nil part of the widespread universe where our social aihl jxdi- tical condiion are not better than here in our ua- live country and nowhere in iliu world iis here proscribed on account of color weare friends loo and ever will rtand shoulder to shoulder by our brethren and allour urieiuain all yoodmeamtres adopted by hem tor the bettering olour conditionin this country and surrender tio rililtf but with oarlum breath but as the subject feuijiaiiou if of vital importance and has ever been bhunned by all delegated as semblages of our people as heretofore met we cannot longer delay and will not be iurthor battled aud deflyjherjgbjjf oufjmwt sauguiue friend or dearest brother to prevenrahiutelngcnr emmiry to and the carrying out of tlieae measures when ibis can be dotir to our eiitire advnntage as we propose to show in convention as iv wst4mliergt antl-sowb-ainefiea- uitr the above trains run io direct connection with trainson the jxcw york ceutral and mi- chiinn central kuilronds tiw hc-olriameikatjiainil- ton london windwirtjrdblrbit br new york uostod albany hnhilo and chicago- e j iiryixjks maoigigdtrcc4or hamilton january 1854 i85jspring arrangement 1854 quickest and cheapest route for new york boston and otiiett atlantic cities f buffalo iiochester albany n the westkun states caruyikg tub mails the steamer ikeitlkss comtufneing nn llie 2otli inst leaves at i a nv fiotn yoniri sircti wharf hr magaka ulthknston and jvistoichiiuetinf wiih ihe-under- timniikieitinls af uoica al kiaglfiills siifpcnsion bridge with the new tcrkcvmral uailroiid pawing through rochesier anil albanyand arriving altvew yorirhtstovltvck next morning at the fahswith thbutfalo rrrriving n buffalo at 3 ourckbultiiilp with fife teainersg wehsoith the ruilroadx running viest ihrnngh tickfs to the above nlacr can be procured it the ollire of tbe new york ottrnl h it it allnold ajreut a lew doors east til the american hotel or of the purser on board the boat just call at railroad n3a toronto for rare bsrgainsin spripg mia and boy c io t h hats oats staple and fancy dry millinery 9 thomas lawsons slock large and ns ir mnstte the ni se w to ma5n room iraportalions k parcriaveraarwhoksare orrctiiir clotting made to vuasure in lie first manship dwt jit t notiob aoitrct tbo wholvaate wiu retui axe handles tick a1izk handles bucksaw sawiiokses c maile in ll im rl lioliillol mid aim haudlcl pul other loola t smallwootrs i0e he undursieiied begs to ihanka to hi customera lor ironage tie has received for and to announce that be has in the number of hfa ice hontea four which are filw with pure springwaier to supply the same io consumers oiberwiw during ihe teason llie 1st of junr in consequence of cost of labor and niaterials the jearbcjiiid will ik conveyed bv waggon within six milis of torumo all t f cary l8 king street west tuallv attended to toronto june i tit 1851 important to i- 1 offer for sale 35 different recipes ofirhich have beetisuld llie piece no housekeeper will of those recipes alone after trying il addris ym binhnick anil the whole number of recipes cd by mail v wi id lan wcst4sin 5illcijn nth iii mil sixth 1 8 llih hnngerlord easi jllth- north orillia 14 3rd tay i5llih jnultawasaga ii 12lh kimiwl 17 idili east li meilurite s 10 itlinjth theq08feirtiubuhe prtospectus rhefiritniimlwrolarnonthlypaner known an aliove indicated is proposed to b pub lished in turonto wiihin a few months and not later than hie first day 6f july 1h51 the work in ize andappiarnncc nibe at lea efpinl tii tin jlpstiitmvy ftmtni christian ohsrrvrr and as much uijierior to uiher in style and esecutlonas warrant 7 nivrinctiy oukct tuenlarge the limits of cuuirnuiiiun ami churchmenbjnihip among cfirittiiits thu greatest possible extenij and to ircummribe lurte boundi io the exclusion if possible nf all oilier characters without otherwise disturbing the membersliip of existing churches tilj tukiww- tedgni cknstmiv cktuacla shall ctmilimlu llio- ytilj nissptrrl at any tithe and the perfect ptiwpor ol auiiiiues to uvery corotnunioa and church vforuiy- of hie christian name ihnt jhe vrld jnayjb3iyt in chuai ovcuaiic i anklfuvdmkct the promotion of religious moral intellect- majority of which are peopled by uur brethren ui- hoe identifiedwiilrusiii iflco and what is more destiny on this continent all stand with open arms and yearning hearts importuning us in the name of suffering humanity to come to make coinmou cause anil shareoacculnmon faio-on- lhe continent the convention will meet without fall at the lime fixed for assembling as none but those fa- voiable to emigration are admjssable therefore no other gathering may prevent it the nuihber of dclegaiciwill not 1 reslrlcind except in the town where the conveniron may be held and there thenumber willbe decided by the conven tion whenashinbled lhat they may not too fur ex ceed the other delegations the time and piace fixed for holding the con vention nrc ample affording sufficient time and afleisute season generally aud as cleveland is now the ceutre of all diiectiuns agood and fa vorable opportunity to till who desire to attend therefore it mayreasnnably be the greatest gathering of the colored pebjileever before assem bled in a convention in the united fcjtaic cul advised that no favors il bekliutla id tliittn ur their expairlatrrrtr- scternc as we have no sympathy wlth the cnrmles of our rnce 111 colored men east west north and south fanrnble to the measures set forth in this call it send in ibeir names postpaid to m ii definy or uev win webb pilsburgh pa that tliere may be arrnnned and attached to the call rtnames from each sinie- we nmsi inukoau ibiic create an event anil establish a position iurxtccs a is glorious ho tbmkofrbm fftriikiwglofiouh tocarryollt iltcv winwebb mr dclany ii j webb th a bruwn john jiines j l i hawkins samuel venerable john williams af hawkins hwsamlrs jeiersiri miller levarlt7jriimp p i jarlrsnn j hmitloney g hrtrper jonathan ureen h a jncksoii k r parker samuel rruee jjrtlimlu revm m cark a m summer vohrrsnri wixirllb- tmmwm wwlsem ijohii nwii- isauley matlicws a prize of one hundred will be given by the grand suns of viiiee ol ciiniiiia wit lor the uicst advocating the adoption proihblry said lissajiuit to exceed in ofan oniimtrytfflcl ui cilit pajcis theiissays iraiismiula fur irncl*twal acmmpaniril wiih n tleiiijudicainrs iiiit couidtr any uoreu ci tv in tttclinl awanlint a kcv j k irvcrsmi tr vv p ami itfv to act as adjudicators the ksiiys imist tv delivered to fdariilrcsm on or before the 01m day the decision will k- rendered od or ihiinti niagara suatiftrs- toronto march 1k5j j b gordon aabn tiavol august 1851 signed on behalf ol the grand tcwi edward kingston cause olteiiijkiance are udveitiscineiit agraluilons turonto june siliildol tuk canada life h ts rdtfta tn g it cgwaey incoltpokated bv act pi parliament c a pit al 2dbbio ifuehctbakerresijjaninijl john young esq vjcepre a ssi company on tingle or joint lives or on the contingency oiune lile mrvi vine another for the whole term of life or for a limited poriod by a single payment or a limited number ul pay- ments or annual payments only ceasing at death to seenre a sirni at tiny giveu ngeiujti deat death oeeureftetheattainmciit olihatairc endowments lor children inime- diaie or deferred annuities and generally any transaction cnihingeni on the value and duration of life may be ctlected in this company -nuugihcjdvanliigctffcrelbyjhb4hc4inlr- ri life assnrance company ever established in l british north america rnnyhe enumerated tin- derate rates and small expenditures heat manage ment a nd sfieiiltj sclllcmi nt if claims lilierat condi- tinns especially in reference to lapsed pttlicics prospectuses forms of pro nnd full in- furination as to the prosperous condition of the company mnv be had from samuel smacdonell agent d ciiaiurs a cosoram for sandwich and windsor medical referee ritislmriih pa alleghany uly ruee j d birt m v dr cad well joogulist aubibt operator 6n tho eye and jfciarr fob bliflildcssjeafnessand all defects of sight and hearing surgiuiy nocking stjs y open from l a m to 7 p mjgl ifesidcncc corner of wellington and york sts toronto-ltrj-20th-lft54- any person desirous of a copy of dr cad wells tflkatisn on tub evb isn ejo just published and containing a large rcrjorfofrcry interesting cases will receive the same free of charpe by forwarding his address post paid to the subscriber karoadweel m dr tannin- way 80th ltl f lattoyi 5rewa1rd stolkn or strayed almut the tt a april 18m a inrjrn vnj horse iu iwmxirqmliljon 0 yrnrn nld nhdu ifi fin mli lirjjh wlhtnliivv wiiili mirk on liln fire arid lwu upliiufi- rwiifn on hia rnrtlplbj hum co*ck tail anii boutslnchikhtliitrflirlhbhlthwbiiii bun noil hin nictinii lilnd trxit while vtnwver will ulw inrorinntlnii wlwrollia liorwranv ba mnrtor brln hliri to h owner wilt rocelvo urtboo rawnnj jorm morlybtickraaker kinlpf kwf mllm from ho muiel tty- any tf keflptoi 0li iiocm ftvrjhu nolle wli jw proksuted uo crdloi liw jch forgery the counterfeit dy relief in- the lives of the people the public are cautioned a counterfeit of railways wliicli in now cireulaiiiitj through we are inlortued that partien at havi been selling a hpuriou dy reyellurtliefciiuiiiekdeiileri only a fraud tion us but isn poition on the public the knowingly lend himself toso vile a trick lor the kain of a lew extra unsafe to deal with and should be respccllilledeu1erstrlff few and health and tu place the ger he would not tcruple to customers dealers who wish ihe genuine- ieslaliuihed cmlitiiol of ortravellingiidveututeni and denlers who have r r r low our regular brice may rely being a counterfeitpreparation r r r in large nnamiiies for cent from our regular gross price purchase the counterfeit and- oiler sale fender themselves liable to all of our travellers and a power of attorney signed by ihemin our name to transact onr the following are our only ton c w t ii1ckle ton kneeshaw co in man iluothera co agents we also sell to simpson rad toronto april 21th 1854 th circulating aud fancy goods and mivo 7fi rs public that she has opened bfaryttminttrlning over 2000 works in history biography tsovpitwhtch will be kepi up by new- standard works and issue from the press oneyear six months threemonths one month enlillinglhe subscriber to three io wltcpl nb lougdr oneyeur six months nblf riot paid nt ihe time the terms will be 10s 3d im two 3d lur ihrcc sols for every three l nnn-sodscniilrns- to deposit the value of tho llouk asinglc volume ltd for four days two or three volumes tji jut work in four ormore volumes at per volume for conditlona see tickets mrs hlggins further olters fur sorted stock of fancy goods and which she inviteiallcmkin toronto may 10 ibm m- fftrvji 55s uv m j wtu

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 22, 1854, p. 4 (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.